"It's finally over, it's all over tonight~!"

"yes, I finally don't have to eat dog food anymore~"

""In short, it's very cute", the old man has been sour a total of 37 times, the couple has kissed a total of 11 times, showing affection 43 times, Pi Phi Shrimp, I will remember you for your great kindness!"

"Heresy must be judged!"

"Sour 37 times? For Mao, I feel like I'm eating lemons every day, and even my blood has a sour taste! "

"That's because you're single, but people have wives!"

"Gan, that's so realistic!"

In the A community forum, fans gathered, and tonight, "It's Very Cute", which they love and hate, is about to end.

Fans don't really know what to say about this anime.

"In short, it's very cute" is actually a simple drama that sprinkles dog food and shows affection, and it is not very good in terms of plot.

But love is a topic that young people can never avoid, let alone this routine of getting married first and then falling in love.

Therefore, even if the fans' dog food is eaten until they can't swallow it, they still can't stop their love for this anime.

I know that the anime "Anyway It's Very Cute" is not suitable for single dogs to watch, but many single fans still can't control themselves, and every time they see the wonderful parts of the anime, they can't help but roll around on the bed, like maggots.

However, everything will end today, because tonight is the day of the anime finale, although I am reluctant, but fans also know that the anime will end sooner or later.

At first, watching this anime, fans were envious, jealous and hateful, and turned into lemon essence and scolded Fang Zheng for not being human, but slowly, fans found that they had become accustomed to the taste of dog food and watched it with relish.

Now that the anime is coming to an end, they finally stop using the dog food that is stuffed every day, but they feel very reluctant in their hearts.

"Brothers, I am willing to exchange my lifetime of being single for everyone to marry such a lovely wife~!"

"Borrow your auspicious words upstairs, I won't live up to your blessings, I'm going to come on!"

"Anyway, it's over~!"

"All in all, it's very good!"

"In short, I am very reluctant!"

"In short, I am very envious!"

"Anyway, it's very sour!"


At seven o'clock in the evening, fans gathered neatly on the A platform to watch the latest and final episode of "In Short, It's Very Cute", I have to say that although everyone was very lemon before, but when it was really over, I was still a little reluctant in my heart.

At the end of the anime, Yuzaki Hoshiko brought his wife Koji to enjoy the fireworks display, and the sky was full of fireworks, and the wonderful scene was dizzying.

"In the summer of next year, we will continue to watch the fireworks, put on yukata, buy a takoyaki, catch goldfish together, no matter the four seasons, I will hold your hand and look up at the starry sky at night."

Yuzaki Xingkong and Koji stood hand in hand, the ring symbolizing the marriage of the two was folded and shining in the night, and the fans in front of the screen were shocked by this beautiful scene and were speechless for a long time.

"No matter how many times, like fireworks blooming in the sky; No matter how many times, it will never stop, because... We are husband and wife. "

The two looked at each other affectionately, and the fireworks bloomed all over the sky, as if blessing the two of them, wishing them a happy marriage, and wishing them to grow old together.

Maybe it's bland, maybe it's not vigorous, but isn't that the essence of marriage?

Love doesn't have to be earth-shattering, compared to those vigorous loves, isn't this kind of marriage as plain as water, which lasts from marriage to twilight more rare?

"Alas, sour! It's so sour!! "

"Other people's wives are gentle and virtuous, beautiful and considerate, my wife.... No, I don't have a wife! Gan! "

""In short, it's very cute" taught me a truth, beautiful and gentle are always other people's wives woo woo~"

"Fang Dada: You are greedy for other people's wives, how different are you from that Cao thief!"

"Brother Meng De, it wasn't until today that I realized that you were right~!"

"Love doesn't have to be those old-fashioned plots, and occasionally the careful and delicate expression of real couples is also very good, in short, I'm sour!!"

Anime play page,A large piece of 'end of flowers,Thank you for your company' on the big screen,There's a lemon pattern added to the curtain of each barrage.,I don't know, I thought it was selling lemons here.。

The anime is over, and the fans have a lot of emotion, it is undeniable that they did eat dog food until they vomited, and the lemon was even more sour and lost their teeth, but what?

After they watched "It's Very Cute in Short", the throbbing and yearning for love in their hearts became more real.

The essence of marriage is to make one's life better and happier through this ritual, and if it is detached from this essence, then marriage will be just a formality.

The anime has also made many fans understand this essence, making them yearn for this kind of emotional love more than material marriage.

It is undeniable that marriage requires material security, but this is not the whole story.

"After reading it, everyone must be calm, don't get married casually, because in reality, no girl will not want a bride price, not a rare diamond ring, no house, car, ticket, just with a suitcase to marry you!"

"Wrong, I think even if you don't have it, you may not be able to meet it!"

"Woo woo, why is it so real, do you have to hit me like this?"

"Wake up brothers, my girlfriend is chasing, not sitting at home and waiting, of course you are rich or handsome, I didn't say it."

"233~, chasing girls also depends on the conditions, money and looks are indispensable!"

"I especially think that Pipi Shrimp is specially here to hit us, he himself is young and golden, and he is handsome, and then he comes to us to have fun, what a special beast!"

"You just know, Pipi Shrimp didn't have a good heart from the beginning, this is a blatant show of affection, blatant killing of dogs!"

"Where is my big F regiment, the holy war will not be opened at this time, and when will it be?!"

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "I am a big sword", "chjb", "Wu Hongjie", "saberAlter", and "Taichu", thank you guys!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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