Yang He paced back and forth in the office, and his whole popularity was ruined.

The most searched post is simply scolding him by name, how can this be endured!

After a long time, Yang He edited a news again, and then posted it on Weibo.

[A certain creator is so shameless that he actually hires a water army to try to confuse the public!].

After posting this news, Yang He picked up the phone without saying a word.

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, I'm Yang He. "

Yang He sat on the sofa and crossed Erlang's legs, and said slowly and methodically to the mobile phone: "Yes, I want to go to the hot search again, and you can open the price." "

"Uh-huh... Good. "

"Happy cooperation!".

Hanging up the phone, Yang He had a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Mercenary trolls?

You think you're the only one who can hire a water army, and what you're playing now is what Lao Tzu played 800 years ago.

It's naïve and stupid to want to hire a water army to just face me head-on!

Yang He seemed to see Fang Zheng's angry appearance, hummed a little song triumphantly, picked up his mobile phone and dialed it again.

"I'll give you 500,000 this time, I only have one request, that is, to let Fangzheng become a black on the whole network, if you can't finish it, you don't want to mix up in the water army. "


Yang He hung up the phone, and the whole person relaxed.

got up and poured himself a glass of red wine, with a smile on the corner of Yang He's mouth.

It's hard to give up the convenience that money brings, and this feeling is really addictive.

Think about how much I used to hype up with the help of anime popularity in order to attract people's attention, but I almost capsized in the gutter.

Now, he doesn't need to rack his brains to rub the heat, he just needs to make two phone calls, buy a hot search, and hire some water army, and everything will be fine.

That's the power of money!

Yang He took a sip of wine and sat on the sofa very intoxicated.

He likes it.

"Hey, big news!".

Yang He was intoxicated in his office, but he didn't notice that a man wearing a mask outside the office door had left the place in a hurry.

"Hey reporter Liang, aren't you here to interview our Professor Yang?"

"Ahh "The person called Reporter Liang was the one who left in a hurry from outside Yang He's office.

He had interviewed Yang He several times before, and Yang He, as a 'beast' who wanted to be famous, naturally did not refuse to be interviewed by reporters.

And his assistant naturally knew about Yang He's character, and he was also an old acquaintance with this reporter Liang, so he let Yang He in without notifying him.

"I'm going back to catch up on the manuscript, so I won't say much, bye-bye!".

"Reporter Liang walks slowly, remember to give our professor more descriptions!"

Reporter Liang nodded in agreement, but he couldn't stop sneering in his heart.

"Naturally, I'll describe it more, it's big news, I'm really sorry for my profession if I don't describe it more!".

Not long after, the official Modu Entertainment Quarterly published an article on the Internet, and the title of the article was also very interesting.

[You've hired a navy, and more than me!]

Originally, the magic capital entertainment quarterly was not a well-known newspaper, but at this juncture, at the point in time when Fangzheng was hacked by the whole network, the word 'water army' can always attract people's attention.

Soon, this report in the Magic Capital Entertainment Quarterly was dug up by people with good intentions and reprinted on major forums and social software.

"Poofha~ I'm laughing to death, how can this Professor Yang be so good at adding drama~!".

"Professor Yang: Fang Zheng, you dare to hire a sailor, and you have more ?!! than me."

"The upstairs can talk more, it's flavorful!".

"It's a dead life, the navy is true and fake, go and invite the Buddha~!".

Suddenly, the report about Yang He in the Modu Entertainment Quarterly was ridiculed by the majority of netizens, especially the recording of Yang He was attached to it, so the authenticity of the report will naturally not cause people to doubt.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the popularity of the Magic Capital Entertainment Quarterly is also rising like a rocket, and the person in charge of the company is crazy with laughter.

And reporter Liang, who is the biggest hero, naturally deserves to be paid, and when he should be promoted, he will be promoted, and he has reached the pinnacle of life.

On the Internet, many Founder fans were really happy when they saw this report.

Yang He actually thinks that they are a water army??

Many good deeds forwarded this report to the A community forum, and some people even ran to Weibo to keep @Fangzheng, signaling him to come out and have a look.

Fang Zheng was also a little ridiculous when he got the news, and he didn't pay much attention to things on the Internet.

As he himself said, before the official statement, their so-called online scolding war is just pediatric, and it has no meaning at all.

But seeing that the situation was reversed so quickly, Fang Zheng suddenly had the illusion of 'you fell before I could help'.

"Fang Dong, this group of fans of yours is really heartbroken for you~".

Zhang Siyu walked into Fangzheng's office with a smile on his face, and saw Fangzheng staring at the computer crying and laughing, so he opened his mouth and teased.

I don't know if it's her delusion, she always feels that the relationship between Fang Zheng and fans is very delicate.

This delicate relationship is different from the relationship between any public figure and fans, saying that they are die-hard fans, they always like to be on the line with Fangzheng, and from time to time threaten to come to the magic capital Qinghui Building to send love to Fangzheng.

Let's say that they are black fans, every time Founder has any activity, these fans will come to cheer again, and even spontaneously help Founder publicize.

Zhang Siyu has never understood what the relationship between Founder and fans is, taking this incident as an example, from beginning to end, Founder has not made any remarks on the Internet.

In addition to being very 'obscure' during the forum war, Company A did not participate in anything other than Company A.

The result is that Fangzheng's group of fans, with their own strength, actually fought a bloody way on the Internet, quite a bit of tongue fighting the spirit of the group of Confucians.

In the end, the magic capital entertainment quarterly gave Yang He a fatal backstab, and Fang Zheng completely completed the Jedi turnaround with the help of fans.

From beginning to end, Fangzheng's role can be said to be almost zero, and it is completely his group of fans who are organizing and fighting.

Zhang Siyu looked at the rather calm Fangzheng and shook his head quite amusedly.

As she said, Fangzheng's fans were really heartbroken for him, and even Zhang Siyu suddenly felt that her fans' attitude towards Fangzheng was like an old father treating his own children.

We can fight, but outsiders dare to touch a hair of my baby, then it won't work!

Thinking about it before, because of "Chopping Crimson", Fangzheng was hacked out of the field by fans, and many grumpy old brothers threatened to come to the magic capital to ask for an explanation.

But as soon as Yang He jumped out, this group of fans immediately turned their guns and unanimously opened their guns.

The movements are neat and uniform, and the advance and retreat are orderly, which is just like the pre-negotiated one, which is jaw-dropping.

PS: I ask the bigwigs to support ~~~~~~~

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