"I'm Gan, the old man in the summer is blowing the air conditioner and drinking Coke, but when he sees the zombies, the old man suddenly feels like he is in winter!"

"Zombies, vegetables, pools, and rooftops, isn't this Plants vs. Zombies?!"

"Damn, such a serious atmosphere, a sentence upstairs made me laugh so hard that I couldn't stand up straight, and I broke the gong directly!"

"In fact, Fang Da has hinted at many details before, emergency food, food and accommodation are all in the school, there is no sound in standing and saluting, the English of the blackboard mountain, go back and see, it is full of details~"

"Do you think I want to spoil it~"

"Spoilers kill the whole family, and the whole episode was ruined in your simple sentence!"

Fans understand the setting background of "School Island",Although I feel very depressed about the strong contrast before and after,But they are also relieved。

Because at least they know that, no matter what, Founder's works are still so evocative, and there is no such thing as a so-called decline in quality.

Since there is no quality decline, the so-called Founder Jianglang's exhaustion of talents on the Internet is naturally self-defeating.

Moreover, through this time, it is conceivable that Founder's popularity will climb in Yiyi.

Back to the anime,Fans are watching the cruel scene of the apocalypse.,A few people in the school life department are supporting each other、Encourage each other.,And the blood of the outside world is completely two worlds.。

In a sense, it is not wrong for Fang Zheng to say that this is a warm healing film.

Compared with the daily healing fan, this kind of warm drama in the apocalypse brings people a deeper feeling, and it can make people feel more emotional.

The warmth in the blood,This is the most intuitive feeling that "School Island" brings to fans。

Of course,All fans have this illusion because of "School Island" only played the second episode.,When fans saw someone leave after that.,I don't know if this warm feeling is still there.。

At least many people who have watched it in the previous life understand that there was indeed a bit of healing in the early stage, but as Sister Ci began to receive the bento, this anime began to become depressing.

However, fans of this world have no idea what kind of plot awaits them in the future, just like they didn't know that anime could have such a twist.

Another day, another beginning.

After eating breakfast, Yuki still went to class enthusiastically and innocently, and as the sister in the classroom, she was naturally responsible for taking care of Yuki.

After the two left,The atmosphere of the school life department was instantly suppressed...At this moment.,Silk realized the role of Yuki.,Although Yuki's life is in the fantasy,But she's not a whole pistachio and regulator.。

Hu Tao, Miji, Sister Ci and others will create a happy daily life every day in order to match Ji, knowing that it is fake, but they can also leave this cruel reality.

Looking at Yuki's innocent and carefree smile, I believe that many people will selectively forget reality and immerse themselves in a sense of happiness.

Now that Yuki has just left here, Hu Tao and the others have returned to the cold reality from false happiness in an instant, and it can be said that Yuki is the hope and expectation of responsibility~

"It's better to do something, Senior Sister Yuki almost went home alone before~~!"

Miki sat across from Hu Tao, looked at Hu Tao and said to Yuri.

Yuki is different from them, she still lives in that safe world, if Yuki is really confused and goes home directly, the consequences... You can imagine.

At the thought of that scene, Miki couldn't help but shiver all over her body.

"I think it's dangerous. "

Hearing Miki's words, Yuri on the side turned his head to look at the other party.

"It's not dangerous, because Yuki has Sister Ci by her side, and this situation..."

Yuri looked inexplicably in the direction of the window, and said in a somewhat doting and envious tone.

"If you can spend every day happily, don't you think there is no better state than this?"

Yuuri refutes Miki's point of view, and in her opinion, it is better to live in fantasy than to force Yuki to return to this cold, gray, hopeless reality.

At the very least, she doesn't have to be scared every day like herself and others.

In the apocalyptic scene full of zombies, it is not a kind of happiness to be able to live one day at a time with happiness.


Hearing Yuri's words, Miki's tone was a little excited.

In her opinion, Yuki's state is dangerous, and Yuki can't live in fantasy forever, and will return to reality one day.

"We're not professionals, we're silently guarding her for a while~"

Hearing Yuri's words, Miki was silent for a moment, and she also knew that Yuri's words were correct.

According to Yuki's state, if you force the other party to return to reality, I really don't know what will happen.

Falling into fantasy is originally a manifestation of Ji's self-protection, and if they brutally break this protection, Yuki is likely to be directly affected by this bloody reality.

By then, it might have become even worse than it is now.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Hu Tao sat on the side and silently wiped the shovel in his hand, and saw that the two had reached a consensus on Yuki's problem, so he got up.

"So, I'm going to patrol the morning shift~!"

With that, Hu Tao left the room and closed the door in Yuri's admonishing voice.

Looking at Hu Tao, fans finally reacted at this moment.

If nothing else, this purple-haired girl who always holds an iron ball is their combat power.

Seeing Hu Tao walking alone in the corridor (Nuohao), fans inexplicably remembered a sentence.

After all, it was one person who resisted everything.

Although this sentence is not very appropriate, after all, other people also contribute a lot to the group, and they are in a relationship of helping each other.

But in a zombie-filled apocalypse, personal force is undoubtedly the most effective means of protecting yourself and your loved ones.

And Hu Tao is just such a character.

The shovel in her hand is not used to dig the ground and grow vegetables as fans guessed before, but a tool used to cut zombies.

At this moment, fans sympathized with and admired this lonely force leader, and in the face of zombies, ordinary old men would probably feel scared, let alone a girl with a beautiful face.

But Hu Tao resolutely took up arms, which is worthy of the admiration of fans!

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!_

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