Kurumi Tokizaki, with long black hair like a waterfall tied into two braids, hangs down comfortably, and his slender body gives people the illusion that it will break with a little force.

Waterfall-like bangs obscured the left eye, leaving only a red agate-like right eye on the outside.

As soon as Crazy Three appeared, it can be said that fans firmly remembered this seductive face.

And the crazy three who took the initiative to attack was even more glamorous.

For a while, fans couldn't tell whether Shidao was attacking the crazy three, or whether the crazy three was chasing Shidao in turn.

Just when the fans were immersed in the beauty of Kurumi Tokizaki, the next scene made the fans dumbfounded.

"I said, what kind of fat times are you wearing now~?"


When fans heard this, they didn't react and were stunned on the spot.

However, it didn't take long for fans to react.

"I'm Gan, the Shidao boss is really a model for my generation~!"

"Come up and ask people about the fat times, this... I love it!"

"Ru Zhixiu, when will I be able to do it?~"

"Shidao, a real man, shocked the old man for a whole year!"


"The roar is over, Shidao, your famous scene has come out!"

"Nima, this opening is an old gentleman, it has an inner taste~"

"Hey, hey~ I'm also curious, can I... Is that the one that can make me well?"

Fans watched Shidao incarnate as an old gentleman, and without concealing it at all, they admired the five-body body throwing themselves to the ground one by one.

However, this is not what fans are most concerned about, what they are most concerned about is how Kurumi should deal with this situation, after all, Kurumi is also a young girl in what he says.

When a young girl is asked this question, isn't it a little too good, or a shame?

"That's... What do you say?..."

Kurumi Tokizaki's ruby left eye crashed for a moment, as if he hadn't reacted.

Kurumi was surprised that Shidao was so bold, but Kurumi was Kurumi and quickly reacted.

Kurumi had a touch of playfulness on his face, and his eyes looked at Shidao in front of him with a charming look.

"Yes, if it's a Shido classmate, it's okay~"

When he said this, Kurumi had a slight drunkenness on his face, and for a moment, the beauty was incomprehensible, which made people's hearts move.

After saying that, Kurumi Tokizaki took two steps forward, came to the stairs, and stood on a high place.

Then he slowly stretched out his hands.

At the same time, the saxophone BGM that fans are familiar with and remember sounded, and the picture suddenly had a different flavor.

With their eyes wide and their heads sticking forward, fans can't wait to put their eyes on the screen to get a good look.

With a rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath, fans stared nervously and expectantly at the picture in front of them, their eyes unblinking, for fear of missing even a single frame of the picture.

It's coming! It's coming! It's close!


At the last moment, Shidao suddenly stretched out his hand to block the picture that fans were most looking forward to.

In an instant, the fans collapsed on their seats like deflated balloons, gasping for air.

"Your sister, it's just a little bit close!"

"Shidao, you brute, you can't talk later!"

"Damn, you saw it yourself, we haven't seen it yet!"

"Bad old man, good thing, pull it out and shoot it!"

"Shidao, this is your fault, what are you stopping~!"

"You're just going to do that!"

The scene just now can be said to make fans like riding a roller coaster, floating up to the clouds for a while, and falling into the trough for a while, the contrast between before and after makes fans feel the urge to scold.

I didn't see that wonderful picture, and the fans were naturally extremely depressed, and finally had a benefit, but they were stopped by Shidao.

This makes fans why don't they respond~

Slowly rising up the skirt, everything is like an exploration, little by little unveiling the mystery of the ultimate goal.

The result is one step away, you tell me you're quit?!

What the hell...

At this moment, fans suddenly had the urge to go berserk and kill people, not to be so tricky.

You lure out the devil in our hearts, and you are not responsible for sending it away, isn't this a pit man?

Killing or burying it is detrimental to morality, do you know?

"I just think Pipi Shrimp did it on purpose!"

"Pippi Shrimp: I heard you're waiting for benefits?"

"I'm looking forward to it so much, is it to see the fat times? No, we are brave to explore!"

"The road is long, I will go up and down and seek, Pi Phi Shrimp, you are not right, how can you discourage our enthusiasm for exploration~"

"White, fans, blue, oops, I'm so entangled~!"

At this moment, the anger of fans skyrocketed, and they strongly condemned Fang Zheng's behavior of playing with their hearts.

If it weren't for that one, fans might not think that way, or maybe they wouldn't have such a strong desire.

But once there is a picture and a beginning, it is as if some kind of switch has been turned on, and fans instantly feel their blood boiling and can't stop.

However, things died halfway, which made fans feel aggrieved.

You either don't start, don't tease us, or let us see the end and feast our eyes.

Since you have the ability to start, then you will finish it, and you will let us see the result~!

Teachers have taught us since we were young that there must be a beginning and an end to life, you are good, you have a beginning and no end, and your compulsory education is in vain, right?!

The fans roared in their hearts, and the mood in their hearts that they wanted to know the result and wanted to feast their eyes, but they couldn't, made them crazy, and they couldn't wait to catch Fang Zheng and beat him up on the spot!

"Brothers, let me tell you some exciting news, as long as you tilt the screen over, you can see that wonderful scene~!"

"Wo Ri, your sister, it's just that Pi Phi Shrimp bullies us, why are you here to play the old man?!"

"Why do you tilt the screen over, and I'll take a look at it?!"

"emm~ I feel that my IQ has been insulted!"

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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