I don't know when,Fans suddenly found that the overall style of the anime "School Island" has become different from before.

In the past, although it was the theme of the apocalypse, everyone could still feel the warmth and daily life of Yuki and Yuri from the bits and pieces of the anime.

But since everyone knew the fact that Sister Ci had actually died a long time ago, this warm daily routine was gone.

Every time I watch the latest episode of "School Island", fans will be frightened, and they will offer their most devout prayers for several strong and hopeful girls.

Yuki, Yuri, Kuruma, Miki, and Taro Maru, four people and one dog form a harmonious family.

Despite being in the midst of a hellish apocalypse, they are optimistic, strong, and full of hope for the future, and even fans believe that as long as a few people are together, nothing can't be solved.

However, with the zombieization of Taro Maru, Fang 20 is once again giving fans a heavy blow.

Taro Maru, a very cute, intelligent and humane puppy, always avoids Miki on weekdays, even if Miki wants to feed it.

Taro Maru's actions broke Miki's heart.

But when Taro Maru fell asleep quietly in Miki's arms for eternity, fans suddenly realized that they had been missing this pistachio.

Taro Maru is naughty.,Like to run around.,Except for eating and sleeping on weekdays.,Don't want to be cute.。

It's just a puppy.,But it's brought a rare happiness and smile to the end of the school to everyone in the school life department.。

And Yuki and the others didn't treat Taro Maru as an ordinary dog, but really treated him as a family.

They would eat together, play together, and sleep together with Taromaru.

And now Taro Maru is asleep forever, lying in Miki's arms and closing his eyes peacefully.

Miki looked at Taro Maru in her arms, not knowing if it was a wish.

In the past, Taro Maru always didn't let her feed it, but today she not only poured food for Taro Maru with her own hands, but also fed Taro Maru water to drink, but why couldn't she be happy in her heart?

I don't know if Taro Maru was lying quietly in Miki's arms, I don't know if I apologized to her in this way again, and I always deliberately didn't get close to her before apologizing.

In the activity department room, Yuki and the others watched Taro Maru sleep forever and suppressed their cries.

They've long regarded Taro Maru as a member of family, friends, and a part of the school life department.

After Sister Ji, Taro Maru also left, who will it be?

Can they still be like this?

"Gan, Kuruma is getting better, but Taro Maru is not, why!!"

"Why let Taro Maru be like Kuruma, give us a whole ending?

"Pippi Shrimp, you're happy to see us sad, aren't you?!"

"The blade has been sent, in the name of Taro Maru!!"

Fans watched Yuki bury Taro Maru's next to Sister Ci, and they were all depressed and extremely uncomfortable.

In the apocalypse, even Taro Maru's departure will be sad.

Watching the crosses on the roof of the building change from one to two, fans really have a feeling of being overwhelmed.

Thinking about the anime plot of these episodes, all kinds of anti-transfer fans can't accept it at all.

First Taro Maru ran away by himself, then Hu Tao found Taro Maru, who had become a zombie, and then Hu Tao met the zombie sister.

In the face of this once extremely gentle big sister, Hu Tao couldn't get her hands down, and the shovel in her hand seemed to be heavier than a thousand catties, so she couldn't wave it.

Seeing this, fans finally understood.

No matter how strong and independent Hu Tao pretends to be in front of people on weekdays, she is always just a girl who is still in school.

In the face of Sister Ci, the former pillar of her heart, her strength and her independence seemed so vulnerable for the first time, as pale as a piece of paper.

Hu Tao was bitten and returned to the activity department covered in blood.

Looking at Hu Tao's appearance,Yuri and a few people can't believe it.,What happened to the school life department that was full of vitality in the past.、Full of hope.、Encourage each other?

Why is it like this?!

When I saw this, fans didn't mention how uncomfortable it was.

Sister Ci, Taro Maru, Kuruma, one by one familiar characters were bitten, who will be next?

Yusato Miki, or is it the naïve Yuki?!

Fans don't know, and they don't want to know, they really don't want to see any of Miki's three people getting hurt.

It was originally a club that made fun in the apocalypse, and it was originally a warm daily life of a few beautiful girls pretending to be strong, why did they have to expose them nakedly?

At the beginning, seeing the injured Hu Tao writhing wildly on the sofa like crazy, fans really couldn't bear to watch it.

In the face of the extremely painful Hu Tao, even those people outside the screen felt extremely worried, and I really don't know what the mood of Yuri and the others was like.

At that moment, the fans' resentment towards Fangzheng really reached the extreme, and bags of local products and greetings flew from the north and south of the river to the magic capital and flew to Zhuyuan.

Then 627 gathered to A, and fans expressed their dissatisfaction in this way.

Later, things finally took a turn for the better, and I don't know if it was the specialty they sent that scared someone, and Kurumo and Taro Maru were both cured by the efforts of others.

It's just that Kuruma came back, but Taro Maru was too seriously injured and didn't get up again in the end.

"School Island" is destined to be a bad ending for fans, and from the moment Sister Ci leaves, the ending of this anime is already doomed.

Because of Sister Ci's absence, this ending is destined to be unsatisfactory, and the happy ending that fans are looking forward to will never come.

And now Taro Maru is also dead, leaving only Miki, Yuri, Kuruma and Miki.

The former team full of laughter and laughter has been reduced again, and the cruelty of the end has become more and more hideous and terrifying.

The school life department is still there.,Taro Maru stayed to accompany Sister Ci.,Although the fans are unwilling.,But this ending is also a blessing in misfortune.。

PS: Thank you for the rewards of "A-cirno", "*, Sea and Sky", "157...33 monthly passes", "Ydboos", "Bow down to me~~ miscellaneous", thank you for your support!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!_

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