Should it be said that it is worthy of the school life department?

This is a complete restoration of life, sleeping, eating at school, and even having pets.

And the walnuts with the shovel over there, are you going to do farm work?

If yes, then I'd call you the strongest!

Life Department, sure enough, this group of beautiful girls has understood the true meaning of life and is self-reliant~

"I'm damn, I'm hungry when I see this group of beautiful girls eating!"

"Hahaha, smart as I already ordered a takeout~"

"Emm fried chicken wings are so delicious!"

"Gan, you guys are all brutes~!"

Looking at the anime, Yuki's daily meals, fans are envious.

Look at the people, there are a few people laughing and laughing at the meal, plus a little milk dog Taro Maru barks on the side.

Look at yourself in the special, go home alone, and deal with it hastily with a few dinners.

It's the same person, why is the gap so big~

"When Yuki eats, you have to chew slowly at 13 times~"

Yuri looked at Yuki, who was gobbling up, and looked at Miki, who was eating very elegantly, and couldn't help but start preaching to Yuki.

Yuki, who has been preached by Yuri, directly began to imitate Miki when eating, and even the holy light on his face that was conquered by deliciousness during the meal was exactly the same.

Seeing this scene, fans laughed one after another.

"It's amazing, you can eat a high-gloss taste when you eat, how delicious it is~"

"A sluggish noodle can eat the feeling of a full banquet, Pipi shrimp really has yours!"

"How much sponsorship money did I give, and I will give double the donkey meat fire!"

"Am I the only one who thinks Yuki is a fool?"

"I can't say it's simple, I always feel like a child who hasn't grown up. "

Fans looked at Yuki and gradually reacted.

From this brief every move, Yuki's lack of independent life is undoubtedly portrayed, and various details show that the girl is far from her outward age, and is more like a child who needs to be taken care of on the inside.

And compared to Yuki, Yuri, Miki and Hu Tao are much more mature, and naturally a lot..And isn't his aesthetic getting higher?,The naivety of the fans always seems to be portrayed too deliberately.Good intentions.,Give people a very unnatural feeling.。

Many fans have noticed this, and no one complains out of the trust of the other party

After all, according to past experience, although Founder's Pipi Shrimp has an extremely bad personality, it can be said that he strives for perfection in animation production, and strives for perfection in all details.

Otherwise, fans would not have the reputation of being a detail maniac, which can be seen from this that Founder's anime is the pursuit of the best.

At the very least, Founder's has produced so many anime, and in the eyes of fans, there has never been a single one with very obvious flaws that make them feel very uncomfortable.

And even if it's a type of anime that fans don't like, it's just because they don't like it, and it's not that there is a quality problem with the anime made by Founder.

So when many fans found that Fangzheng's portrayal of Yuki was a little embarrassing, everyone looked for problems on themselves, but did not think it was Fangzheng's reason.

In the eyes of fans, maybe only I think so, and others see it normally.

Therefore, this detail was perfectly missed by fans.

If there are smart people, combined with the weirdness of the previous classroom brand, combined with the weirdness that this school inadvertently showed, thinking about Yuki's character, it is estimated that it is easy to find the signs.

Although you can't guess the outcome once, you will at least arouse some suspicion.

However, fans didn't think about it in this way, and they were all immersed in the warm daily life shown by the anime.

"By the way, isn't it time for Yuki today?"

Yuri saw that Yuki was still there imitating the way Miki was eating, and couldn't help but remind him.

Hearing Yuri's words, Yuki remembered that he should be on duty today.


That graceful eating didn't last long, and Yuki returned to gobbling up, quickly finishing his breakfast, and then running towards the classroom.

"Ha~~ I didn't chew it at all~"

Hu Tao on the side looked at Yuki's eating appearance and couldn't help complaining.

"Hahaha, it's too real, and the old man eats noodles too!"

"Are you a good man, men are so late and rough, girls still don't want paper~"

"For Mao, I feel that Yuki's eating appearance is not only not the slightest inappropriate, but also has an inexplicable cuteness~!"

"Upstairs, that's because your three views followed the facial features~!"

"Change to a realistic ugly girl, I'm afraid you won't want to see this kind of eating for the second time!"

Fans have ridiculed Yuki's eating appearance, and I have to say that Fangzheng's portrayal of eating is too realistic.

Even some fans have maliciously guessed, thinking that Yuki's way of eating is the same as Fangzheng, the two are simply in the same vein, if you want 993, otherwise Fangzheng will know so clearly?

"I've been liking school lately, and I might say I'm weird, but the school is amazing~"

Yuki started his inner monologue as he ran towards the classroom.

"There's a whole bunch of weird machines in the physics lab, beautiful instruments and scary portraits in the music classroom, a radio room, a stage in the school, everything in the school, it's like a country!"

Listening to Yuki's inner monologue, the fans were speechless, and the corners of their mouths twitched directly.

Some student parties, in particular, admit that the school does have these classrooms, but most of them are due to perennial lockdowns.

"How much Yuki likes school!"

"If Yuki had half of Yuki's liking of school, I guess Lao Tzu would have been on the spot!"

"The student party said that the school's physics laboratory has never been opened!"

"It's so real, there is a music classroom, obviously there is a music class on the schedule, but the old man has never even seen the face of the music teacher~!"

"The ideal is very full, the reality is very skinny, people's schools are colorful, and the old man's student career is only endless homework. "

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!_

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