Tiangong City is one of the safest places, and this safety does not mean that disasters will not occur here, on the contrary, disasters are frequent here.

The reason why Tiangong City is the safest is entirely because no matter what kind of disaster it experiences, Tiangong City can stand tall.

Safety needs to be highlighted by danger, so Tiangong City successfully attracted its own disaster - space earthquake according to the script.

'Repeat the broadcast, the precursor of a space earthquake has just been observed in this area, this is not training, please take shelter in the nearest shelter immediately, repeat the broadcast.......'

As a city that was rebuilt after the space earthquake erupted, Tiangong City naturally had considerable preparations to prevent the space earthquake from erupting.

Moments before the space earthquake erupted, a gigabit of space earthquake eruption was detected, and the residents were told to evacuate through the broadcast.

At the same time, the city's black technology is also nakedly displayed.

Residential and parking lots sink instantly, and then the top is closed by thick slabs of layout materials, firmly protected, as are some crowded places, such as subway entrances.

The train on the track was also stopped in an emergency, the rails sank, and the top was protected by pieces of steel plates.

The entire Tiangong City entered a state of combat readiness in an instant, and whether it was personnel, buildings, or some private property, they were all very well protected.

"Hell, is this the smart city of the future?"

"This is too black technology, swishing a few times, everyone will run underground~"

"Professional, this is called professional!"

"I'm Gan, what kind of operation is this, it's much more advanced than our school's fire drill~"

"It must be very safe to live in such a city~"

"Ask me how much a house here?"

Fans looked at the intelligent and automated Tiangong City, and their eyes widened, although the anime is exaggerated, but it is undeniable that this is indeed shocking.

And with the rapid development of science and technology, it seems that it is not impossible for the future super city to become like this~

The changes in Tiangong City shocked the fans, and this preparation for a rainy day also made the fans feel an unprecedented sense of security.

And Gokawa Shido, who is the hero who saves the world, can't be without action after entering the shelter for the only time.

After all, he is a hero, not a bear, squatting in the corner with a bowl is obviously not in line with the character of Shidao~

Just when fans were speculating, sure enough, Shido remembered his sister Kotori.

"In the piano, she has a good way to evacuate, she won't fulfill that agreement~"

Wuhe Shidao was a little worried, and he made an agreement with Kotori in the morning that he would go to eat a luxurious children's set meal for lunch.

But now that he has encountered a space quake, everyone is taking refuge, and he is worried about where Kotori will run stupidly to wait for him.

If Kotori hadn't taken refuge, then once the space earthquake erupted...

Wuhe Shidao didn't dare to think about it anymore, so he quickly took out his mobile phone to dial the number in the piano, but there was a busy sound from the other end of the phone, and no one answered.

Shidao thought about the separation between himself and Qinli, and the other party said, "Even if there is a space earthquake, it will definitely come", his heart sank more and more, and the worried look in his eyes became more and more intense.

While comforting himself, Shido said that Koto must not be so stupid, and must have gone to refuge, while comforting himself, Shido used his mobile phone to determine the location of Koto.

But it turned out that Koto was at the place they had agreed upon, and when he saw this, Shido turned pale and rushed out of the shelter without saying a word, and went straight to where Kotori was.

If there are old fans here, seeing Shidao's move, they will definitely brush a sentence 'On the importance of the Z-axis of spatial coordinates'~!

Shido was worried about this qinli and struggled to run through the empty streets.

"I have a hunch that Shidao's chance to save the world has come!"

"Nonsense, even fools can see it!"

"I've written the script, the space earthquake erupted, the male protagonist, thank you for the company, and finish sprinkling flowers~"

"Are you a devil, don't you, die before you get out of school, and make the hero cry?"

"Shidao didn't save my sister halfway, and the middle way collapsed?"

"I'm Gan, it's just that you have gone to school, right, you have culture, right?!"

According to the routine of this anime plot, fans will know the next plot development after a little thought.

Sure enough, before Shidao arrived at the agreed place, a spatial earthquake erupted, and the tyrannical energy raged all around, and the originally neat streets seemed to be baptized by a hurricane, becoming a mess.

However, Shidao is the protagonist, and at this time he must have the aura of the protagonist, even if it is such a terrifying energy storm, Shidao is still in great trouble.

Rising from the ruins, Shidao looked at the ruins in front of him with some horror in his eyes.

"Hair... What happened?"

In the center of the storm, Shi Dao's face was full of incredulity, at the point of the huge crater that was smashed out by the space, the center of the disaster, actually...

There's a girl there!

How is this possible?!

The girl was dressed in purple armor, with a huge broadsword stuck next to her body, and her hair fluttered freely in the center of the energy.

Elf~ This is the first word that fans think of when they see this girl.

Cold, tyrannical, Shidao looked at this girl in fancy clothes, a pair of willow eyebrows upside down, his eyes were full of coldness looking at everything around him, and he couldn't help but have some doubts.

Not to mention why this girl appeared around the space earthquake, just the aura around the other party's body had already made him realize that something was unusual.

Suddenly, the girl seemed to notice Shidao's gaze, jumped up from the ground, pulled out the broadsword on the ground, and swung a sword according to Shidao without saying a word.

The terrifying energy flew past Shidao's side, and the already messy street was suddenly cut in half, and the sword light spread, and even the tall buildings in the distance were split in two.

"I'm special... What is this?"

"It's a bit foul here~!"

"What a cold, violent beauty~!"

"Cold weapons are so good, and you are also developing your sister's hot weapons~!"

"So... A beautiful woman fell out of the space shock? This is the original face of the space earthquake?"

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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