Looking at Tomioka Yoshiyu, this mysterious powerhouse who has always been very cold before, and is about to kill You Douzi without even blinking his eyes.

At this time, he became angry because Tanjiro knelt, and fans had an indescribable feeling.

Tomioka Yoshiyu, this is definitely a man with a story, maybe in Tanjiro, he saw the shadow of his past, which is why he became so excited.

No one is born strong, they all grow up step by step.

And Tomioka's words also made fans feel a lot of emotion.

The reality is so cruel and sad, the weak are dependent on the strong, and the weak are subjugated to the strong, which is the eternal law of the jungle.

In reality, the rules and regulations are just tools used to restrain ordinary people, and for the truly powerful, these are almost useless.

If these rules and regulations still hold you back, it only says one thing...

You're not strong enough, not strong enough to break through the shackles.

That's all.

Listening to Tomioka's words, the fans in front of the screen are full of emotion, especially some fans who have entered the society, or have just entered the society and are trying to adapt, are a little embarrassed.

Compared with those young fans who are still young, are still under the protection of their parents, and have not yet left the ivory tower, they who have been crawling in society are more deeply touched by Tomioka's words.

Who hasn't been a high-spirited teenager, who hasn't fantasized that they can change everything, who hasn't fantasized that they're unique?

However, reality will defeat you completely.

Entering the society, you who are ignorant of the world are instantly hurt by this society, and this society tells you in the most direct, cruel and effective way, what is called reality and what is mediocrity!

When you are hurt by society, when you become smooth, when you understand the sophistication of human feelings, when you learn to see people, talk about people, and talk nonsense, and even when you finally live the appearance that you once hated the most.

You know how naïve you were in the past.

Feel like you're unique?

Sorry, this world will run the same way without anyone, time will not stop flowing because of one person, the sun will rise in the east and set in the west every day.

When you look at a humble job with a lot of people vying for it, do you still feel like you're unique?

What is Reality?

This is both a reality!

Tomioka's words can be said to have put the essence of society naked in front of fans, especially those fans who have experienced some ups and downs, and at the same time sigh in their hearts, they can't help but have some red eyes.

No matter how the times develop, strength is the last word, if you are strong, others will respect you, look up to you, and be willing to make friends with you.

You are weak, no one will look down on you except your parents!

If you don't have the ability, you deserve to be inferior to others!

"That's right, after the old man dropped out of school and was not as good as the society, he really understood this truth, but unfortunately he understood it too late and couldn't go back~"

"If you don't have the ability, lie down honestly, this is the advice given to you by someone who has come over, listen to it or not... Think for yourself~"

"If the brother who saw this sentence is still a student, listen to me, study hard, this is the safest way to change your life, don't envy those who get rich overnight, the people behind them may pay much more than you think~"

"If time could be turned back, the old man would definitely redouble his efforts~"

"Yes, if you worked hard at the beginning, you wouldn't be like the bird you are now, and you won't achieve anything~"

The barrage is full of fans' emotions.

For Tomioka Yoshiyong's words, those who understood were red-eyed, and their hearts were full of embarrassment, but those who didn't understand were disapproving, and even laughed at the other party's absoluteness.

There are many things in life, and some things can only be understood by experiencing them, just like despair, if you have not experienced the feeling of being abandoned by the whole world, and have not experienced the feeling of breaking down to the point of wanting to die, you can't understand why despair is so frightening.

"Why! You were standing in front of your sister! Did you think that was protecting her? Why didn't you swing the axe?! Why did you let me see my back!"

"Your mistake led to your sister being snatched away!"

Tomioka Yoshiyoshi looked at Tanjiro, the young man who made him see the shadow of his former self.

Don't cry, don't despair, this is not what you should do now, I know you are very devastated now, your family has been killed, and your sister has become a ghost, it must be very painful~

I'm tempted to scream, I know, if I had come half a day earlier, your family wouldn't have died...

But... There's no way to turn back time...

Be angry, unforgivable, this intense and pure anger can be a firm motivation for you to act.

With a fragile heart, you can't protect or heal your sister, let alone avenge your family!

Fans can see that Tomioka Yoshiyoshi is a typical knife-mouthed tofu heart, he is an old tsundere, and this opening is a good old man.

"This is the legendary tsundere~"

"Mom, the contrast between the front and back is too great, at first I thought this was such a cold person~"

"233~Ruthlessness is just the appearance, good people are the essence~!"

"I can see that this is also a man with a story~"

"What do you know, only men with stories have connotation and temperament!"

"It's over, the big brother in the capital has been bent, everyone stay away!"

"The opposite sex is just to reproduce, and men are true love!"

Tomioka's words made fans thoroughly understand this handsome, cold, and powerful man who doesn't talk like that.

Watching Tomioka Yoshito cheer up Tanjiro, but also to make Tanjiro realize the importance of strength, and even at the expense of being this villain, fans expressed their admiration.

But admiration is admiration, and when they saw Tomioka Yoshiyoshi gently stabbing on your bean's body, fans still felt a burst of heartache.

In order to stimulate Tanjiro's fighting spirit, Tomioka Yoshiyong did not hesitate to do this, which can be regarded as the end of benevolence.

But seeing this, fans are also relieved.

Since Tomioka Yoshitoshi has said this, it is obvious that he no longer has the intention of killing Youdouzi, but more to cheer up Tanjiro.

After all, revenge is not just your beans, not just with full blood, the most important thing is strength.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please~~~~

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