As a second-year teenager, Yuta specially chose a high school where his junior high school classmates couldn't come back, and planned to have an extremely ordinary identity and naturally integrate into it.

The mistakes of the past must not be repeated, just like when he introduced himself in junior high school.

"I'm Yuta Tomiki, and for some reason, the bandages on my wrists can't be removed, otherwise the Black Flame Dragon will not be able to control it." ’

The self-introduction of the middle two, accompanied by the dress of the middle two, sitting on the lines of the middle two in the posture of the middle two, Yuta Tomoki squatted directly on the ground, holding his head in his hands.

The second disease is simply black history, full of embarrassment and shame, the more you don't want to think about it, the easier it is to remember.

Finally, Yuta used the self-hypnosis method to forget his black history, and after a class, the girl he met last night appeared in front of him.

The characteristic eye patch makes people see the identity of the little bird You Liuhua at a glance.

Little Bird Tour Rokuka came to Yuta's desk, although the two had an encounter last night, but Yuta only remembered Little Bird Tour Liuhua.

As for the other details, he didn't know anything about them.

So at this time, being stared at by the little bird You Liuhua like this, Yuta didn't know what was going on, and his face was dazed.

"I'm finally meeting you."

Different from Yuta, the little bird Yurokuka seemed to know Yuta, and greeted him very naturally.

"Aha~! Eye... The eyes resonate! I've been looking for you for so many years that I'm here! "

Yuta's friend thinks that this is a confession, and he is jealous beyond recognition, but Yuta, as the person concerned, is covered with cold sweat, and his expression is full of horror.

Others don't know, but he knows that this is the legendary middle two disease, the middle two disease that he was just about to forget and completely throw away!

"Eyes! Eye! Eyes..."

The little bird Yu Liuhua tightly covered her eyes with an eye patch, squatted on the ground, and then raised her head and looked at Yuta with tears in her eyes.

At this time, the little bird You Liuhua is no longer handsome as before, but has a feeling of being abandoned like a little wild cat, which looks extremely pitiful.

In the end, under the pressure of the eyes of his classmates, Yuta reluctantly got up and took the little bird You Liuhua to the school doctor's room and gave the little bird You Liuhua eye drops.

"It was you on the balcony yesterday, what the hell are you going to do?"

Yuta looked at the little bird Yu Liuhua, and whoever was targeted by such a strange girl always had a hairy feeling in his heart, except for the gentleman, of course, because the gentleman would only be ecstatic.

"Because the eyes resonate... That's right, it was a distant past, I met you, and the moment I saw you, the true eye of the evil king told me all the cause and effect, so I have been waiting for the opportunity to contact you. "

While answering Yuta's question, Kotori Yuyaka said that the eye drops dripped on her hand, and then... Then I actually licked it.

"This bitter taste... Is it really the Dark Order? Let's seal it up! "

As he spoke, Little Bird You Liuhua screwed back the lid of the eye drops, and the fans who watched this sassy operation were dumbfounded.

"My tortoise, is this the dialogue between the two diseases? I don't understand~! "

"Hahaha, it's so interesting for Liuhua to speak!"

"The Evil King's True Eyes! The Evil King's True Eye is the strongest! "

"The Evil King's True Eye with the Black Flame Envoy, I have bought this CP!"

"The second disease can resonate, this conversation is obviously not something that ordinary people can understand~"

Rao is fans think that the second disease is interesting, but watching the movements of the little bird and the six flowers, listening to what the other party said, what eyes resonate, what has been waiting, what is the true eye of the evil king.

The fans were staring at each other with big eyes and blank faces written on them.

Who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do? Who's going to translate for me, what does that mean?

"The True Eye of the Evil King harnesses the power of darkness with a divine heart, so not to mention things that have been corrupted by darkness, even purified holy water is dangerous to it, so it is absolutely unacceptable."

Good guys, the fans were directly blinded, and one eye drop became a purified holy water, just because they didn't want to drop eye drops, and then they said such unfathomable words.

This simply made fans refresh their three views, is this the second disease that Pipi Shrimp knows?

After several times of confirmation, Yuta finally admitted that this girl is the legendary middle second disease patient, and she is also a severe middle second disease patient!

"I almost fell into the enemy's trap, and you have to pay attention in the future, Dark Flame Herald."


Deathly silence!

Yuta stiffened in place after hearing the name of the little bird Yu Liuhua to himself, this title he was about to throw away, so he deliberately chose a school without acquaintances.

But why?

Why does anyone still know about his black history in the past?!

"Swallowed by the flames of darkness..."

Shut up! ~!

Yongtai strode forward and stared at the little bird You Liuhua, his face covered with cold sweat.

"Why do you even know this? Where did you hear that? "

"My Evil King's True Eye has the power to see through everything, and the intelligence of Yuta, who has the power of a seventh-level magician..."

"Where did you hear that?"

Yuta pressed the bird on the chair, and then kept turning the chair, so that the bird bird was spinning in place like a top.

"Just take a look, everything in the past and in the future..."

Bang bang bang!

Yuta didn't say anything when he saw the little bird Yu Liuhua, and tapped the top of the opponent's head with a ruler to measure his height, and the crisp voice made the fans feel very pleasant inexplicably.

"Yuta... It hurts..."

The little bird Yu Liuhua held her head, her jewel-like eyes filled with tears, and she looked at Yuta pitifully.

"I ask you where you heard that!"

However, Yuta turned a blind eye to this and continued to abuse the little bird Yurokuka, and the methods were extremely cruel, which was so sad that the listener was sad and the listener cried.

After experiencing Yuta's abuse, Kotori Yurokuka sat on the sofa like an angry little daughter-in-law, saying that she had heard it from the garden just now.

"Eat and sleep and play six flowers??"

"I feel very magical inexplicably, is there any~"

"Don't fight, don't fight, this kid didn't behave very smart, and he would be even more stupid if he hit again~!"

"This dog food... I can't eat it! "

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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