"School Island" is over.,As a Miri-themed anime,Compared with Western-style film and television works that open and cut zombies,There is no muscular protagonist here.,There is also a melee scene of bullets and bullets.。

On the contrary, there is only a circle of weak girls who are still students, surrounded by zombies hundreds of times their size.

When many fans saw the label of the cute department, they thought it was just a simple campus style cute lily drama.

But when fans saw the bloody reality, their hearts tightened, and a wave of nervous and anxious emotions surged into their hearts.

But as the plot progresses,Everyone found that this apocalypse-themed anime was not as cruel as imagined.,Instead, everyone was immersed in the joyful and warm atmosphere created by the school life department.。

However, just when the fans were chasing the fan full of laughter, the reversal appeared, and this sudden reversal plot broke all the fantasies of the fans.

Yuri of the school life department、Miki、Walnut and Miki,They're just fragile schoolgirls.,Can't do magic.,Let alone hang.,All they can rely on is an 887 iron horse.。

Their hearts are also extremely fragile, and the pain of losing relatives, friends and mentors cannot be dissipated, and even then they still have to face the threat of zombies.

They have nothing to rely on, and being besieged seems to have become a dead end, just like an island besieged in the tide of corpses, and the comfortable life seems to be full of warmth, but in fact, it is all in vain, and it will be shattered at the touch of a button.

However, although the girls were in despair, they did not let themselves fall into despair, but supported each other and moved forward together.

Even though it is the end of the world, they are also full of hope for life and full of hope for the future.

As Heidegger said, the beauty of a flower lies in the fact that it once withered.

In the isolated island of the academy shrouded in the shadow of death,The school life department can bloom more bright and bright flowers.。

As fans of Founder, they have watched the extremely abusive anime "Chop Crimson", and they have also experienced the pain of "April is Your Lies", which obviously wants to love but has to live and die.

Of course, the exhilarating multi-second interplay of "Plastic Memory" is indispensable.

For fans, they are no longer the original themselves, they have experienced some, and they have also experienced whether the two-dimensional knife is sharp or not.

I thought I was fearless for a long time, but in the face of this Fangwen Society's characteristic knife in my previous life, fans couldn't help but sigh.

"School Island" really doesn't use too many chapters to describe how cruel this world is.,And Mi used beautiful rhetoric to describe how amazing this end is.

Xiang Fangzheng also took great pains to foreshadow them for a whole episode at the beginning of the anime.

Even the gods who have experienced a warm daily life to a cruel apocalypse still think that this is an anime that focuses on healing.

As the plot progresses, fans think so and think so.

But the biggest reason why "School Island" is regarded as a classic is its amazing plot reversal.

Throughout the whole story of "School Island",The plot can be said to have been reversing。

At first, you thought it was a warm lily, but the next moment it turned into a frightened apocalypse.

You think this is a cute drama dressed in the skin of the apocalypse, but the next moment the producer gives you a bloody knife and mercilessly cuts all your fantasies.

Even what everyone thought was that there was no salvation after being bitten by a zombie.,The anime "School Island" also came to a reversal.。

Hu Tao is such a rule-breaking existence.

Therefore, the success of "School Island" largely depends on the producer's grasp of the plot.

Every reversal can surprise fans, but there is no stiffness and disobedience in No. 4, but it is just right.

The most intuitive feeling of watching "School Island" is that the mood is like a roller coaster.,One second I was still smiling with my aunt.,The next moment I burst into tears.。

I have to say that the producers of "School Island" have almost perfected the audience's emotional control.

This is true of all the veterans who have been through a hundred battles in their previous lives, not to mention the newcomers of this world.

After watching "School Island", these fans experienced for the first time what it means to laugh and laugh and cry.

This kind of knife with a strong Fangwen Society's characteristics, if you have to describe the feeling, it is a sentence.

When you insert it into your chest, it bleeds all over the ground, and when you pull it out of your chest, it's sweet.

This sentence perfectly describes why "School Island" is healing and depressing, and it also perfectly explains why it is so touching.

"School Island",Use the most healing painting style to make you feel depressed,And crazy plot reversal!

I believe that fans who have watched "School Island",Absolutely understand the meaning of this sentence。

"School Island" is different from the visual impact of Western zombie masterpieces,It focuses on people's hearts,It's a spiritual feeling,Every time you see Sister Ci, do you want to cry?

It is no exaggeration to say that Sister Ci is definitely the character with the most tears in this anime.

At the beginning of the work, he first created a happy college routine, with exquisite painting style and beautiful characters, all of which attracted the attention of most fans.

But if you look closely, you'll see all sorts of foreshadowing, broken windows, decaying house numbers, and so on.

When you thought there were five people in the school life department, the anime slapped you hard and said: No, it's only four people!

For Sister Ci, the most tearful point may be that the other party is just an ordinary people's teacher, but he directly sacrificed himself for the safety of his students, and he still expects his students to live well after death.

Sister Ci,It can be said that it is the spiritual support of everyone in the school life department,For such a person,Fans don't know how to describe it,But everyone knows,This is definitely a teacher worthy of respect and love。

The tear-jerking of "School Island" may not be as good as CL, white scientists and other masterpieces, but it is definitely a classic!

Its tear-jerking is not the kind that is on the surface, but needs to be calmed down and carefully perceived.

School Life Department,The end of despair in the depths,But try not to despair about the world.,Seeing such strong girls,Who doesn't expect their persistence to be rewarded?

It was under this psychological effect that when I saw Sister Ci leave, and when I saw Taro Maru and Kuruma bitten, most of the fans' tears flowed out inadvertently.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please, !!_

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