Approaching the end of the summer vacation, a Weibo quickly became a hot search, thinking that it was a big deal, or what time for public entertainment to eat melons, but when I clicked in, many people were confused.

"Fang Dada, have you eaten?"

What a touching sentence, the reality of a Fang Da nickname shows the admiration and love of the majority of ACG fans for Founder, and also points out the identity of Founder's popular idol.

The next sentence has you eaten, which shows that many fans are paying attention to Founder's health.

It's as if someone who cares about you often nagging you to eat well, "have you slept well", "put on more clothes when it's cold".

These few short words, inside and out, reveal the fans' attention to Founder, for fear that Founder's life will not be satisfactory, and they are worried about "four zero three".

What kind of relationship between fans and idols is this~

A seemingly ordinary Weibo but with a warm background has been put on the hot search on Weibo by the majority of ACG fans.

Fans have worked hard to get out of the encirclement from the Weibo dynamics of so many big Vs and celebrities, which is difficult to imagine.

However, the reason why fans work so hard is not for fame, nor for profit, but for a simple greeting, their idol did not eat.

This kind of touching relationship makes many well-known people feel sour, look at other people's fans, look at their own fans, this is the gap~

"Well-known singer Lao Xue: Woo woo, fans learn a little bit and care more about me~!"

"Uncle Shen, a famous comedian: I filmed a day yesterday, but no one cared about me, I'm so sad~"

"TV drama actor Di Li: I've been under a lot of pressure lately, is there anyone who comforts me?

"Famous director Xu: Because the new film can't be made, I haven't closed my eyes for three days, does anyone care?"


"A official blog: 嘤嘤嘤~"

All of a sudden, the celebrities who saw this hot search that cared about Fangzheng's health turned into lemon essence, first reprinting a wave of this hot search, and then pouring bitter water, wanting to see the movements of their fans.

"What's going on, why are there so many unpleasant dynamics all of a sudden?"

"Lao Xue, people must be self-aware, you don't know that the second yuan fans are local tyrants per capita, we can't learn it~"

"Uncle Shen, you are so old, you have to learn to face the difficulties of life alone, come on~"

.. I smelled the lemon and said. emmm, didn't you end up mixing in something different?"

Haha, people say that celebrities, what kind of fun are you making with it~!

"The old man punches a monster, if you do marketing well, you must have the consciousness of a marketing account, don't think about rubbing the heat all day long!"

Seeing so many well-known people joining in the fun, Weibo was also full of commotion, and many fan groups found out that the reason why their idols are so yin and yang is completely because of envy.

Seeing that other people's ACG fans care about their idols, they are envious, jealous, and sour, so they released the news.

What is this doing?

This is begging them for comfort, this is earning dignity for themselves~

See, not only is your two-dimensional circle so harmonious, but our fans are also such caring people!

understood the whole story, and the fans couldn't cry or laugh one by one, what is this~

When I heard the news pushed by Weibo on my mobile phone, I thought that the idol I was concerned about had a new song or new work, and I opened it with joy, but I saw such a scene.

This is a bit of a funny mentality~

What do other fans think, the fans of the second yuan don't know, anyway, they are very speechless when they see the marketing account running out to gain popularity.

It seems that in order to prove her identity as the main palace, this official Bo Niang really doesn't let go of any heat, and she has the idea of rubbing it if she can, which is very happy.

What do you mean?

It's really familiar~

"Marketing account, don't rub the heat, hurry up and tell Fang Dada, we care about him!"

"That's it, a little conscious, you still want to compare the number of fans with Fang Dada's official blog with a marketing account, isn't this self-inflicted~"

"Huh, you can't change the identity of your marketing account~"

"It's better to pass our greetings to Fang Da when you have this time, we haven't shown up for a long time, we miss him very much~"

Part A, Liu Mingming felt that she was fat, and this feeling was so real that she didn't dare to weigh herself...

She was afraid that she would faint at the sight of her weight.

Today, I finally saw a hot search on Weibo of my own house, and I wanted to go up to rub the heat, and then get familiar with the fans, but I didn't expect to be scolded by the fans again.

"What's the matter, I'm not familiar with you old fans, I'm here to absorb new fans~!

Seeing the message below, Liu Mingming complained.

After many battles of wits and courage with fans, her heart has been greatly improved, and she no longer feels so angry at the ridicule of old fans.

After all, if you are angry, you have to overeat, and then you will gain weight, Liu Mingming is now smart.

It just so happened that because of the anime carnival before, the number of two-dimensional fans skyrocketed, and she planned to bypass these old fans full of marketing accounts and prepare to absorb those new fans.

This is not a way to make a fortune~

Liu Mingming saw that there were old fans to ridicule him, so she could only sigh helplessly, and then reported the matter to Fangzheng.

After all, this is a greeting from the vast number of ACG fan groups, and she, the person in charge of Weibo, has the responsibility and obligation to notify Fangzheng, as for whether Fangzheng will respond, it is not something she can interfere with.

After the notice, Fangzheng and Liu Mingming continued to look for any opportunity to gain popularity, and it was strange that an official blog had fallen to the point of rubbing the popularity of others.

If you want to be such a miserable official blog, I'm afraid there is only this A.

If Weibo selects the most miserable official blog account, it is estimated that A's official blog will definitely be famous, and there is a high probability that it will win the award.

There's no way, who let them have a chairman with their own heat~

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for support, please!!!_

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