
Zhang Siyu felt a feeling of dizziness in his head, and heard the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground next to him.

Turning his head, Zhang Siyu was dumbfounded.

I saw that Fang Zheng, who was full of pride just now, had a glass of red wine and a sip of stuffy, but at this time he was already lying on the table and falling asleep, making a slight snoring sound, and his face was even more flushed.


What's going on?!

Can anyone tell me what this is?!

Zhang Siyu was a little broken, is this the legendary cup to pour? !

Looking at Fang Zheng, who was sleeping soundly, Zhang Siyu couldn't cry or laugh, and really didn't know how to complain.

Her own alcohol consumption is already very small, and the reason why she chose to drink that glass of red wine is also because she is willing to give Fang Zheng the opportunity to stretch his claws.

But the current situation...

The opportunity is given to you, but you don't cherish it yourself~

Zhang Siyu really didn't know what to say, looking at the table full of food, he wanted to cry without tears, what kind of sin did he create~

finally looked forward to a glimmer of light, but she died before she could get out of school, she was ready to dedicate herself, but Fang Zheng fell off the chain by herself.

This... Is there anything more funny than this?!

Helpless, Zhang Siyu could only call the waiter and carry Fang Zheng, who had been meeting Zhou Gong at night, to a guest room.

Facing the waiter's strange gaze, Zhang Siyu felt ashamed for Fang Zheng, what is this called.

Didn't you say you prepared a bottle of wine to get me drunk?

Not to do something full for your own convenience?

Why am I not drunk, but you yourself are drunk, is it because I have too much alcohol?

Zhang Siyu was a little skeptical about life, she never expected that Founder's alcohol consumption was so bad, no wonder she had never seen Founder's drinking.

Today she has found the reason!

The waiter helped Fang Zheng into the guest room and exited the room with a very strange face.

"Strange, the bottle of red wine that the hotel gave to the couple is not high, why did you get drunk so quickly? Am I wrong, it's not a man who fills a woman, but a woman who fills a man?"

The waiter left the accommodation area with a confused face, he really couldn't guess the relationship between the couple.

After the waiter left, Zhang Siyu was a little distressed, because she was drinking, it was obviously impossible for her to drive away, and she was also a little worried about leaving Fangzheng here alone.

What if I get picked up by a bewitching slut?!

In desperation, Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng and felt that the bed was big enough, and for a while, she also felt that her wine was surging.

Thinking so much, Zhang Siyu lay down beside Fang Zheng.

The night is long, the traffic outside is busy, but the room inside the red wine is full of pink.


The next morning, Fang Zheng opened his eyes with a headache, and just wanted to reach out to drink from the glass of water on the bedside, he felt that something was wrong!

Looking at the ceiling overhead, Fang Zheng was very sure that this was not the decoration of his villa, and his ceiling was specially chosen in cold colors to help him sleep.

Secondly, Fang Zheng twitched his hand, he felt that his hand was suppressed, and he was completely unconscious.

Fang Zheng suddenly realized something, slowly turned his head, and sure enough, he saw a pretty face that was sleeping soundly, this face was very familiar to him.

Who else could this be Zhang Siyu?!

At this time, Zhang Siyu's face was red, his hair was a little scattered, and the most terrible thing was that the other party was actually holding him.

Clearly feel the body temperature of the other party, and clearly feel something that should not be felt.

Fang Zheng was stunned!

What the hell is going on?

Looking at the clothes scattered all over the ground, Fang Zheng knew that something very exciting must have happened last night, and it was without his knowledge.

It's a big loss~!

Now is not the time to think about this!

Fang Zheng patted himself and threw out those unhealthy things, as a young and promising young man, how could he sink here.

"I remember yesterday I asked Zhang Siyu to come to dinner, and then Zhang Siyu ordered a bottle of wine, and then I did it, and then..."

Fang Zheng recalled yesterday's situation, the corners of his mouth twitched, he actually forgot that he belonged to the type of pouring when he was drunk, thinking that he must be in the state of I did it and I poured it after doing it.

Lose face!

Shame on me and throw it at my grandmother's house!

Fang Zheng secretly regretted it, and looked at Zhang Siyu's expression at this time out of the corner of his eyes, where is this strong woman in the past still interesting, decisive and wise, she is clearly a little milk cat waiting to be petted~

Ask for flowers

Looking at Zhang Siyu's appearance, not to mention, Fang Zheng was still a little proud in his heart.


Suddenly, a somewhat coquettish voice came from his ears, and Fang Zheng was startled.

If Zhang Siyu noticed this, would he still be able to walk out of the room alive?

Fang Zheng wanted to slip away first, but after trying several times, Zhang Siyu hugged his hand too tightly and couldn't pull it out.

"Fang Dong... Good morning..."

"Early... Good morning..."

Fang Zheng gave up, he waited for the judgment of fate, anyway, he couldn't run, things happened, he was quite satisfied with Zhang Siyu, it was a big deal that he was responsible.



Suddenly, Zhang Siyu came to her senses, she turned her neck stiffly, her beautiful eyes widened, she glanced at Fang Zheng, and then got into the Xia Liang quilt with lightning speed, saying that she would not show her head at all.

Fang Zheng freed his hands, and looked at Zhang Siyu's self-deception, and suddenly felt a little happy.

After doing it for a long time, Zhang Siyu was even more nervous than himself~

How do you say that... As long as I'm not nervous, it's someone else who is nervous!

"Ahem, that... Since the love has happened, why don't we work together and get together. "

Listening to Fangzheng's words through the quilt, Zhang Siyu suddenly became half angry.

It's like this, you don't think about how to comfort yourself first, but say something to make a partner...!

Who wants to partner with you~!

Zhang Siyu scolded Fangzheng Wood in his heart, and at the same time, he didn't know what to do.

I thought that Fang Zheng was already drunk, but I didn't expect this person to sleep in the middle of the night and be dishonest, so he actually did something that shouldn't be done.

Sure enough, men are all big pig's trotters, and even getting drunk can't change the outcome of things!

Zhang Siyu didn't know what he wanted to do, he only felt that his face was feverish and his whole body was soft, so he didn't have the courage to look at it, so he could only shrink into the quilt as an ostrich.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please !! soil!_

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