"Stinky little ghost, don't tell me these crooked theories!"

Hiratsuka Shizuka, as the teacher of Hachiman Hikiya, has a deep understanding of the character of this goods, and immediately does not give the other party an excuse to speak.

But what Hiratsuka didn't expect was that Hiratani Hachiman's next words directly made her break her defense.

"It's still a stinky little ghost... Although judging by the teacher's age, I am indeed a little ghost..."

I don't know if Hachiman knows that age is a woman's secret, and it's clear that he's turned over the common sense mistakes.

Sure enough, Hiratsuka Shizune heard the word age spit out of Hikiya Hachiman's mouth, and immediately got up, and a straight hook wiped Hikiya Hachiman's hair, and hit him with a violent fist.

"No one taught you that you shouldn't talk about women's ages?"

As soon as the anime scene turned, Hiratsuka Shizuka's eyes were ghostly, and black and purple flames were bubbling all over his body, and that aura was simply a demon-touching king-level existence.

"666, my generation model~!"

"See, ridiculing women's age is the end!"

"233 ~ If it weren't for the teacher who couldn't hit the students, it is estimated that Bi Qigu would have been lying in the ICU haha~!"

"Sure enough, none of the teachers in the anime are fuel-efficient lamps~!"

The confrontation between Hiratsuka Shizune and Hikiya Hachiman ended in Hiratsuka's victory.

Under the powerful aura of the other party, Hikiya Hachiman didn't have time to say his crooked reasoning, and he was suppressed by the other party, or frightened.

Seeing this, many fans have already understood.

It's not so much that youth is a lie, but that this product is incompatible with youth, and it's a maverick existence.

After all, from the beginning of the anime to the present, many details are hinting that our poor protagonist is just a single person, not to mention the heart-to-heart iron buddy, he doesn't even have a friend who can talk.

Sure enough, it makes sense for such a person to complain about youth.

Fans are full of sympathy for Hikiya Hachiman, presumably this kind of youth is not what most people want.

Later, Hiratsuka Shizune took Hikiya Hachiman to a classroom, where Hao Ran sat a beautiful girl with black hair.

A few cherry blossom petals fall, adding a bit of elegance and mystery to the beautiful girl.

With her black hair dancing in the wind and her proper uniform looking very quiet, the girl sat quietly in the empty classroom, near the window, holding a book in her hand, and was reading it intently.

"Beauty, beauty exploded!"

A beautiful woman with a temperament, this is what I dream of a partner~"

It's called Yukino.,I'm going to chase this anime! "

A group of perverts, you are cheap, you are the body! Fans saw this elegant beautiful girl in the OP again, and their eyes were red one by one, and when they saw each other, they were taken away by the other party.

There may be a lot of two-dimensional beauties, or there are almost no ugly girls, but it's the first time I've seen a beautiful girl with such a temperament, where can these fans withstand this kind of formation, and they immediately fell.

"Hiratsuka-sensei, I should have told you to knock on the door when you come in."

Hearing the movement at the door, Yukino raised his head to look at Hiratsuka Jing who walked in, and said expressionlessly.

Dare to talk to the teacher like this, and fans have a little bit of understanding of Yukino's personality under the snow.

Under the snow, Xue Nai, in a class where girls occupy ninety percent, is simply a man's dream class.

And under the snow, Xue is a well-known beautiful girl in the school.,Extremely high deviation value and high-profile.,Belongs to the kind of existence that shines in the class.。

He is a celebrity that everyone in the school knows.

"Who's that dumb-looking guy?"

Under the snow, Yukino saw Hikiya Hachiman, and his eyes finally changed, with a hint of curiosity, but this curiosity was well hidden, and it looked the same as before.

As soon as we met, I complained that I looked more stupid than Qigu Hachiman, and it seems that Xue Nai is also a complaining expert~

"I'm Gan, this teacher isn't going to rub a CP out with his own hands~

"I don't know what's going on with the two of them!"

"It's over, my love has ended before it has even begun~"

"Don't, my youth hasn't started yet, I don't want it to end~"

Fans watched Hiratsuka Shizune forcibly pull CP and howled.

finally saw such a beautiful and temperamental black long straight beautiful girl, but it turned out that she became someone else's CP in less than two seconds, which made many fans feel envious and jealous.

Many fans touched their chests, and they could clearly feel their hearts broken.

But before the fans could soothe their wounded hearts, they were immediately amused by Hiratsuka's words.

Hikiya Hachiman, in Hiratsuka's mouth, is a person with the same eyes and personality, terrible, this person's youth has always been pitiful and lonely.

And the service department where Xue Nai is located under the snow is also entrusted by others, and in the face of Hiratsuka Jing's commission, Xue Nai is simply and neatly refused.

The reason is also very straightforward.,It's because of the obscene eyes full of lust in Hachiman.。

Looking at the snow under the snow, Yukino looked around with his hands, his body slightly sideways, as if he wanted to avoid Hachiman Hikiya, and his face was also full of disgust.

"It's... Poison?! "

"Ah, this is my dish, please do this to me!"

"Hahaha, well done, don't take this CP~"

"Obviously, the snow under the snow is refused, but for the sake of Mao, I always have a feeling of being forced to have enough food?!"

"You (Lee) upstairs are not alone~

Fans looked at Xue Nai's merciless complaints under the snow, their eyes lit up, although there was an inexplicable feeling of showing affection, but fans still ignored the altar for the sake of their goddess.

They only hope that under the snow, they can stick to their hearts and never fall into the clutches of the devil.

"I definitely didn't peek at your one-horse Pingchuan's bosom!"

Hikiya Hachiman saw Yukino's movements under the snow, and his face was full of unhappiness.

Fans were already laughing because of Yukino's complaint under the snow, but now they heard Hikiya Hachiman's reply again, and they laughed directly.

The two dislike each other, and they feel a little happy and bitter.

PS: Thank you for the monthly passes of "Qiu Yiyuan" and "158...08", thank you for the reward of "158...08", and thank you for your support!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!! _

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