In the forum, after fans watched "Anyway, It's Very Cute", it was called a mentality explosion, and even many fans thought that Fang Zheng was showing off openly and wanted to judge Fang Zheng.

For example, this post, people who have read it say yes.

"Kind lady, do you want to buy a match?" The poor little girl asked on Valentine's Day, on the cold street.

"Don't buy it! Don't buy it! Get out! The young woman scolded.

The little girl who kept selling her matches on the street couldn't stand the cold, and she could only sit in the corner shivering, hugging her knees, curled up and shivering.

"Well, I want all your matches!" Suddenly, a man shrouded in black robes said in a low voice.

"Okay, thank you sir! Happy Valentine's Day to you and your loved ones! The little girl's eyes were full of surprise, and she offered her most sincere wishes to this kind person.

"Lover?!" The man smiled, his tone rather sarcastic.

As he spoke, the man lit a torch covered in grease with a match.

Under the light of the fire, the little girl found that there were countless black-robed people behind the man.

Matches lit the torches, which illuminated the large 'F' symbol written on their robes.

"You are—" The little girl was obviously startled when she saw this formation, and her body involuntarily faded backwards, her face full of timidity.

"Lovers don't die, jihad doesn't stop!" The black-robed man in the lead looked indifferent, said a word, and turned around to leave.

"Wait! Can I join you? "

The girl's eyes shone with the name 'Hope'.

"The purpose of our FFF group is to achieve happiness together, and if we achieve happiness alone, we will be condemned by all members."

"If you can do it, follow along!"

The black-robed man took the uniform from the group member behind him, threw it on the ground in front of the little girl, and then turned to leave.

The little girl hesitated for a while, looked at the people in the distance, and finally picked up the regimental uniform on the ground.

"The world... Of course, I want everyone to be happy together~" The little girl stopped in a firm tone.

In the dark of the night, snowflakes fell, and an ethereal voice reached people's ears.

"Jihad... It's about to start~! "

In a small story, there are so many hidden factors, and those who have read the post admire the talent of the landlord!

What a suitable time for this post, in the face of Pippi Shrimp who openly flaunts his marital happiness, isn't it the time for the members to judge?

"Holy war! Holy war must be fought! "

"Pipi shrimp don't die, I'm going to have trouble sleeping!"

"Dare to ask where the regimental base is and how to join?!"

"233~ I report, there are people here who gather to fight!"

"What do you call jihad? Is it difficult to unload the skin shrimp? "

Sure enough, where there is oppression, there is resistance, and after watching "In Short, It's Very Cute", single dog fans feel deep malice.

In order to resist Fangzheng's behavior of forcibly stuffing dog food, fans have spontaneously united to ask the other party to carry out holy wars and trials, and the momentum is huge.

More and more fans participated, and soon the team grew, not to mention, a holy war was made by the fans.

On the other side, the person in charge of the forum was dumbfounded when he saw this situation.

How can you watch an anime and watch it in a hurry.,Good guys jihad come out.,What are you going to do? Judge Fang Dong?

The person in charge thought about it and reported the matter to the past, the fans are ready for the holy war, and it is good to prepare for it on their own side!

When Fang Zheng got the news, the whole person was a little ridiculous, and he was still a little proud in his heart.

What does this group of fans do in such a hurry to engage in jihad, what does this mean?

This shows that they are in a hurry!

It shows that "In short, it's very cute" successfully hit the softest place in their hearts, otherwise why would these fans be in such a hurry to engage in holy wars~!

The anime "Anyway, It's Very Cute" can be said to be the sour smell of love that permeates the audience, and single fans laugh while watching it, shouting over and over again about the hateful existence.

This anime has a strong feeling of 'that's it's just that' in October, and it's a must-have in the dust.

"In Short, It's Very Cute" makes people realize once again the magic of love, the sweetness of marriage, and how the love between husband and wife stimulates the hormones and dopamine in the hearts of each audience.

Watching this work for the first time, it can be said to be very shocking for the audience, because although other anime also have a 'white give' plot, but compared to "In short, it's very cute", it's a big deal.

"Anyway, it's very cute" completed the surprise triple linkage of car accident, encounter, and love in the first ten minutes, and the first episode of the anime was directly married.

"Anyway, It's Very Cute" has only been broadcast for two episodes, and the anime has more than 15 million views, and this annual sugar work is comparable to the dog food of "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess".

After all, it only took NASA students more than twenty minutes to accomplish what President Silver failed to accomplish in two seasons.

Marriage, in fact, to put it bluntly, is very simple, the material is the right person, the spirit is spiritual, and the body is like glue, if there is a little accident after marriage, it is likely to lead to the breakdown of the marriage.

But the anime "All in All It's Very Cute" is different, it doesn't have a so-called mutual understanding of each other at the beginning, and there is no so-called premarital adjustment period.

Some are just love at first sight with NASA classmates, and a sudden flash marriage.

But this is such a marriage, but it makes the audience have a strong sense of substitution, watching the married life of Yuzaki Xingkong and Xiaoji, and they are reluctant to get out of the car when they are full of dog food.

They keep saying that they are full, that they have become lemon essence, but has anyone really quit?

No, on the contrary, they are all writhing around on the bed like maggots when chasing fan, just like a pervert~!

Sweet, warm, and beautiful, it's sprinkled with dog food from beginning to end, this is the beauty of "In Short, It's Very Cute", it's essentially a love fan.

But unlike other love fans, it directly starts with marriage, and the marriage is in love first, and the unusual routine is also the key to its success.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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