Fans have watched the first few episodes and have always thought that "School Island" is an anime that focuses on healing, even though it is a post-apocalyptic theme.

It's just that they don't know.,They're just like the group pet Yuki in "School Island".,Just living in their own fantasies.,And Fang Zheng is also like the rest of the life department of the school park.,It's just cooperating with their fantasies.。

But today, fans find themselves still too simple, or they overestimate someone's discipline.

Today, they are finally back to reality, to this bloody apocalypse.

The knives may be late, but they are never absent, and this time the knives are more unexpected than ever.

Today's "School Island" is still peaceful.,Because of the memory elements of the previous plot,Fans know the origin of Miki.。

And the newly joined Miki was also taken by Yuki to visit this school park.,And... Introduce her favorite teacher, Sister Ci, to each other.

Needless to say, the plot naturally needs to be warm, warmth is the norm, and through Yuki's perspective, this style of painting also fascinates many people.

But soon, the fans noticed that something was wrong, because they suddenly discovered a terrible truth, or a fact that no one could think of and was unwilling to accept!

980 that... I don't quite understand what you just said, can I ask a question?"

Miki looked at the classroom full of blood traces, looked at the empty surroundings, and there was no third person except for her and Yuki.

But Yuki has been talking to a teacher who is called Sister Ji, and Miki feels incredible.

"Sister Ci you said... Who is it?"

One sentence made the fans in front of the screen stunned, and they suddenly remembered that everything they saw was observed from Yuki's perspective, and Miki didn't know who Sister Ci was...

Does this mean... Fans don't dare to think about it anymore and don't want to keep thinking about it because they've realized something.

Hearing Miki's words, Yuki's ruby eyes lost their former vitality, but looked extremely dull and godless, this look made many fans' palms sweat, and their hearts were even more up.

The brutal scenes of mottled walls, ruined tables and chairs, and bloodstained walls forcibly pull fans back to reality, allowing them to break away from their illusions and see the truth.

"Damn, Yuki's eyes... This is a sign of autism~!"

"Suddenly lost the highlights, and the spirit collapsed~!"

"Eyes... It's scary, I was so scared that I didn't dare to move, I was too scared."

"I can't hold up the barrage protection, it's too scary~!"

Looking at Yuki's blank eyes, in combination with the terrifying environment rendering and BGM, fans of the screen suddenly got goosebumps.

In the face of the sudden scene, a chill rose from the back of the back, and the big summer actually made people shudder, like falling into an ice cave.

After some fright, fans gradually reacted, if Miki really didn't know Sister Ci, did that mean that Sister Ci was just a character in Yuki's fantasy.

Or maybe Sister Ci just appeared in Yuki's perspective, if that's the case, then Sister Ci has long been...

Fans suddenly understood something, and their mood was like riding a roller coaster, falling directly into the bottomless abyss from a height of thousands of feet.

Looking back now, Sister Ci's task seems to be very abnormal, or very weird.

For example, in anime, it often appears suddenly and then disappears suddenly, and Sister Ci is always sitting alone in the teacher's office under the lights of Hunan.

And every time Yuki handed something to Sister Ci, it always fell to the ground, just like in front of him, the tape recorder that Yuki handed to Sister Ci had been broken.

In retrospect, it seems that the anime has always hinted at the weirdness of the character Ci Jie consciously or unconsciously, but they just didn't notice it.

Now I found it, but my heart was bursting out.

They have watched the anime for so long, and they have long recognized the gentle character of Sister Ci in their bones.

When it comes to Sister Ci, everyone will think of labels such as being a teacher and a friend, gentleness, low sense of existence, etc., and fans like Sister Ci very much.

But now it seems that Sister Ci is not a low sense of existence, but...

They have been watching Sister Ci for so long, is it just a bubble-like illusion?

"Brothers, I suddenly felt that all this was like a dream, and it was a little scary~"

"Upstairs, you said it, think about turning off the lights and watching me~Woo woo~"

"Brother who turned off the lights in front, you are not alone, everyone is the same~"

"My God, I've been looking at Sister Ci for so long, you told me that Sister Ci doesn't exist at all, this..."

"You are talking nonsense! Sister Ci obviously exists, is it also fake when Sister Ci patrols at night? I don't believe it! I absolutely don't believe it!"

"Upstairs, the light is also Yuki's point of view, everyone else's heads are covered in the quilt, you... Wake up~"

Seeing such an impactful scene, fans were dumbfounded, it turned out that Sister Ci had long since ceased to exist, and everything was just imagined by Yu Ji himself.

Yuki's fantasy classmate relationship, fantasy teacher's board book, all of this is fake!

Many fans are reluctant to accept this fact, racking their brains to recall the previous details, hoping to refute the terrible truth in their minds through some evidence.

But slowly, they find that the more they reminisce, the more desperate they become, as they find that Sister Ci really seems to exist only in Yuki's perspective.

Even think about the time when Yuki and a few people went to rescue Miki before, a car could take four people, and Hu Tao, Yuri, and Yuki were in plus Miki who was rescued, there were just four people, so how did the fifth person, Sister Ci, come back?

Scene after scene emerges in the hearts of fans, and this cruel fact that many people don't want to believe is becoming more and more real.

Although many fans say that they don't admit it, they already understand in their hearts that the non-existence of Sister Ci is already an established fact.

Thinking about the cross that appeared on the rooftop before, if they remember correctly, the ribbon on that cross was exactly the same as the ribbon that Sister Ci used as her tie.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!_

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