As soon as "The Marriage of Quintiles" was released, it won a lot of attention because of the gimmick of the quintuplets, and with the exquisite painting style and distinctive personality, it instantly became the focus of the most attention in the two-dimensional circle.

And stock trading, this thrilling part is also the most talked about by fans, and it is also an important activity that fans never tire of.

Looking at the forum of the A society, it has been about to fall since yesterday, and the topic of stock speculation is talked about everywhere.

You said that May is the main palace.,I said that the four leaves are angels.,In short, the forum is very lively.,It's like a campaign.,Fans are arguing.,No one can convince anyone.。

At seven o'clock, "The Wedding of the Fifth Part" began to broadcast the content of the latest episode, and the fans who were fighting in turn in the forum were very tacitly silent, and several parties were hanging up the free war card and temporarily truce.

"Title attention, confession of the roof!"

"I'm rubbing, is this the dealer ready to enter?!"

"I'm so excited, whether it's a loss or a profit depends on this wave!"

"Full warehouse May, May is the day!"

"Sanjiu is the first in the world!"


As soon as the anime opened, the smell of gunpowder exploded, and the atmosphere of the barrage suddenly became tense.

One flower, two nai, three nine, four leaves, May, these quintuplets, as we all know, are five scumbags, five stupid, although they are all better than flowers, but no one is perfect, and this academic performance is a little collapsed.

As soon as they came up, in order to get rid of Kazetaro, the tutor who suddenly broke into their lives, an exam came into being.

The two parties agreed that as long as they all passed, Futaro would stop bothering them, and on the contrary, if they didn't, they would have to study with Futaro.

So as soon as the anime opened, it showed the audience a wave of bets, which also made many fans beat their chests, because this scene is too familiar, this is simply a proper free link~

"This flag stands, five zero-point warnings!"

"Kazetaro has already scheduled five kills, let's disperse~"

"The five bronzes are still delusional about a king, this... Drunk high? "

"Nothing, don't you know that this kind of flag can't stand? What's the difference between you guys and giving it for nothing?! "

"Sure enough, it's quintuplets, and there is no one with this IQ!"

"Based on your academic performance, I really don't understand where you got the confidence to take the exam~"

"It's okay to do it casually, I'm afraid that you will suddenly be serious... You still rely on Meng, maybe you'll pass with luck~"

Fans are not optimistic about the five sisters, because everyone knows that in terms of learning, the five sisters are five stupid, otherwise fans would not ridicule it, this anime should be called 'there are four stupid people like me'.

On the other hand, Kazetaro, although his family is poor, his academic performance is first-class, and he is a proper scholar.

Five scumbags against one school bully, this combat power is not as simple as one plus one, fans really can't understand how the five sisters turned the tables.

"Where's the passing grade?"

The five sisters sat on the sofa and looked at Futaro with the same hatred, and Sanjiu asked the question that everyone was most concerned about.

", 50 even if you pass!"

"There's no obligation to do that, but don't underestimate us!"

The words fell, and the exam began.

The expressions of the five sisters also changed in turns, from the disapproval at the beginning, to the meditation in the middle, and the smile on their faces at the end, which can be described as rich expressions, and they show their inner activities very well.

"Ghost, smiling so confidently, is this the confidence of a scumbag?"

"233~ Do you say they add up to 100 points?"

"This can't help but remind me of myself, when I was a child, I always smiled so naturally and cheerfully when I scored zero in the test~"

"I announce that this time has officially changed its name to "Autism of the Quintile"!"

At the end of the exam, Futaro finished reading the test papers, looked at the five exam papers in his hand, and sighed from the bottom of his heart, I have to say that at this moment, Futaro felt that he should admire the five sisters.

Because they are so amazing, and the test results are amazing!

"The paper is finished, it's perfect, 100 points!"


When fans saw this scene, their eyes widened, their mouths opened slightly, and their hearts were full of incredulity.

"That's not right, something must be wrong with this!"

"How can a scumbag score 100 points, this is definitely cheating!"

"Could it be that Pipi Shrimp also arranged a counterattack by a scumbag?"

"Woo woo woo ~ As a scumbag, I'm really relieved to see them like this!"

"This operation is true, I didn't expect it, even if it is a scumbag counterattack, then there will be a process, you are too fast~!"

When fans heard Futaro's words, they were speechless, and they couldn't understand the plot arrangement.

Yesterday was still five scumbags, how did you complete the counterattack of the scumbags today?

How can people change so quickly overnight?

The ancients said that learning is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat, even if you study all night, it is impossible to get 100 points at once, this is too much!

How can you embarrass those scumbags in reality like this?

But soon, fans found out that they were wrong, outrageously wrong, and the ending also made them breathe a sigh of relief.

"One hundred, add up!"

With a skeptical expression on his face, Kazetaro looked at the quintuplets who were sitting opposite him with some embarrassment, and the complaints in his heart were written on his face.

Five people add up to 100 points, how is this done?

If you can do this, you are also talents~

And the fans in front of the screen shed tears of joy when they heard this.

Almost, almost they admit that they have a problem with their IQ, why are everyone scumbags, people can complete the counterattack overnight, they have been so many years, or the existence of the bottom of the class?

"I'll just say, how can it be so easy for a scumbag to counterattack!"

"Kazetaro, remember not to pant next time you speak, people will be scared to death!"

"It's okay, it's okay, it seems that the scum of the world is the same, I was scared to death just now, I thought I was a retard~"

"Wake up brother, people don't study well, but people have to be beautiful, and their families are well-off, if you don't study well, it's really over!"

"I'm sorry, the upstairs is piercing!"

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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