With the popularity of "The Strongest Hui Night", the video area of the A society platform has also been completely spread, and many true love fans have registered as UP, contributing to the construction of the video area.

According to the statistics of the platform, the number of registered UP has exceeded 100,000, and more than 30,000 AMV videos are uploaded every day, but the quality is uneven..."

Zhang Siyu came to Founder's office, and the two sat on the sofa, discussing the development of the video area of the A society platform.

Since "The Strongest Kaguya" became popular overnight that day, short videos based on anime clips such as AMV have spread rapidly and attracted a lot of fans.

With demand, there is naturally a market, and many fans have registered as UP with the intention of generating electricity with love before they don't know the income of registering UP.

Fang Zheng sat on the sofa, holding a cup of warm coffee in his hand, and took a sip gently.

Listening to Zhang Siyu's introduction, Fang Zheng nodded lightly.

AMV will be popular, which has been expected by Founder, after all, this type of short video has been tested in previous lives.

Anime and manga were very popular in the previous life, and they are still popular after being moved into this world by themselves.

There's no reason why AMV and this kind of video mixing and editing will die because of the water and soil.

Therefore, Founder was not surprised at all by the data reported by Zhang Siyu, even if the data that came out of Zhang Siyu's mouth did not want to be a fledgling AMV plan at all.

"The quality of AMV videos is uneven, which reminds me at that time~"

Fang Zheng put down the coffee in his hand, frowned slightly, looked at Zhang Siyu and said.

"The matter of video review must not be left behind, although among the registered UP, fans account for the vast majority, but it is not excluded that some people with ulterior motives will do things, so the review is extremely good in this regard, and there can be no sloppiness!"

The tree is a big move, and today's A company seems to be the absolute overlord of the two-dimensional circle.

Don't look at the fact that there are no people and companies on weekdays who can't get along with Company A, but I don't know how many people covet the big cake of the second dimension and are waiting to go.

Once Company A shows any fatigue, Founder believes that these people or companies will be like sharks that smell fishy, swarming up and eating up Company A.

Founder never underestimates anyone, whether it is an overt enemy or a potential enemy, Founder will not be vigilant.

You can't have the heart to harm others, and you can't have the heart to guard against people, that's what you say.

"Okay, I'll take care of this later!"

When Zhang Siyu heard Fang Zheng's words, she also nodded with a serious face, her delicate brows were slightly clustered, and she also realized what Fang Zheng meant.

Although the current AMV plan is very surprising in all aspects, there is also a huge risk behind it, and the slightest carelessness will make the previous efforts go to waste.

If you are not careful, you will lose all the games, this is not what Zhang Siyu wants to see.

In addition, the AMV plan is still in its infancy, and more people are bound to pour into the UP industry in the future, so it is necessary to prepare for the future.

Zhang Siyu felt that he would wait for the meeting or hold a meeting to make a specific video review system, what content can be posted, and what content must be killed, and there must be a clear boundary.

If someone with ulterior motives really releases some dangerous videos and spreads them widely, then they will be muddy and fall into the crotch of their pants, and they can't tell why.

It's really to that point, no matter what the final outcome of the matter is, the reputation and social trust of Company A will definitely be greatly reduced, and it will even make fans disheartened.

"You said, the AMV program is so popular now, should we expand the number of people for video review, what if there are too many UP registrations in the future and there are not enough people?"

Zhang Siyu looked at Fang Zheng with beautiful eyes, and the idea of starting to recruit workers was already moved in her heart.

When Fang Zheng heard this, he also nodded thoughtfully.

In Company A, Founder has never implemented a certain hateful work system, on the contrary, Founder has also made it very clear that employees must be efficient.

Work is done during work hours, and after work, do something you love, such as fitness, shopping, or even going to the street.

The worst is that it's good to take time out of work to accompany your family~

Therefore, the corporate culture of Company A has always emphasized work efficiency, rather than mandatory working hours, which is completely different from other companies.

It is also the place where the employees of Company A applaud the most.

Twenty-four hours a day, people are not machines, it is impossible to devote all their time to work, they have the right to enjoy their own private time.

Why delay work that can be done in three hours, but why drag it out to five hours?

Is it only overtime that shows the seriousness and rigor of the work attitude?

Therefore, looking at the entire A company, except for the figure processing factory, other departments rarely work overtime, unless it is a large festival such as an anime carnival or a carnival, employees will work overtime.

Figure processing factory... Because Founder has always emphasized the details of the figure and the pure hand-made, and even if there are veterans and novices, it is not so easy to bring them out, so it is not possible to solve it by expanding the recruitment.

It can only be left to time to solve.,There's no way to do it.,After all, fans' love for figurines and other fan-like peripherals is really crazy.。

"Let's recruit people as soon as possible, and then train them systematically, and in addition, strictly control the improper relationship between UP and the management of the video area, which must be perfect. "

Founder doesn't want some people to take advantage of the loopholes and go through the back door, and the bad money drives out the good money.

If a video with poor quality appears on the recommendation position, and those works that really rely on strength but have no backstage UP are not cared for, maybe everyone just complains in private.

But if it takes a long time, once this problem of injustice erupts, it will be a flood of beasts.

The AMV video zone he worked so hard to build would definitely not withstand such blows and destruction.

Therefore, Fang Zheng specially instructed Zhang Siyu, this matter must be eliminated, and it is best not to have any signs!

PS: Thank you for the monthly passes of "The Sky Crying Blue Sea", "Idle IELTS", and "Sacred Carla Connects Us", thank you for your support!!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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