With the popularity of "The Wedding of Fifths", the enthusiasm of fans is also getting higher and higher.

And the fans are almost divided into two kinds, and they are distinct.

One is the kind of fan who is more loyal, from the beginning to the end, who supports whomever he supports, will not change his mind on the spot, and will not pay attention to the direction of the stock market, but will go to the black with a clear door.

There is also a typical type of scumbag, they have no fixed beliefs, they buy crazy when they see which stock has an upward trend, and at the same time, the stocks they previously held will be sold by them.

Typical scumbag behavior, I'm phew!

"This week's battle report, the Yihua strategy began, Sanjiu is still the most favorable, and at the same time, Yihua and Sanjiu started a secret competition, and the arrogant Ernai still didn't act, but after the fireworks display, it seems that he has begun to accumulate strength!"

"Four leaves, four leaves are still full of vitality, and the nerves are big, but from the beginning the four leaves' favorability is not low, and the competition for Feng Taro has entered the white heat!"

"What? You say that the former main palace May, May her! She smacked a bag! "

In a few days, "The Wedding of Five-Equal Flowers" has also entered the right track, the plot has been fully rolled out, and the feelings of the five sisters for Futaro have also changed a lot from the beginning.

Among them, Sanjiu has changed the most, from the beginning of the sisters to boycott Futaro, to now it has been accepted, and even took the initiative to help Futaro, which is also the main reason why Sanjiu's shares have been rising.

And the four leaves,As a vigorous fool,From the beginning, the favorability of Feng Taro was not low.,So the stock has been very stable.,There's not much fluctuation.。

It was followed by a flower and May, and a flower took the initiative to launch a strategy, so a flower stock was instantly green, approaching Sanjiu, the best candidate in the main palace at this time.

And May... It's hard to put into words~

If there is any supporter in "The Wedding of Fives", which supporter is the most uncomfortable, it must be the May Party.

They watched with their own eyes in May, a hand of Wang Bang's starting cards, stunned by their own sparse play, and their status fell all the way from the previous position in the main palace, and now...

In "The Wedding of Fifths", no matter who the fans support, everyone has a consensus, that is, sympathizing with the Mayparty, and at the same time in the stock market war, other fans also avoid the Mayday Party as much as possible.

After all, the May Party is already miserable enough, and if they target others again, it will be a bit of a bully.

You have to be forgiving and forgiving, so when fans talk about May and when facing the May Party, they will say lightly, 'Your family has a bag in May'~

Although the fans are well-intentioned and do not target the Mayparty, for the Maypart, the iconic phrase 'smacking a bag' is not very hurtful, but it is extremely insulting.

But they just can't refute it, after all, May is a foodie, it's almost a stone hammer thing.

And May, from the first to see Kazetaro's parents, the advantage of gaining the favor of his sister is now gone.

Even among the five sisters, May, like the tsundere Ernai, has become the most marginal character, or it is not as good as Ernai.

The second person is arrogant and arrogant, but at least they cook a good dish, coupled with the trend and fashion, the female power is almost full in the five sisters.

And the second person has also begun to gather strength, and will launch an offensive at any time, but what about their own May~

The May Party burst into tears when they saw this scene, needless to say, in order to prevent too many people on the rooftop from being crowded in the future, let's go to occupy a place in advance~

"May is the day!"

"May, don't bumper your bag, let's have a snack~"

"May... Alas, you have abused me thousands of times, and I still treat you like my first love, it's okay, isn't it just a big typhoon, and the old man can withstand it! "

"Eat, let's eat hard, isn't it just a stinky man, we're not rare!"

"Woo woo, you guys go to the one, two, three, four battles, we're in charge of the edge OP in May!"

The May Party has given up and completely given up competition, what's the use of them being anxious, but they can't stand up to their own May not fighting~

There's no way, the May Party has been completely reduced to the marginal OP role, watching others compete, and being a melon-eating crowd on the side.

Of course, there is also a way for the people who eat melons, after all, eating melons and eating melons, the competition is evenly matched in order to eat melons with peace of mind~

Therefore, the May Party incarnates as a troublemaker, and every time it sees that side is in a weak position, it will not hesitate to join, incarnate as a false supporter, fight with the other side, and fish in troubled waters.

After the battle situation stabilized, he retired after success and continued to eat melons.

Therefore, although the May Party is a little miserable, if you don't consider that you have lost all your money by speculating in stocks, this small life is the most nourishing among fans.

And the other four parties are different, at present, Yihua, Sanjiu and Siye are fighting in a three-way melee, and Ernai has not entered the field for the time being, so he is hiding on the side and shivering, for fear of harming the pond fish.

"Stock market analysis: Yihua, hugged by Futaro for sixty-nine seconds, holding hands for two seconds, being touched in the face for ten seconds during the audition, and thirteen seconds on the knee pillow, Yihua stocks rose sharply!"

"Ernai... The second is arrogant and insists on fishing! "

"Sanjiu, hugged by the male protagonist for ten seconds, the favorability has risen steadily, although the stock market has not risen much, but it is very stable, and there is no downward trend!"

"Four leaves, take care of the male protagonist's sister, save the country with a curve, the stock market rises, but it is inferior to Sanjiu and Yihua."

"May... Touch the fish and add the bag~"

"To sum up, one flower wins, three Jiu wins a small victory, four-leaf stocks rise to a certain extent, and the second is a downward trend with May."

In the forum, fans looked at this post, and they all became senior stock speculators, and the heads of the fans were Tao.

I have to say that fans are a group with great potential, and within a few days of the broadcast of "The Wedding of Five", professional stock market analysts, data recording specialists, and action psychological guidance experts were suddenly born.

Especially as fans become more and more professional, various stock market analyses have sprung up, which makes many people have to sigh that there are many talented people with university knowledge among fans~

In the forum, all kinds of gods are haunted, and the people who read the 'popular science' posts are called enthusiastic, especially some newcomers who have just joined, and they are directly dizzy as soon as they come in.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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