As soon as Founder's news was released, many fans who were urging him to update the follow-up plot under his Weibo received the push as soon as possible.

"The strongest Kaguya, what does that mean?"

"Kaguya-sama wants me to confess to the second season?"

"It's not easy, Kaguya and Silver, the two dead tsunderes, finally have a chance to be together~"

"Love is war, this strongest Kaguya does it mean that Kaguya won?"

"It doesn't matter who wins, as long as the two of them are together, it's enough, when I think of the magical operation of those two people, I'm anxious for them!"

"Obviously, they like each other, but they just refuse to speak, alas~ Tsundere can't afford to hurt ~"

"Really, Chairman Silver, you should go and apprentice, and worship Yuzaki Starsky, a man who is faster than the speed of light. "

"233~Apprentice to the starry sky boss, getting married in one episode is no longer a dream~"

Under Founder's latest Weibo news, many fans saw the name "The Strongest Kaguya", and their first reaction was the second season of "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess".

There's no way, it's really the word 'Kaguya' that is too well-known, and when they see the word Kaguya, fans can't help but think of that dead tsundere.

And there was no video in the form of a fanMV like AMV in this world before, so when fans saw the name "The Strongest Kaguya", it was natural for them to think of the second season.

And the name "The Strongest Kaguya" is still very deceptive, and after a little analysis, fans think that this love war that everyone else is anxious about ends in Kaguya's victory.

After all, Miss Kaguya has been labeled as 'the strongest', which shows that Silver Imperial has been resisting for so long, and in the end it is still a strange trick~

Of course, in addition to most fans speculating about the plot of "The Strongest Kaguya", there are also a considerable number of fans who notice something unusual.

The first is that the timing of this "Strongest Kaguya" appeared much earlier than they expected.

You must know that the frequency of Founder's animation production is relatively fixed, and it is generally after the end of the previous work, it will be idle for about a week, and then the next work will be launched.

But now it's different, "Date Wars" just ended yesterday, and as a result, the anime "The Strongest Kaguya" was launched today.

This made many fans whose minds turned relatively fast, or who were tortured by Fangzheng and were afraid of Fangzheng and learned to be smart, realized that things were unusual.

They smelled a hint of conspiracy.

Moreover, Fang Zheng is not talking about the release of the 'A Society Platform', but the 'A Society Platform Video Area'.

As we all know, as a website that focuses on animation works and cultural promotion, in addition to the rental page for fans to watch anime, there is only one A society forum left to support the table.

Looking at the whole network, the platform of A Society is simply clean, with no ads, no pushes, no pop-ups, and even its own official website is independent.

Therefore, the A society platform is also ridiculed by fans as the cleanest website on the whole network, and the operation page is even more simple and clear, without those bells and whistles at all.

In the eyes of fans, even if the shallots are mixed with tofu, it is really innocent.

And this is the main reason why some fans feel incredible.

In addition to watching the homepage of the anime and the forum of the A society on your A society platform, when will there be an additional video area~?

"Brothers, can anyone tell me what's going on in this video area?"

"I don't know, I just went to take a look, and the two pages on the A platform are still the same, and there is no change at all~"

"It shouldn't be, could it be that Pipi Shrimp made a typo?"

"There is no news on the official website and marketing account, so it is estimated that Pipi Shrimp made a mistake by himself~"

"No, the old man pinched his fingers just now, things must not be so simple!"

"God pinched his fingers, I think you are scared of Pipi Shrimp, and you are suspicious!"

"Gan, when you say this, I'm a little scared, Pipi Shrimp won't be skinning us this time~"

"Hiss~ It's really possible!"

Many fans couldn't help but shudder when they thought of Fangzheng's outrageous behavior and the character that made them gnash their teeth.

This time, Fangzheng released Weibo, although it is to inform them that the latest work "The Strongest Kaguya" will be released at 7 o'clock tomorrow, which is the second season of "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess" in what fans think.

But Founder's Weibo dynamic is unusual in the eyes of fans.

Looking back, there has never been a mistake in posting Weibo, or Fang Zheng has always been meticulous on their path.

But right now, the 'A Society Platform Video Zone' mentioned in Founder Weibo makes fans feel that things are not so simple.

If this is not a mistake by Fangzheng, then the clean page of the A society platform, where did the video area pop up~

If there is a video area, they already know it, where do they have to wait until now~

You must know that among them, there are many fans who have bought real estate on the A platform and say that they live on the A platform is almost the same.

In this case, if there was really a video area, I am afraid it would have been exposed a long time ago, and there was no need to remind Fang Zheng at all.

However, if you say that it was a mistake of Fang Zheng himself, it is a little unreasonable.

Weibo dynamics, as the main communication channel between Founder and their fans, is also the most important channel for Founder, the 'offline heavy punch' Pipi Shrimp, but it has never made a mistake.

Now Fang Zheng suddenly made such a very obvious mistake, which made fans suddenly feel unreal.

The shadow of the tree of human life, the name of Founder Pipi Shrimp has really been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for a long time, and fans are vigilant about every dynamic of Pi Pi Shrimp.

Therefore, seeing that the policy has made such an obvious mistake, there is a feeling of unreality.


There's a conspiracy here!

Some veteran-level fans who are exactly the test of the square, with their rich experience, quickly realized that things were not so simple.

If things are really as most fans guess, then everyone is happy, but if this is not the case, this time they are afraid that they will be skinned by a spicy man again.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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