Yuzaki Starsky, who was hit by a car, then performed a famous scene called 'walking 100 miles with broken legs and clear consciousness of intracranial hemorrhage' to fans with a sense of 100-meter sprint.

Seeing the starry sky of Yusaki, who was still running on the street after being injured in this situation, fans sighed at the greatness of LSP's power.

At this moment, countless LSPs will regard You Xingkong as their idol, which is just a fatal injury, and they can't stop the surging power of LSPs such as us!

There is a way that life is precious, and love is more expensive, at this time, Yuzaki Xingkong said that "medical miracles" and "return to the light" are weak, this is simply a famous scene that shocked the god of death for a whole year~

I don't know if I'll be able to find her, but if it's fate... That's definitely going to be... Found it!!'

Yuzaki Starsky, who was running, soon saw the figure that made him haunted by just one glance, and saw that the other party was sitting in a pavilion on the side of the road to escape the wind and snow, and he looked like he was fine.

"God's special fate arrangement, this is completely the Grim Reaper napping~"

"Fate: It's none of my business, who would have thought that you would be able to stand up~!"

"I'm a medical student, and I'm a little skeptical about life, do doctors still have the value of existence?"

"Should I say that it is worthy of a couple, this girl is recovering too fast, she was hit by a car and is still reading on the side of the road as if she was fine?!"

"Anyway, it's very cute? Wrong! This anime should be called anyway, it's outrageous!"

Fans looked at this pair of men and women and didn't know how to complain.

One was bleeding profusely, but running like the wind, and the other was obviously injured more seriously to save people, but he sat in the roadside pavilion and read like no one else.

Is my body too fragile, or is the power of love really so great?

Fans suddenly had some doubts about life, and they couldn't even figure out whether they had lowered the physical fitness of human beings, or whether they had not experienced true love.

Otherwise, how could these two people be the same as no one?

"That's... Thank you very much just now, I was saved by dragging your blessings, my name is Yuzaki Starry Sky, written as 'Starry Sky', pronounced 'NASA'. "

Yuzaki Starry Sky came to the pavilion where the other party was while gasping, and he didn't have time to care about his injuries at all, but instead went straight to the theme and started the 'blind date' conference.

"This is really surprising, you can still move like that, I said just now, your injury is not light~"

The girl looked at Yuzaki Starry Sky and replaced the fans' complaints.

However, she didn't know that in the eyes of fans, she was even more outrageous!

"I just wanted to say thank you. "

The girl patted the seat next to her, motioned for Yuzaki Starry to sit down, and then took out a handkerchief very intimately to help the other party wipe the blood on her face.

According to the girl, I finally saved you once, and you have to cherish your only one life.

However, in the face of girls' concern, Yuzaki Xingkong's brain circuit is relatively strange, or it is completely an authentic LSP.

Is this the scent of shampoo?

It turns out that a creature like a girl would emit such a nice smell?

Listening to Yuzaki Starry's narration, the fans were speechless, they were really completely convinced, one person can LSP to such a point, this is simply refreshing everyone's three views.

The girl put her coat on Yuzaki Starry Sky again, and immediately prepared to leave.

But if Yuzaki Starry Sky falls here, it won't be Yuzaki Starlight, he is a man who is closer to the speed of light than NASA, how could he be defeated by this mortal injury!

Yuzaki Starry got up from the ground again, ignoring the girl's shock, and looked at each other.

"Are you stupid, you're really going to die!"

Yuzaki Starry Sky didn't react when he heard the other party's words, even if his body was still bleeding.

"If you really like each other, then it doesn't matter if you die!"

Yuzaki Xingkong looked at the girl in front of him, and his face was full of determination and unquestionableness.

"I... I like you, although we just met not long ago, I don't even know what your name is, and that's why you're willing to associate with me?"

Faced with Yusaki's sudden confession, the girl's face was slightly red, obviously this girl who was as holy as moonlight did not expect the other party to confess so suddenly.

"Well, if you're willing to marry me, then let's get along~"

After getting a satisfactory answer, Yuzaki Starry, the group of people who made the god of death feel like meat, finally fell to the ground, and his consciousness also entered a coma.

And seeing that the two agreed to date so easily, fans were dumbfounded.

"I'm special... It's really for nothing~!"

"Grim Reaper: Boss, come to the box of lemons!"

"Understood, I'm going to line up with the truck, it's also night, everyone is waiting for my good news!"

"Brother listen to my words of persuasion, you really can't learn to flirt with your life, it's too laborious~"

"Don't learn it, we people in the yang world can't learn this kind of operation~"


"Coach, I want to learn this!"

When fans heard that the girl agreed, they instantly turned into lemon essence.


They admit that they are sour!

May I ask where to find this cute girl who is given by the speed of light?

Yuzaki Starry, a stranger who has met fans for less than ten minutes, instantly directly realized the leapfrog jump, and directly became the idol of many fans.

is worthy of being a man who is closer to the speed of light than NASA, and easily does what others can't do in a season of anime.

"My role model, from now on, this is my idol!"

"I'm going to get on the highway, if the high-speed doesn't work, I'll go to the train tracks!"

"Upstairs, are you the male protagonist of this show? Oh, I forgot to tell you, this show is called "Gua Woman"!"

"Gan, are you a devil?!"

"Warning, warning, 3D creatures, don't imitate, 3D creatures, don't imitate!"

"I heard that this is the real experience of Pipi Shrimp..."

"Good guy, there is not a drop of blood in the other party's veins, it's all adrenaline and hormones, how did this person survive!"

After watching Yuzaki Starry Sky get the answer they wanted, fans finally fell down, and while breathing a sigh of relief, they couldn't help but start complaining.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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