The news of Founder's marriage on the Internet quickly spread in the ACG circle, and it didn't take long for all fans in the ACG circle to know the news.

Although everyone was shocked and unbelievable by the news, they all ran to the bottom of Founder Weibo, or the official blog of Company A, and sent their blessings.

For these lovely fans, Liu Mingming sent the news to Zhang Siyu and Fangzheng's desk.

After all, this is the blessing given to the two by the fans, and she has the responsibility to tell the other party, as for how to thank these fans who sent blessings in the future, that is the matter of Fang Zheng and Zhang Siyu's family.

In the president's office of Company A, Zhang Siyu's face was slightly red after getting the news, although she has a strong personality, she is still very happy with the blessings of these fans.

Is there a girl who doesn't want her marriage to be affirmed and blessed by others?

For the first time in history, Zhang Siyu opened his own Weibo, although it has undergone real-name authentication, but because it has just been opened, there are almost no followers.

Zhang Siyu called Fang Zheng to help him drain traffic through Weibo, and then posted a message of thanks.

"Hello everyone,I'm the CEO of A Society.,I'm very happy to receive everyone's blessings.,In order to express my gratitude,I'll give you some out-of-print figures and fan-like peripherals through the official blog unilateral lottery.,Don't miss it if you like it.。 "

Zhang Siyu is different from Fangzheng, she doesn't know how to skin and can't come to skin, so the Weibo posted also adheres to her consistent style, she has something to say, and she won't say half a word of nonsense if she has nothing to do.

On the other side, Fangzheng received a call from Zhang Siyu, first followed Zhang Siyu's Weibo, and then forwarded this news and attached a message.

"My wife is beautiful~"

As soon as Fang Zheng forwarded Zhang Siyu's dynamics, Zhang Siyu's Weibo followers rose at a rocket-like speed.

Seeing that the amount of attention he paid almost every second, Zhang Siyu secretly smacked his tongue, no wonder fans said that Fang Zheng is a man with his own traffic, which is really true.

This amount of government can be described as staggering.

"Sister-in-law Pi, you introduced yourself wrong, you should be 'I'm Pipi Shrimp's wife'!"

"233 ~ Sister-in-law Pi is okay!"

"Come on, sister-in-law, strive to have a nest of small Pipi shrimp with Pipi shrimp!"

"Bless the two, and sister-in-law Pi, you take care of your man, it's too skinny, too cheap!"

"Sister-in-law Pi is happily married, I just want to know, is Pipi Shrimp and you usually skinned?"

The fans who came from Fangzheng were very enthusiastic, and when they saw Zhang Siyu's dynamics, they turned on the mouth cannon mode one by one.

As soon as the two sides got in touch, they didn't say a word, and first gave Zhang Siyu the title of 'sister-in-law'.

As for Zhang Siyu's self-introduced identity as the CEO of Company A, it was subconsciously ignored by fans, isn't it okay for the chairman of Company A to match the CEO of Company A?

Isn't that appropriate?

Fans don't care about Zhang Siyu's identity, and the biggest difference between them and fans in the fan circle is that they won't interfere with other people's freedom to marry.

will not be the same as those brainless fans, who heard that their idols are married, and they are looking for death and life one by one.

Freedom of marriage, freedom of love, if you can't even do this, fans themselves feel ashamed.

Zhang Siyu watched the influx of Founder's fans so actively, and watched the other party's enthusiastic speech, which was exactly the same as Founder's skinny and cheap tone.

Sister-in-law Pi, what an ugly Chenghua is this, can't you change her name?

For example, sister-in-law Fang and the like.

There is also a litter of small Pipi shrimp, let yourself take care of the square speech, and so on.

Looking at these remarks, Zhang Siyu rolled his eyes, sure enough, what kind of idol has what kind of fans.

As for keeping yourself square?

I'm sorry, but I really can't do this~

Zhang Siyu sighed helplessly, Fangzheng herself really can't control it, and she doesn't want to forcibly suppress Fangzheng's nature, whether it's skin or cheap, this is a man she chooses, since she chose it herself, then give the other party respect.

Zhang Siyu shook her head slowly, for these enthusiastic fans, with her personality, she really can't cope with it, this occasion is obviously a joking atmosphere, and it is not appropriate to be serious.

So Zhang Siyu directly called Liu Mingming and asked her to host the Weibo lottery.

A Weibo turmoil slowly passed, and fans also knew Zhang Siyu's identity, and no one would say anything about the perfect combination of Fangzheng and Zhang Siyu.

Everyone just sent their blessings and made some jokes at random.

Soon, fans turned their attention to Founder's upcoming new anime.

Unlike in the past, Founder's new work this time does not have any news, and the name, type, style, etc., are not mentioned.

In the past, Founder launched his own new work, and his favorite thing to do was to release the name of the anime, and then let fans guess the genre of the anime.

But this time, Founder didn't release any precursors.

"Pippi Shrimp, tell us the name of the anime!"

"And the type!"

"Fang Dada is so happy to get married, there won't be any tear-jerking and depressive works~"

"Perhaps, Pipi Shrimp's character can really do this kind of thing!"

"You can pull it down, it was possible for Pipi Shrimp before, but now it is impossible, even if Pipi Shrimp has a heart, but Sister-in-law Pi can't agree~!"

"233~ Finally someone can restrain Pipi Shrimp, I left tears of excitement... Woo woo woo~"

"Say it quickly, let's not say let's ask Sister-in-law!"

Fans are under the Founder Weibo dynamics one by one, asking for information such as the style of Founder's new works.

After all, they only knew that Fang Zheng was about to launch a new anime, but there was no news about the others, which made many fans feel itchy and uncomfortable.

On the other side, Fang Zheng looked at the messages of fans under his dynamics, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

Zhang Siyu restrains himself?

Hehe, don't be funny, how can a person with such an unrestrained nature be restrained by a woman!

Also, believe me, you won't want to know the name and style of the new work, after all, the taste of dog food is not very good, and it is not very pleasant to watch others show affection.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng hummed a little song happily, and he could almost predict the depressed expressions of the fans after the anime aired.

This is really a double happiness, not only said goodbye to the ranks of single dogs, raised his eyebrows, but also skinned his own fans by the way, I really haven't felt so happy for a long time.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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