Fang Zheng fell into self-doubt, if this was premeditated by the fans, then this discipline was too high.

In the past, he posted a news, and the following has long been filled with various fan messages, regardless of whether it is complaining or scolding that it is not human, it will always be very lively.

Like today, it was the first time he had experienced a quiet scene under the news after posting it.

How to say it, there is really a little unwillingness and loneliness in my heart.

The fans who were willing to accompany him in the past are gone, which makes Fang Zheng somewhat uncomfortable.

Could it be that these fans are really just worried about him, seeing that he hasn't bubbled for so long, posting a Weibo, and then going to the top of the hot search for themselves to see.

Now that I saw that I had replied, I confirmed that I had nothing to do, so I retreated?

"No, no, these fans can't be so cute!"

When Fang Zheng thought of this, he directly shook his head and threw away this ridiculous idea.

If it was the previous group of fans, maybe it would really be related to himself, after all, at that time, he was not a love-hate Pipi shrimp.

But saying that the current fans care about him, Fang Zheng is the first to not believe it!

Fang Zheng can be sure that if those fans are given a chance, the other party will definitely let him experience what the anger of the people is!

So care is definitely non-existent, it's a conspiracy!

Fangzheng's vigilance has increased suddenly, and the quieter and more harmless these fans are now, it means that the more violent and insidious these fans' actions will be in the future!

The calm at this time is only a brief calm before the violent storm, and under the seemingly calm outside, I don't know what kind of thunder power is bringing.

Fang Zheng was on guard, waiting for the fans' backhand to arrive.

The soldiers will block, the water will cover the earth, no matter what conspiracy and tricks you play, I will stand still!

Suddenly, just when Fang Zheng was still thinking about what the fans' backs were, there were suddenly more dense messages under his Weibo.

These messages appeared as if out of thin air, and in an instant, they covered an unknown number of floors.

And most importantly, this building is not crooked, neat and tidy!

Fang Zheng saw the message that was constantly refreshed and covered, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

I'm not afraid that you will make violent moves, but I'm afraid that you will hold back your bad thoughts behind your back if you don't make a move, and you will lose if you keep it for a long time, he doesn't want to be remembered by fans every day.

Fang Zheng fixed his eyes and saw that the fans' messages were not only refreshed quickly, but also unexpectedly neatly formatted.

When Fang Zheng saw the fans' messages clearly, he jumped up from the chair angrily, and a scolding popped out of his mouth.

"Eat, then why don't you get out of here.!"." Then why don't you get out of the anime!"." You still don't get out of the anime!".

"Eat, then why don't you get out of the anime!"


Looking at this angry message, Fang Zhengqi's lips trembled, and he opened his mouth, wanting to complain, but the corners of his mouth twitched, but he didn't know how to complain at all.


After a long time, Fangzheng, who was silent by these fans, finally slowly spit out three words!

The tone is simply like that of a person who has been oppressed and treated unequally, and those who hear it are sad and those who hear it cry, how miserable it is.

Fang Zheng looked at the message that was still refreshing, and sat back in his chair with blank eyes.

In all fairness, am I slow to produce anime?

I'm afraid you don't know what it was like for me to chase the fan at the beginning.,One episode a week!

That's one episode a week, and now I've shortened it to one episode a day, and you still think I'm slow, so I'm going to strike to show you believe it or not!

On the other side, the melon-eating crowd on Weibo looked at this sudden turn of gods, and they were dumbfounded.

Especially when I saw that the fans who belonged to the second dimension were so organized and disciplined, they were even more surprised to close their mouths.

Seeing the message of "Eat, then why don't you get out of the anime!" on Fangzheng's Weibo, the people who eat melons have warned themselves that they can't mess with this group of two-dimensional people in the future.

This combat power is too strong, more than twice as strong as those so-called trolls and water armies~!

"Strong, really strong, invincible strong!"

"I'm stupid, why can I urge you like this?"

"Have you eaten it? Eaten! Eat it and don't get out of the anime!Hahaha, I'm going to die laughing~"

"Is this the second dimension?,Sure enough, it's not comparable to my generation~"

"Mom, this organization and discipline are too terrifying, it is estimated that the army of keyboard warriors will kneel down when they come~"

"The rise of the latest emerging forces on the Internet, the two-dimensional fan army!"

"Hahaha, I now seem to know that those idols still want us to learn these two-dimensional fans?"

The people who eat melons watched the commotion of the two-dimensional fans, and they laughed back and forth one by one, and they were overjoyed.

Looking at the whole network, it seems that there is only a two-dimensional fan group that can urge the change so much, what a talent~!

Seeing the comical operation of the two-dimensional fans, the celebrities who posted on Weibo full of lemon flavor before also changed their tone in an instant, and quickly clarified that the matter had nothing to do with them.

Well-known singer Lao Xue: Ahem, this Weibo account is managed by my assistant, not by myself!"

"Famous comedian Uncle Shen: What, my account was stolen, and the security measures of this Weibo are too bad~"

"TV actor Di Li: I haven't had any pressure lately, and I don't need everyone's comfort, so... When nothing happens"

"Famous director Xu: This account has been cancelled!"


When these celebrities saw the tragedy on Fangzheng's side, they immediately changed their tunes one by one.

If their fans follow the same example, (Wang Zhao) urges songs, movies, and TV series, then they will really explode and spiral to the sky on the spot.

They can't do it at a perverted high-yield rate like Fangzheng!

"Hahaha, look at how scared the kids!"

"The two-dimensional fan brothers are mighty, and one sentence not only scares their own fans, but even other people's fans are scared enough!"

"Hahaha, thank you to the two-dimensional fan brother, a new way to urge the update has been obtained!"

"233~ This thing tells us, don't rub the heat if it's okay, otherwise you will be unlucky~"

Watching a group of well-known people quickly change their statements, fans on Weibo burst into laughter and laughter, and one by one they ran down and began to ridicule.

What account has been stolen, what assistant is managing, what account has been cancelled, it is useless, accept the sanction honestly!

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!_

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