The latest episode of "The Wedding of the Quintile" ended, and fans gathered in the forum.

"Brothers, the May shares have been sold in tears, and you are ready to exchange for Sanjiu shares, have you taken over?"

"Er, you are a dead tsundere, you can't take the initiative at all~"

"Woo woo, Sister Yihua, can you not be assisting, think about yourself, we are all heartbroken for you!"

"Four leaves, let's have a little bit of vitality, full of vitality, more lively and cute, but can you stop being so stupid, it's shameful to be called a vitality stupid, let's have a snack~"

"Hahaha, open your eyes and tell me out loud, what is the best in the world?!"

"Sanjiu is the first in the world!"

"233~ Only my Sanjiu Party is the king, and you can't get on the stage!"

"Hey, hey, let's go to the rooftop, you can take the position of our Sanjiu Party as you like, because we don't need it!"

Raised eyebrows, Sanjiu Party completely raised his eyebrows, there is nothing more convincing than sharing a bed, Futaro and Sanjiu both sleep in the same bed, what else do you have to fight for?

Admit it, the location of the main palace is Sanjiu's, what a flower, two nai, four leaves, May, you don't have a play!

"Oh, seeing Sanjiu's success, the old man couldn't help but be very poetic, and hereby chanted a poem and invited you to learn it together."

"Ahem, there is a flower first, and then there is a day, and the second is more before a flower; If you want to ask where the four leaves are, it is more like an angel in the world; Mo Xiao is not expected in May, and the late bloomer is unknown; True love has been tempered thousands of times, how can Sanjiu be idle?! "

As soon as a seven-character quatrain appeared, it instantly shocked all the fans in the forum, and the fans who saw this poem simply shocked my mother's rhythm for a whole year.

In the whole poem, it is not difficult to see the shadows of some eternal quatrains, and it is not difficult to see the traces of patchwork, but put together, it gives people a special sense of neatness and rhythm.

If that's all there is, fans won't be shocked, after all, it's just a limerick poem, and if you use your brain, you can still say a sentence or two.

But the strange thing about this poem is that it is not only catchy to read, but also makes sense.

"666, is this the big guy? Please take my knees! "

"Brother Miao, while raising Sanjiu, I don't forget to comfort other fans with fake sympathy, it's just a talent~!"

"This is a great modern poet, dare to ask Your Excellency's surname, are you interested in discussing it together?"

"How could Sanjiu be idle? Listen, listen, this is the big guy, even the tone of praise is unique, this is called forced qualification~"

"Admire! I really admire it, the big guy taught me to write poetry~! "

In the forum, a seven-character quatrain was quickly pushed to the most popular level by fans for other fans to observe.

Although the essence of the whole poem is in the last two sentences, it is not difficult to see that the big guy who made this poem is a Sanjiu party, but people do not belittle other heroines, so naturally there is no need to offend people.

For example, the big guy compares the four leaves to an angel who has fallen into the world, saying that the future of May can be expected, and there is nothing wrong with these, but it makes the four leaves and the May party very comfortable.

Although in the end, the conversation changed and said that Sanjiu is the king, but who made the family a Sanjiu party~

People must support Sanjiu when they write poems, and if they want to blame themselves, they blame themselves for not having literary talent and not being able to make such poems.

"The big guy is so Yaxing, the little brother is not talented, and he occasionally gets a good sentence, and invites you to enjoy it... There are no colorful phoenix wings, and there are three points in the heart! "

"The quintuplets have their own merits, but I am the only one who lasts forever!"

"There are 3,000 beauties in the harem, and all the favors are in Sanjiu!"

"To love only Sanjiu out of sisters and show alone!"

"One flower in the east and two in the west, the Tao is three nine and true love!"

Someone started it, and fans naturally followed the trend, although they couldn't make such a literary and complete poem, but it was okay to come to such a sentence or two by chance.

And other fans saw that the Sanjiu Party was leading the way here, so naturally they didn't do it, and no one was willing to succumb to it.

Even if you succeed in Sanjiu, what if you take the position?

Haven't you heard a word?

As long as the hoe is swung well, there is no corner that cannot be dug down, can there be a goalkeeper who can still not score?!

Don't rejoice too soon!

With the addition of other fans, slowly, a burst of demonic wind suddenly surged in the forum, and a crooked poetry contest was launched.

In this way, the 'Five Studies' slowly took shape, and the people who were flourishing in poetry in the forum at this time were the first batch of Five Scholars.

"Red crisp hands, yellow vine wine, our flowers marry the palace wall willows; The east wind is evil, and the joy is thin. Three sorrowful, a few years away. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! "

"Spring is as old as ever, the flowers are empty and thin, and the second is red and silky; Four leaves fall, three nine pavilions. Although May is here, the brocade book is difficult to support, Mo! Mo! Mo!"

"Others laugh at me for being crazy, I say a flower is like a fairy!"

"The second is a mountain, which is unattainable; A flower is the sea, deep but colorful; May is the gateway between mountains and seas, stable but not greedy; The four leaves are closed beacons, swaying the bag; Only Sanjiu is the scenery after the fire, which can make me want to wear it! "

Looking at the poems and songs that suddenly sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, many budding newcomers were dumbfounded.

What's going on? Who am I? Where am I?

Many fans look up at the main page of the website, this is A Society~

When did Company A become a literary website?

What about those comments that make people laugh and hurt their stomachs? What about the experience of those stock speculators? What about the comments that recommend anime works to us?

Why is it gone?

The new fans are stunned, yesterday's A Society forum was still a gathering place for sand sculptures they are familiar with, why did it become a chat hall for literati and elegant guests today?

There is a flower first, and then there is a day, and the second is more before a flower; If you want to ask where the four leaves appear, it is more like an angel in the world; Black silk is gentle and brave in love, how can Sanjiu be idle; The spring field is famous, and May is really a fairy outside the sky.

What is this?

What the?

You're talking about "The Marriage of Fives", then I know.

"Even if I die and am nailed to a coffin, I will shout in a rotten voice.... Sanjiu is the first in the world!! "

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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