Now that they know that Founder is already working on the latest work, fans are relieved, and naturally no one asks anything more.

However, Fang Zheng's side was a little confused.

What's going on?

In the past, after those fans didn't watch anime, the first two or three days were fine, and everyone could still calm down, but then there were all kinds of commotions and all kinds of reminders.

Why is it so calm now?

Fang Zheng was a little suspicious, and even he once wondered if he was too angry, otherwise why didn't there be fans to ask him if he was full?

After thinking about it for a long time, he didn't figure it out, so Fang Zheng gave up, even if he was smart, he didn't know that there was a spy ambushed by his side.

And this spy is also very easy to buy, as long as you can't buy a figure, you can't buy it at a loss, you can't be fooled, and you can definitely get first-hand information from the other party.

Founder logged on to his Weibo and then posted a post to inform his fans that his latest work had come out.

"Fans of learning the driving test have an idea, I have brought you the most detailed driving test tutorial this time, tomorrow at seven o'clock, we will see you in the autumn famous mountain!"

After editing his Weibo, he clicked send, and Fang Zheng stretched out comfortably.

In the production of "Initial D" this time, he thought that with the help of Ding Duyu, he would be much easier, but what he 907 didn't expect was that this production not only did not feel the slightest ease, but the pressure was even greater.

While taking care of animation production, he was also responsible for teaching Ding Duyu, which made Fang Zheng want to go crazy for a while.

However, his efforts were not in vain, Ding Duyu has the experience of actually participating in the production of animation, and his skills have skyrocketed, I believe that next time, Ding Duyu will be able to help Fangzheng a lot.

After everything was done, Fang Zheng got up from the chair comfortably, and then found Chen Xianting and asked her to inform Zhang Siyu to manage the company's affairs, but she went home directly to sleep.

Fang Zheng really felt tired these days, and he decided to give himself a good vacation and rest happily for a while.

Fangzheng went home to sleep carefree on this side, but on the other side, the Internet exploded.

As soon as Founder's news was released, it immediately attracted a lot of fans who had nothing to do.

"What the hell? Doesn't it mean that this is a racing drama? How did it become a driving test? "

"You believe Pippi Shrimp's words?!"

"It doesn't matter if he's a racing car or an anime, I'm very content to watch it~"

It's opened, and there's really nothing to do. "

Gan, I'm so bored that I'm starting to do my homework, am I in the times? This thing isn't your main job! "

"233~ When you teacher sees it, I'm afraid it's cool directly~!"

Fans are teasing each other under Founder's dynamics, and they are also extremely looking forward to Founder's new work.

No matter what type of anime, Founder hasn't let them down, and for the idle and boring student party, no matter what type of anime, as long as it's Fangzheng's work, then take a look.

"That's it? That's it? We've known for a long time, Pi Phi Shrimp, you're in trouble! "

"Hahaha, for the first time, I have the feeling of overpowering the Pipi shrimp, thank you for the information of the eldest sister~"

"It is estimated that Pipi Shrimp is still wondering why no one asked when the new work will come out this time!"

"Everyone, all of this is brought to us by the eldest sister, we must help the eldest sister grab the out-of-print figure in the next event, Fight"

"Don't worry, there are so many of us, isn't it easy to grab a figure?"

Because of Qin Miaomiao's early whistleblowing, fans had already known the news that Fang Zheng was going to release a new anime, so when Fang Zheng's news really came out, a considerable number of fans were not surprised and too excited.

After all, they have long been mentally prepared, and they don't have the same sense of impact as before, so they naturally won't be too surprised.

The only thing fans are curious about now is that whether it is Fang Zheng or Qin Miaomiao, the word Autumn Famous Mountain Bike God is mentioned.

Everyone is curious about what this word means, is it the kind of racer that everyone knows, or is it really just a driving test instructor as Pippi Shrimp said?

Fans don't know, and Qin Miaomiao can't understand it, after all, she just heard about Fangzheng's latest anime, and she doesn't know the specific content at all.

The focus of fans, Fang Zheng, naturally didn't know, when he got home and was just about to go to bed, his mobile phone rang.

"Hey, who's that?"

"Hello Fang Dong, I'm Yi Jinpeng."

Hearing this familiar voice, Fang Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile.

"Mr. Yi is a busy man, why do you have time to call me?"

The other end of the phone smiled awkwardly at Fang Zheng's ridicule, and didn't take it to heart.

Since the last time Fang Zheng put forward such a creative cooperation proposal, Yi Jinpeng and the others have a straight line of favor towards Fang Zheng, and they naturally don't take the jokes to heart.

"Fang Dong, when will your side start?"

"Tomorrow at seven o'clock in the evening, "Initial D" will be screened on time A Society, and then it will be your battlefield."

Fang Zheng said meaningfully.

This plan is not a simple cooperation between Founder and Yi Jinpeng and others, but the beginning of Yi Jinpeng and others to break the brand blockade of foreign manufacturers.

Therefore, after the release of "Initial D", they will play a series of combination punches with lightning speed, so as to increase their brand sales and strength.

From beginning to end, the cooperation between Founder and Yi Jinpeng and others was absolutely confidential, in order to prevent those foreign manufacturers from making preparations in advance after knowing the news.

"Don't worry, Dong Fang, we are out of the way this time, and the above is also very optimistic about this plan, coupled with Fang Dong's genius suggestion, we will definitely fight a beautiful turnaround!"

Yi Jinpeng's tone of voice was full of confidence, as if he was full of fighting spirit.

Once upon a time, foreign car manufacturers were like a mountain in front of them, but now because of the cooperation with Founder, they finally see the dawn of breaking the blockade, how can they not be excited!

"Fang Dong, then tomorrow we will start advertising after the anime is broadcast, and please cooperate with you at that time."

"No problem, I'll cooperate with you."

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!! _

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