Hearing the words of the person in charge, Zhang Siyu also breathed a sigh of relief, she also had the intention of being prepared for the new server prepared by the relevant departments.

She has read the manga, and naturally knows that the manga will definitely be popular in the future, and even its status will not be lower than the anime.

But she never imagined that this comic would be so popular as soon as it was released, and even when fans didn't even know what the comic was.

If it weren't for his own caution, if it weren't for the fact that Company A was not bad for money, maybe Founder's comic promotion plan would die directly this time.

But fortunately, everything survived without danger.

Zhang Siyu breathed a long sigh of relief, and then slowly walked to the side of the statistician, looking at the skyrocketing data on the other party's computer, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Mr. Zhang, pre-sell 7,000 copies of one-minute comics!"

"One minute and ten seconds... It's over 10,000! "

"In two minutes, the comic will be pre-sold for 23,000!"

"Thirty thousand... Fifty thousand..."

The staff in charge of statistics had a slightly trembling voice, and even the hands operating the computer were trembling slightly.

When the staff reported the data to Zhang Siyu in a shouting tone, all the employees in the office were boiling.

Because they know that the promotion of comics has been successful, and if this trend continues, their publishing house will definitely become a very important department of Company A, and the welfare of their employees will also rise.

Immediately, the employees hugged each other excitedly and cheered loudly.

"It worked, we made it!"

"100,000! It has already broken through the 100,000 mark! "

"Long live Fang Dong! Long live Mr. Zhang! "

"Oh my God, it's only been a few minutes, and this data is crazy~!"


The cheers of the employees echoed in Zhang Siyu's ears, and she did not stop the carnival of these employees, because she was also very excited in her heart.

Zhang Siyu stared at the computer page in front of him without blinking, looking at the data on it that was still rising rapidly, his eyes flickered slightly, full of surprise.

Looking at these data, Zhang Siyu knew that Founder's comic project was undoubtedly successful, and if nothing else, there should be media coverage of this matter this afternoon at the latest.

Thinking of this, the corners of Zhang Siyu's mouth couldn't help but rise slightly, although she tried her best to maintain her calm in front of the employees, everyone could see that she was in a good mood.

"No... Oh no!! "

Suddenly, just when the office was in a carnival, the door of the office was pushed open, and an employee ran in from outside, panting and looking at Zhang Siyu and saying.

"Mr. Zhang, the server supports... Can't hold it! "

What the?!

The other party's words made Zhang Siyu sober up in an instant, and a pair of watery eyes instantly widened, with a little incredulity on his face.

You must know that this server has been upgraded by her personal order, and it is definitely not comparable to the junk servers of some small companies.

After all, Company A has a lot of money, and it will never be stingy when it comes to servers.

But what did she hear now?

The server can't hold up?!

Zhang Siyu took a deep breath, she knew that she couldn't panic at this time, and the more she should be calm at this time.

Although the limit of the server caught her off guard, as the CEO of Company A, she didn't mess up because of this matter.

"An announcement will be made immediately, just say that the first batch of comic works has been pre-sold, and the second batch will be opened at ten o'clock, and then..."

Zhang Siyu's brain was running rapidly, and when he said this, he turned his head to look at the staff on the side, frowning slightly.

"How long will the server last?"

"Five minutes at most!"

Zhang Siyu's eyes froze when she heard this, and she immediately gave full play to her true character as a strong woman and directly ordered the employees below.

"Then tell the user that the server will shut down in three minutes, and now, immediately, immediately make an announcement!"

Zhang Siyu's tone of voice was a little stern, now is not the time to scruple about these, if the server crashes, it is not only a matter of frustration of the comic plan, nor is it a matter of the decline in the reputation of the publishing house.

It's the data chaos, so many fans enthusiastically support and support them, if they are engaged in such a play, it is easy to discourage the enthusiasm of fans.

So Zhang Siyu said that it was a lie if she was not excited, but she hid it very well, as the CEO of Company A, if she panicked, then the employees below can imagine what will become.

Although his palms were full of sweat, Zhang Siyu's face was full of calm.

With Zhang Siyu's methodical command, the employees are busy, some are busy backing up user order information, some are emergency evacuation data streams, and some are releasing private messages to users.

In short, the staff who were still carnival before, under the influence of Zhang Siyu, also quickly calmed down and quickly put themselves into work.

At 8:25, the pre-sale page of the publishing house under the A company was closed after only 25 minutes of opening, and later fans could not access it at all.

"What's going on? Why can't I get in? "

"I don't know, does anyone know what's going on?"

"I heard that the first batch of comics has been sold out, so I shut down the server."

"The first batch?"

"Yes, the second batch will be pre-sold at ten o'clock."

Fans who couldn't squeeze into the website returned to the fan group one after another, thinking that it was their own computer or network problems, but as soon as they entered the group, they saw that many people encountered this similar situation.

After a little inquiry, I found out that the pre-sale of the first batch had been completed.

"Gan, you are all brutes, each of you is so fast!"

"I want to smash the computer, I can't get in after squeezing for a long time!"

"You're okay upstairs, I was squeezed out at the last minute before the pre-sale opened, and I was the worst woo~!"

"Touch the dog's head upstairs, don't cry, don't cry, there is a second batch of pre-sales~"

"Guys, don't you think you owe us an explanation?"

In the fan group, the fans who grabbed the so-called comics were smiling one by one, and their speeches in the group revealed a strong sense of excitement and joy.

And the fans who didn't grab the comics, one by one hung their heads, looking at those tentacle monsters, one by one incarnated as lemon essence, sour don't want it.

As for the newcomers... Although he was full of complaints, he didn't dare to say anything, no way, who made them too stupid and naïve~

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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