Fans have no opinion on Yuta, they are angry at Yuta's way of venting their anger,

That's the main willingness of fans to feel unpleasant.

Innocent is what fans say about Yuta's behavior.

There is no doubt that the departure of Rokka has also caused Yuta's life to fall into trouble, and even uncomfortable, after all, people are used to certain things, and it is not so easy to change.

When Yuta arrives at the school and comes to their association, he opens the door and sees a very cute blonde girl.

"That's... Excuse me..."

Yuta was a little puzzled, there were only a handful of people from this association, Rokuka, himself, May-senpai, Sanae Kamoru, Dansheng Valley, and Isshiki.

Other than that, almost no one else has been here.

So when Yuta saw a blonde beautiful girl suddenly appearing in the room, he couldn't help but be at a loss.

"Who are you?"

"I hate the senior.,I'm a convex guard.,Convex Sanae!"


Wait! Who does she say she is?

Hearing the words of the blonde beautiful girl, the fans were stunned and their mouths opened wide.

"Who are you, beauty?"

"What the hell is this? It's changing too fast, isn't it?! "

"Oh my God, is every girl with a second middle school disease a potential stock?"

"It's so good, it's changed suddenly, I feel so uncomfortable~"

"Is this a new appearance of Sanae Mori? Loved, loved! "

"Although I have known for a long time that it is Bai Fumei, the gap between before and after is too big~"

"It's cute, it's beautiful, but I can't accept it, I'm still used to that middle two Sanae."

Fans were completely amazed by Sanae's transformation before and after, and many fans felt uncomfortable in the face of Sanae, who had completed her gorgeous transformation.

Not only the fans, but even Yuta himself felt uncomfortable in the face of this sudden scene.

In his own words, it's 'disgusting'!

"It's you who is disgusting, what's the matter with your hair?!"

Yuta looked at Sanae in disbelief, although such a Sanae was a normal girl, but he just couldn't accept it~

Could it be that he not only cured the second middle school disease of the little bird Yu Liuhua that day, but also took off the disguise of the convex guard Sanae?

"No, I just feel that the double ponytail is too childish, senior!"

In the face of Yuta's questioning, Sanae Tsumoru was quite calm, as if she hadn't seen her for a few days and had turned back into a normal person!

"Don't call me senior!"

"Come on, senior!"

Yuta was about to fall off the goosebumps that were disgusting by Sanae, and he reached out and grabbed the other party's long waterfall-like hair, and said angrily.

"It's so wrong for you to speak in such a tone!"

"Let go of my senior, hair is a woman's life, how can you grab it so casually!"

I have to say that Sanae has become too fast, and the tone and demeanor of this speech are exactly what a normal girl should be, and I can't see the previous middle two breath at all.

"By the way, you've become too sudden, has something happened?"

Yuta looked at Sanae with some concern, although he did accommodate Sanae himself that day, but the two were still friends, and they could feel it from the beginning of greeting without restraint.

Sanae wasn't really mad at him.

Hearing Yuta's words, Sanae's face changed slightly, and this subtle change of expression actually made fans feel bitter.

Squatting down, Sanae answered Yuta's words while dismantling the tape-fastened 'magic array' in the center of the room.

"Actually, I thought about it a lot after that day, like Master... No, it's what Sister Xiaoniao You said, what the senior said...


However, before Sanae could explain the reason, Isshiki ran over and interrupted the conversation between the two.

At first, he was surprised by Sanae's transformation, and then he reacted immediately, and ran to the classroom of May-senpai with Yuta.

When I came to the classroom, I only saw that the senior sister of May was actually dressed the same as before Liuhua, wearing an eye patch, and she was very ashamed.

"I'll rub it, don't say it, it's really like it!"

"But it's that the hair color and height are very similar to Liuhua!"

"Although the appearance is very similar, the temperament and tone are different, this is not the real evil king's true eyes!"

"I didn't feel good about seeing the evil king's true eyes of Liuhua before, but after seeing the evil king's true eyes of Senior Sister May, I was really full of shame~"

Fans were also shocked, what's going on today?

First of all, the big change of the convex Sanae, and then the May senior sister who imitated the six flowers, is it April Fool's Day?

"Oh, what the hell is going on, it's a shame to dress up that way~!"

The first thing Sanae said when she saw Senior Sister May, she actually stood aside and said cool words, which made many fans feel misunderstood.

Who can catch up with you in terms of shame, you used to call 'as long as I'm not embarrassed, then it's someone else who is embarrassed'!

"You're qualified to say that?"

Yuta heard that Sanae was standing and talking without back pain, and involuntarily gave the other party a hand knife.

"It hurts! It hurts, Death! "

Listening to this familiar colloquialism, the fans felt very cordial, and sure enough, the beautiful girl just now was just an illusion, it was illusory, this is the real Sanae Sanae, this is the Sanae they are familiar with and like!

With such a change, Yuta didn't feel it in his heart, it must be nonsense.

He himself has decided to graduate from secondary school and second disease, and the childish idea that 'he is different from others, only he has found out, so he feels special' has also been lost.

But isn't he tightly bound by this thought~

I want to graduate from secondary school and then think about being a very ordinary high school student, but this is just imagining the image of an 'ordinary high school student', and then I just substitute for it.

In essence, I still have a self-righteous idea, which is no different from the second disease, and continues to be tightly bound by this thought.

In the end, nothing has changed, but he thinks he has changed.

In fact, the second disease is not a terrible thing, and there is nothing wrong with being self-righteous, because people are inherently selfish creatures.

The terrible thing is not the second disease, but only confined to one's own heart, and cannot see other scenery outside of oneself, locking oneself in a small circle and unwilling to move, and the isolation is getting smaller and smaller, which is the most terrible thing.

Therefore, many fans feel a little sad and incomprehensible about Liuhua from the beginning of their extreme support and belief in the second disease, to the final total denial.

Because in the eyes of fans, Liuhua doesn't have to be like this.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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