Seeing off the suspicious Zhang Siyu, Fang Zheng instructed Chen Xianting not to let anyone near his office.

Fang Zheng then locked the door of his office, then rubbed his hands back to his desk.

"Hehe~ "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess" Season 2, Haha Season 2... Oops~That's interesting~"

That is, Founder's office has first-class soundproofing, otherwise you can hear Founder's obscene laughter from outside the door.

From time to time, the sound of keyboard and mouse clicks can be heard in the office, interspersed with incomprehensible words such as 'Great Mighty Dragon' and 'Preparing to Hunt Demons'.

The day passed slowly, and Fang Zheng locked himself in his office all afternoon, no one was allowed to enter, no one was seen, no one knew what he was doing.

The only person involved is Chen Xianting, and occasionally when she sends things to Fang Zheng, she can always see Fang Zheng's ill-intentioned smile.

Chen Xianting knew that Fang was using a computer to make an AMV, but for that content, Fang Zheng kept it a good secret, and didn't show it to her at all.

And also gave a gag order not to tell anyone.

In the evening, Fang Zheng returned home with Zhang Siyu, Zhang Siyu couldn't hold back his curiosity, and after repeated inquiries, Fang Zheng was tight-lipped.

Keeping his mouth shut, Zhang Siyu asked something, and there was always only one sentence for the square answer.

You'll know tomorrow. ’

One night, Fang Zheng had a hehe smirk on his face, as if he had encountered something funny, and even laughed twice when he slept and dreamed at night.

If it weren't for Zhang Siyu's belief in science, she would have thought that Fang Zheng was not possessed by something.

If this is a different person, maybe Fang Zheng will be stunned, and then pull a master over to exorcise Fang Zheng's evil spirits.

The next day, at dawn, Fang Zheng hurried to the company.

At this time, almost all fans in the two-dimensional circle knew that Fang Zheng was about to launch the second season of "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess".

Happy, joyful, surprised, running to tell each other.

It can be said that since the fans got the news, it has been almost from yesterday to today.

"Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess" is deeply loved by fans with a routine that teaches people to fall in love in reverse.

At the beginning, Fang Zheng fooled them and said that this is a treasure book of love, and after learning the routine of Sigong Kaguya and Baiyin Yuxing, he will definitely not suffer a loss when he falls in love in the future.

At the beginning, because of Fangzheng's words, it can be said that a lot of note-taking parties were born, and the notes remembered that they were called serious, which was simply embarrassing.

But if your current level of effort is half of that of yourself in school, then at least you will have a key point in the test~!

It was only later that the students who learned this 'Four Palaces Silver Love Routine One Plus One' realized that it was a trap and a scam, and the fans reacted.

Good guys, there weren't many couples among the fans, but now it's okay, because of the phrase 'love is war', many fans who have already taken off their singles have returned to the ranks of single dogs.

At that time, fans gritted their teeth with hatred for Founder, the 'master of love emotion'.

With the passage of time, the original group of immature and innocent fans have grown up, learned to be smart, and have more bad intentions.

In the spirit of how to see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain, they popularize the love skills they summarized before to newcomers and newcomers who have just entered the circle.

Using the longing for a beautiful love at that age, it is invincible.

Many new fans scolded old fans for not being human, but they didn't know that this custom came from Founder.

"Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess", I have seen it and said that this is not to teach people how to fall in love, but to teach people how to be single with the strength of the self-service machine.

And those who haven't seen it, they are convinced of the words of their predecessors, and they admire the high-end operation of Sigong Huiye and Silver Yuxing.

Shinomiya Kaguya and Silver Yuxing became love masters in this way, bringing out batches of students.

And now, this anime work, which was once regarded as dogma by countless fans, is actually coming out with a second season, how can it not be exciting~

That is, time can't be fast-forwarded, otherwise I don't know how many fans will jump directly to seven o'clock in the evening of the next day.

"Brothers, do you have a feeling that your days are like years?"

"Nonsense, the old man stared at my wall clock for more than an hour yesterday!"

""The Strongest Kaguya", the second season, I'm so excited, thank you Fang Dada~~"

"This story wants to tell us, we have to leave more messages to Pipi Shrimp in the future, and let him know what we need~"

"That's right, we just urged Pi Phi Shrimp to release a follow-up work yesterday, but today the second season of "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess" will be released, so it can be seen that it's not Pi Phi Shrimp who is fishing, but he doesn't know what we need~"

"That's right, in the future, the old man will leave a message to Pipi Shrimp if he wants to see anything!"

In the forum of Society A, fans who couldn't wait for a long time gathered here, hoping to relieve their anxiety with the help of sand sculpture fans who have been in the forum for a long time.

And "The Strongest Kaguya" is about to be released, which also makes fans think that this is a victory that belongs to them.

Simple fans feel that as long as they leave a message to Fangzheng, Fangzheng has a high probability of satisfying them, after all, the upcoming second season of "Miss Kaguya Wants Me to Confess" "The Strongest Kaguya" is a living example.

They urged with the front foot, and the back foot was square, and the message was released, isn't this a message that works?

And this also strengthened the confidence of fans to express their demands through messages.

"Did you open the market, did you say that in what episode did Kaguya-sama meet General Silver?!"

"Open a fart plate, the old man directly presses the last episode!"

"emm~Upstairs, you're such a clever little ghost~"

"233 ~ The old man also pressed the last episode!"

"Are you all pressing the last episode? aren't you afraid that Miss Kaguya will also come to a routine of Yuzaki Starry Sky to get on the bus first and then make up the ticket, and get married when you come up?"

"Brother, think about it when you say this, Yuzaki Starry Sky is a man who is close to the speed of light, and not everyone can do that. "

"That's right, don't forget that Sigong Kaguya and Baiyin Yuxing are dead arrogant, it's almost impossible to confess, and the two are chess opponents, this battle must be very anxious, and it won't be so easy to tell the winner!"

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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