The camera turned and came to the corridor.

The audience watched Hu Tao climb through the obstacles and behead a lone zombie that might threaten everyone's safety, and the bloody scene brought many fans back to reality.

The warmth of "School Island" is just an illusion, and horror and repression are the main body.

"A person, she's not a person anymore...

Listening to Hu Tao's self-talk, fans know that Hu Tao is far from being as strong as she appears.

Putting aside the illusion she deliberately showed, Hu Tao is just a girl who is still in school, but in the apocalypse, she has to face this cruel reality.

Back on the balcony, Yuri senses that something is wrong with Hu Tao's mood.

"Did you kill it? I said it was just a patrol. "

Yuri saw at a glance the main reason why Hu Tao was in a bad mood, in this apocalypse full of monsters, in addition to those things, what else could make Hu Tao's strength ~ cracks?

"Because it's right in the .-.."

"It's dangerous to be alone!"

Without waiting for Hu Tao to finish, Yuri interrupted the other party, she was really worried about Hu Tao's safety.

"I'm worrying too much!"

Hu Tao came to the railing, leaned his shovel to the side, and looked at the world outside with a heavy eye, not knowing what he was thinking.

Maybe I'm thinking about the zombie I just killed, the other party was just an ordinary schoolgirl before his death, with his own object and his own family.

But with his own hands...

"No, because I'm the minister~"

Yuri came to Hu Tao's side, his eyes narrowed, his willow eyebrows upside down, although he wanted to show that he was very serious and serious, but the baby's fat face looked like a milk cat that had always been very milky.

Looking at Yuri's sudden cuteness, as well as this sudden healing and cute painting style, even the background board has become a cute pattern.

Seeing this scene, the audience was dumbfounded.

"What's the matter, the old man is immersed in emotion, and his mood is depressed~!"

"That's right.,It's very unfriendly to us to suddenly change the style of painting.,The last moment it's depressing.,The next moment it's cute.,This... The toyers are in a good mood?!"

"Pipi Shrimp is still the same Pi Phi Shrimp, from this changed painting style, you can see the Pi Phi Shrimp's cheap smile!"

"Pippi Shrimp really has yours!"

Fans watched this sudden change in the style of painting.The mood disappeared in an instant.,Finally, the brewing feeling was interrupted before I had time to send a barrage..... The feeling has become a complaint, a complaining inappropriate person.

Although fans complain and complain, they are a little grateful for the change in painting style.

Suppressing no one likes it, and Fang Zheng is probably just trying to adjust their mentality.

Night falls,In order to go out to find supplies,Yuri and the others had to leave the safety of the school life department,Go to the outside world full of zombies and danger.。

In order to coax... In order for Yuki to act, everyone lied that this was a test of courage, and no one told Yuki the truth, just asking her to treat this as a game.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, everyone carefully climbed over the obstacles and came to the paradise of zombies.

"Then try the courage conference, let's go now~!

Seeing that everyone was outside, Yuki said with an innocent smile, and then walked towards the dark corridor generously, not realizing the danger of the outside world at all.

Looking at Yuki's back, everyone hurriedly followed.

Although they said that this was a test of courage in order to cooperate with Yuki, everyone understood that this operation was full of dangers and unknown factors.

The slightest carelessness can lead to irreversible results.

The corridor at night was dotted with mottled bloodstains, and unlike the world inside, it was full of terrifying elements, like a ghost, which made people shudder.

And the audience in front of the screen is also the first time to get in touch with the dangers that girls face every day.

But fortunately, everyone came to the commissary without danger, although the process was a little thrilling, but Yuki successfully avoided being discovered by zombies under the protection of Sister Ci.

Watching everyone coax and trick Yuki all the way to the commissary, and seeing that a few people were still full of laughter even in the terrifying outside world, fans suddenly didn't know what to say.


It is unfortunate that the protagonist group lives in this kind of apocalypse, and no one will feel lucky in the face of zombies.

But looking at the smiles on the faces of several people, everyone suddenly felt that they were lucky, because they were a team, there was no so-called intrigue, and there was no deceit, everything looked so peaceful.

Especially Yuki,Every time I see Yuki,The audience will have an illusion.,As if the end of the day was fake.,And the daily life of the school is real.。

When watching Hu Tao, Yuri, Miki, Yuki and Sister Ci return to the school life department without danger, fans breathed a long sigh of relief.

"To be honest, the moment Yuki met the zombies in the library just now, I thought Fang Da was going to magnify his move~"

........ 0

"Who said it wasn't, my sweat came out in such a hurry!"

"Fortunately, Sister Ci is on her side, otherwise Yuki really maybe..."

"But fortunately, they all returned here safely, which is really a blessing in misfortune~"

"Hiss~ Something is wrong, Da Da didn't have a big move?"

Fans watched a few people return to the school life department, bringing back the materials they wanted, and the most important thing is that no one received a box lunch, and they all sighed.

Originally, according to the speculation of fans, with Fang Zheng's urine nature, someone will definitely sacrifice when he goes out to hold the so-called courage test meeting this time.

Although there were no suggestive details before, fans thought so, after all, Founder has always liked to hand knives to girls in anime.

Think about the previous "Chop Crimson", the knife was handed over, and a cartoon was turned into a competition competition, and in the end, the anime title became a veritable survival list.

Think about "April is Your Lies", how did he do it for that passionate girl!

There are also Yumemi Hoshino, and Ella, the past is in front of them, and it is difficult for fans to believe in Fangzheng's character.

And now to see all the members of the school life department come back alive,Fans are incredible。

All Safety?

Could it be that Pipi Shrimp is good?!

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please !! small!_

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