During the production process, Fang Zheng always couldn't help but replace Xiao Si in "Anyway It's Very Cute" with Zhang Siyu, so that his process of making anime was not so boring.

Instead, it became relished, and sure enough, although love revealed a sour smell, it was not unreasonable for many people to enjoy it.

It's a pity that Founder didn't experience this feeling until today.

However, this is exactly in line with Founder's mind, this production process, into their own feelings is not integrated into their own feelings, the gap between the created works is still very obvious.

He believes that his latest creation "Anyway, It's Very Cute" will definitely make many fans eat all-you-can-eat dog food, and then cry and scold himself for being a beast while hurrying to find a female ticket.

If you watch this anime and can't fall in love, it will really hurt your heart.

Through "In Short, It's Very Cute", fans spontaneously look for love, and then get married and have children, is this considered a response to the country's fertility policy?

Fang Zheng shook his head, he couldn't control this matter, he didn't plan for it if he wasn't in his position, and he didn't have that ability.

His biggest purpose is simply to show off that he has broken away from the ranks of single dogs, as for dog food...

Sorry, I said that was incidental to you, do you believe it?

Think about the time when I was chasing it myself, but Kenjiro Hata stuffed his mouth full of dog food, and he couldn't eat the kind that had to be stuffed hard, it was just a devil!

This time, it was his turn to force someone else to stuff dog food.

Watching "Anyway, It's Very Cute", do you feel sweet?

If you think it's sweet, it means that the quality of this dog food is still very good, at least it's the best color!

"Tut, I taught you love skills before, but you disdained it, and said that I am a single dog who is not worthy of teaching you to fall in love, now what?"

Fang Zheng stretched his waist, recalling in his mind what he had taught fans to fall in love about, and suddenly felt a burst of breathlessness.

Just said that for the sake of the fans' lifelong events, how much effort did he put into it, and how much heart did he put in?

Through "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess", tell them that 'love is war', don't let yourself fall into a dominant position, does he have his own selfish motives in doing this?

Isn't it all about the family status of the fans?

With the IQ of his fans, if there is no teaching from himself, then in the future, there will be no love and harmony between husband and wife, and it is possible for the family status to directly become the 'younger brother' position of the family.

For the sake of fans, he was heartbroken, but the fans actually ridiculed himself for being a single dog, it was really a dog biting Lu Dongbin - he didn't know the hearts of good people!

You say that I am a single dog and I am not worthy of teaching you to fall in love, and now I am not a single dog, and I am not a magician, so I ask you if you are qualified!

Have you ever seen a love affair so fast?

Overnight, I went straight from the first date to a couple, so I asked you if you were convinced~!

Fang Zheng looked at the original painting on his computer, the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious, and he is now looking forward to what kind of reaction fans will have when "Anyway It's Very Cute" is released in the future.

It must be very exciting, after all, this is a work that I have carefully created to show affection.


As time goes by, Founder is working hard to produce "In Short, It's Very Cute", ready to give fans a big surprise.

Strive to achieve the effect of BOOM~! and then the collective explosion of fan mentality.

In fact, Founder's plan was not like this, when he decided to withdraw from the "Campus Four" series, he originally planned to directly launch the "Campus Four" tetralogy.

According to the plan, he will continue to produce the "Campus Four" series after the end of the first season of "My Youth Love Story".

If you don't continue to produce the second season of "My Youth Love Story Is Really Problematic", one of the remaining three works will be selected immediately.

But people are not as good as heaven, and he himself didn't expect that there would be such a thing as Zhang Siyu in the middle.

As a result, all his plans were disrupted.

Although Fang Zheng likes the second dimension, and he likes it hopelessly, and he is also a member of the FFF group, he has never planned to die alone and grow old alone.

He wants the paper man's wife, he wants the real wife, and he wants someone to succeed him if he is the worst~

After all, liking the second dimension does not conflict with marrying a wife and having children, isn't there a good saying, children make choices, adults want it!

Fang Zheng felt that he was just sitting on a lot of things that adults wanted to do but didn't dare to do, after all, not all women are so generous.

Tolerates that her husband is addicted to the second dimension, holding a piece of paper and calling his wife all day long, and a considerable number of women will not understand.

Therefore, many people have to cruelly give up their hobbies and dreams for the sake of marriage, which is the real sense of entering the grave of marriage.

Running around for life all my life, but not even having the slightest right and freedom to enjoy my hobbies, what is such a marriage not a grave?

But fortunately, Fang Zheng himself didn't have that worry, because he was originally engaged in this industry, and Zhang Siyu was also in this industry, so he didn't have this problem at all.

Moreover, in the company he is Zhang Siyu's boss, and at home, he is Zhang Siyu's man, which is proper in both social and family status, who dares to say no!

Therefore, Fang Zheng originally planned to make the simple dog food "Anyway It's Very Cute" after he got married in the future.

But he never made it, his love came so suddenly and so violently, it is appropriate to describe it as unexpected.

He skipped the pat, the proposal, and the other party's parents, and took one step to get in place, the marriage certificates of the two had already been ripped off, and the whole process was neat, and he was about to make up a banquet.

To be honest, Fang Zheng himself felt ashamed of Zhang Siyu, after all, they got married, except for the other party's parents who knew and agreed, other people didn't know at all.

He owes Zhang Siyu a perfect marriage, and he also owes the other party a chance to wear a wedding dress.

Moreover, recently, Fang Zheng felt that Chen Xianting and Yang Li were very weird, and they liked to run to their office when they had nothing to do, saying something that was not nutritious.

Even sometimes Qin Miaomiao's stupid girl will join in the fun.

How many meanings does this mean? Is it possible that you still want to put on a play "The Wedding of Four Equal Parts"? !

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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