Under the silent night sky, there were few pedestrians on the streets, snowflakes were slowly falling, and the ground was dyed a thick layer of white.

On the flawless white snow, a slowly spreading red color looks a little shocking, making people look very uncomfortable.

A teenager lies on a pool of blood-stained snow and looks up at the night sky.

A full moon hung high in the air like a jade disk, and the bright moonlight sprinkled all around, and the white clouds were rendered like a dream.

The night sky is as clear as a wash, giving people a very holy feeling.

Snowflakes fell from the sky like elves, and on the side of the road, the boy was lying in a pool of blood, and everything around him was scattered all over the ground, apparently, there was a car accident here.

And unsurprisingly, this hapless young man is the protagonist of this anime.

"See, that's what shows affection!"

"Car accident?233~ I not only didn't have the slightest sympathy for the end of the male protagonist, but I felt comfortable!"

"Although I know it's wrong, I'm so comfortable~!"

"Sure enough, Xiu'en love dies quickly!"

Fans watched the anime as soon as it began, and the male protagonist was hit by a car and fell to the ground, and they sighed very comfortably.

The young mind that was hit by the title just now instantly balanced.

This thing tells us that it's okay not to always show affection, it's not unreasonable to show affection and love to die quickly, you see this just started, didn't it come to the lesson?

This must be the sanction dropped by the head of the FFF regiment to sanction these loving dogs!

"The pure white drifting snow is constantly eating away at my life, will I die like this?"

The boy lay on the snow, his fingers moving stiffly.

"The whole body seems to be burning, is it so painful when you die?"

Fans listened to the seriously injured and dying male protagonist lying on the snow and telling his inner monologue.

Many fans listened to each other's monologues, and even maliciously thought that if the male protagonist died like this, it would be fun, and directly brushed the old rule of 'thank you for your companionship, and finish sprinkling flowers'.

Then everyone went back to their own homes to find their own mothers, as if nothing had happened.

But... This is obviously impossible!

A shadow slowly appeared in the young man's pupils, a very graceful shadow.

"It's okay, people don't just die like this, and you don't plan to die, so... Come on!"

Under the bright moonlight, a woman with long orange hair appeared in the camera, with a little blood on her beautiful face, looking down at the young man, and comforting softly.

From the perspective of a teenager, the full moon behind the girl is so bright and holy, and the moonlight shines on the girl's body, and the girl is like a fairy who came out of the moon palace, pure and flawless.

"Even though my consciousness was gradually dissipating, I heard that gentle voice, and that was the first conversation I had with my wife. "

The juvenile monologue slowly revealed the identities of the two, and sure enough, these two are the protagonists of this anime, and they are also the couple who make many fans gnash their teeth.

"Gan, I knew I wouldn't die so easily!"

"Sister, this can be done?!"

"What the hell... I'm a good guy when I come up, and I'll give a wife for nothing at the beginning?"

"Anyway, it's very cute, it's wrong, it's very sour, it's very sadistic, it's outrageous!"

"People sit at home, dog food comes from the sky, why should I cry directly to you believe it or not?!"

Fans began to call each other 'wife' when they saw this, and one by one they suddenly turned into lemon essence and started the spit mode, and they could smell the smell of lemon across the screen.

As the boy's monologue ended, the anime remembered the melodious music, light, warm, and beautiful, and the beautiful melody did not have the slightest urgency, but gave people a very bland beauty.

This opening OP is like the plain and sweet sweetness of love, like spring rain, silently moistening each other's hearts and minds.

"How far do you want to go towards the moon?"

"How many cold nights?"

"How many painful partings have you endured?"

"The tears in your eyes will dry up completely?"


The beautiful melody and lyrics like love poems written by sympathetic people to each other, from the moment the anime begins, including the OP at the beginning, are rendering the sweetness and warmth of love to the fullest.

"The hands of the god before last. "

"May it still shine on the other side after the year before last. "

"The answer was 'you can trust me'. "

"Looking up at the night of the full moon, the moonlight has sprinkled the world throughout the ages. "

At the end of the OP, the fans were dumbfounded, the cheerful melody was different from before, and the singer's speech gradually increased, and in the end, it almost gave people a feeling like wind chimes and spring water.

Crisp, pure, warm and beautiful.

Fans were a little dumbfounded when they listened to the OP at the beginning.

Maybe this song is not as brainwashing as "Pure Land of Bliss", nor is it as exciting as "Shrimp Catcher", but what people feel inside and out here is the almost overflowing sweetness.


"Your sister, a song written by OP is like a love poem, don't you want to be so sweet~!"

"Pi Phi Shrimp, you tell you the truth, did you take the love poem you wrote to Sister-in-law Pi and adapt it into OP!"

"This song is hot, the speed of speech can't keep up at all, I really admire the singer. "

"Sweet, this hasn't started yet, it's so sweet, are you planning to kill us sweetly?"

Fans listened to this OP with the sour smell of love, and they were all a little speechless, they admitted that they were sour, and it was extremely sour.

There is no need to look down, just here, just this beautiful opening OP like a sympathetic poem has awakened the idea of countless single dogs wanting to fall in love.

It's strange that the anime hasn't started yet, the plot hasn't unfolded, and even they don't even know the characters.

At this point in the anime, it's just that the hero and heroine have come out, and the hero says a bunch of narration, and then sings an OP, obviously everything hasn't started.

But why am I so sour?

Why do I suddenly have the illusion that I want to fall in love?

What went wrong?

Fans are a little confused, even if this anime writes the word 'dog food' on their faces, but you haven't started anything, isn't it too much to tempt us to fall in love?

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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