Fans received the push of Founder's Weibo dynamics, and then they suddenly remembered that they hadn't heard the news of Pi Pi Shrimp's latest work for several days.

In the past few days, they have been attracted by various AMV homo videos on the A social video platform, and now a dynamic from Founder reminds them.

Take the initiative to release news to remind us to urge, Pipi Shrimp, you have this attitude, and your ideological consciousness is very high~

At the first time that many fans pushed the street news, the idea crossed their minds like a flash of lightning, and they even wore malicious smiles on their faces.

However, when they opened Founder Weibo, they were dumbfounded.

That's not right, you say okay, you Pipi shrimp like to touch fish, we don't urge more than new traditions??

Why haven't we made any effort this time, but you've already taken the initiative to start making new works?

Could it be that the sun is rising in the west today?

Many fans are a little suspicious, Fang Zheng took the initiative to make a new work, which is not in line with his personality at all~

There must be a deception here!

"The hardest mallet, the most handsome knife, what is this~"

"Phi Phi Shrimp is about to start breathing? Didn't Pi Phi Shrimp have to breathe before?!"

"What the hell can you say it's terrifying, it's a ghost who doesn't need to breathe, not a person!"

"Is Pippi Shrimp human?"


Fans were reminded of their original characters by Fangzheng's push, and they ran over to join in the fun.

Originally, everyone was still ready to collectively urge a wave of changes, and then let Fang Zheng see what the power of the people is~

Now it's okay, Pi Pi Shrimp's own ideological consciousness has improved, and everyone should be happy, but they are inexplicably a little lost in their hearts.

I was used to urging changes before, but now Fang Zheng suddenly took the initiative, and they didn't need to urge them to change, but they were a little uncomfortable, or a little awkward.

"No, if you don't urge it, the old man is uncomfortable!"

"I feel the same way, Pipi Shrimp will be updated soon!"

"Update! Update! If you don't update, I'll give you that handsome face!"

"Pipi Shrimp: You are all urging this, you are beasts~!"

"It's wrong to take the initiative, it's not bad to take the initiative, I suddenly feel a little poor Pipi Shrimp, it's too difficult!"

"I don't think it's authentic, but... What a nice job!"

Fans don't know how Fang Zheng feels when he sees these messages, but they themselves are very happy anyway.

People's happiness is often based on the pain of others, and for the happiness of the majority of fans, they can only choose to sacrifice Founder's personal happiness.

There's nothing wrong with this wave!

However, although fans are noisy, they are very curious about what Founder's latest work is.

In the past few days, they have been attracted by the video area of the A social platform, and they don't feel how boring.

It's not like before at all.,Once the previous anime work is over,,It's an embarrassing situation where there's nothing to watch.。

In addition, some of the UP videos in the video area are indeed very interesting, and hours have passed before you know it, and there is no boring feeling before.

So fans forgot that Founder had been diving and fishing for several days.

Busy people want to stop, and boring people want to find things to do, which is probably the true portrayal of Founder and his fans.

And today, just now, Pi Phi Shrimp didn't touch the fish, and actually took the initiative to jump out and send it to the door to remind them.

Oh, wake up, it's time for you to follow, you make me bored like this, you know?

Since Fangzheng's ideological consciousness is so high, if they are not satisfied with Fangzheng, wouldn't they be sorry for Fangzheng's kindness?

should cooperate with Pi Phi Shrimp's performance, they still have to act, and they can't let Pi Pi Shrimp perform a pitiful embarrassing performance next to him, right?

With the thought of 'I'm for your good', fans are very happy to urge more under Founder Weibo, and the mood is simply happy.

But Fang Zheng's side was very speechless.

Good guys, I just said that I was working on a new anime, and you still urged me?

Come and tell me the truth, are you in hellish college, are you the devil and teach you how not to be human?!

Fang Zheng was a little depressed, he knew that his fans were this character, so he didn't jump out.

I wanted to coexist peacefully with the fans for a while, make everyone happy, and praise him by the way.

It's okay now, don't talk about compliments, it's especially urging directly!

As the saying goes, taking a step back is a good way to broaden the sky, endure the calm for a while, and Fang Zheng decided not to be angry with the fans.

They urged them, as an idol, to be generous, not to be as knowledgeable as them... What a fart!

The more you endure it, the more angry you become, this is absolutely unbearable~

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, but he is not a gentleman, he never keeps an overnight revenge, and usually revenge is avenged on the spot!

crackling, Fang Zheng pulled over the computer, and immediately began to line up with fans.

"I'm a coward, don't you know, you urge, my hands tremble, and the original drawn manuscript is gone, this... Don't blame me for this~"

As soon as the Founder Weibo news was released, fans were dumbfounded.

What do you mean by being cowardly, someone who dares to go against so many of our fans, you tell me to be timid?

If you are considered timid, are there any bold people?

Also, why are your hands so shivering~

"Ghost, Pipi Shrimp Show is on me~"

"Everyone, don't rush it, in case Pipi Shrimp really shuddered the anime, it won't be good~~"

"According to the old man's understanding of Pipi shrimp, this product can do anything, everyone can stop in moderation~!"

"It's all gone, let's go back and wait, don't make Pipi shrimp anxious~!"

I have to say that Founder's bad personality is well-known in the minds of fans, and if it were someone else, everyone would definitely think it was a joke.

But for the square...

Not to mention, this threat is really immediate, after all, fans have long heard of Fangzheng's bad character, and they don't know where the lower limit is~

In case this product really shuddered the new work, then they would have no place to cry~

Although it's very enjoyable, watching anime, especially new anime, is even more enjoyable~

Which is more important, fans can still tell the difference.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "Zehao", thank you, big guy!

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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