In the evening, fans who had been busy all day returned home, had dinner, and habitually opened A Club, ready to replenish their spiritual food, so as to relieve their fatigue for the day.

In the forum, fans gathered and waited patiently, because today is the day when Founder's new work will be released.

Since hearing that Founder's second concert is going to be held, fans have been looking forward to the early arrival of the second Anime Carnival.

Especially the fans who didn't go to the scene last time for various reasons and left regrets, the expectations are extremely strong.

But it was clear that, despite their anticipation, the Anime Carnival could not have taken place so early.

In this case, fans can only force themselves to hold their restless hearts and wait patiently for time to pass.

At this time, Founder's latest work just alleviated the anxiety and expectation of fans.

Although the concert is not available for the time being, Founder's new work can buffer their boredom.

"After many days, has there been a big guy who has analyzed the genre of anime?"

"The analysis emperors came out to gather, in the last few minutes, make a bold prediction, the prediction is right, everyone bows to you, the fans are wrong, slap in the face!"

"Come on, come on, stud it's over, buy it and leave!"

"Analyze a fart.,What's more, the new work will be released in a few minutes.,Who's idle to analyze the type~"

"That is, don't bother our boss with everything, you must know that the big guy is very busy!"

In the forum, fans teased each other and patiently waited for the release of Founder's new work.

To be honest, with the news of the concert in front of Zhuyu, fans' expectations for the new work are obviously not as excited as before.

It's no wonder that everyone is discussing the concert of the second anime carnival, and naturally there is a lot less attention to the new work.

In the past few days, the hottest topic in the two-dimensional circle is about the upcoming second Anime Carnival and the concerts that will be held during the Anime Carnival.

Nuoda's two-dimensional circle, it can be said that whether it is an old fan or a new fan, this news is thunderous.

Even fans who don't pay attention to Founder's Weibo dynamics, or don't play Weibo, are swiped by news about the concert in the fan group every day, and they all understand what's going on.

In the two-dimensional circle, the hottest topic is undoubtedly the concert, what time, what place, how many days it lasts, whether the tickets are good or not, and so on.

In comparison, the new work launched by Founder is not so popular, and compared with any previous work, the release of "LoveLive" is very low-key.

But this popularity is also relative, and it can only be said that it does not have as much attention as before, and it is not that no one cares.

On the contrary, many fans want to rely on this upcoming new work to get through this time when they are anxious but have to wait patiently.

Helplessly, it's not that the new work is not attractive enough, nor is it not good enough, but the light music concert held before has impressed the fans too much.

The scene where virtual imaging technology debuted for the first time, and only a few people crossed the dimension and came to the fans was too shocking and incredible.

"Brothers, it's time, everyone!"

"The old man will go first, go and investigate the enemy's situation, and the big guy will follow~"

"The name "Lovelive" is extraordinary when you hear it, wait for the old man to take a look!"

"Let's go, let's go, go together!"

In the forum, the fans ran out of hula, and they all squeezed to the homepage of the A society platform, refreshed, and then clicked play.

The work "Lovelive" can't be seen from the name, and Founder doesn't have too much publicity, and compared with the previous life, there is almost no linkage with reality.

So fans are speculating and guessing what type of work "Lovelive" is.

For fans who are new to Lovelive, their perception of Lovelive can be said to be zero, and it is completely blank.

If it was a previous life, as long as "Lovelive" was mentioned, I am afraid that fans would habitually shout "μSicForever".

But for fans of this world, everything is still in its infancy, and everyone doesn't have a clear understanding of "Lovelive" at all.

Naturally, I can't talk about being moved and liking.

At this time, fans' eyes widened and they all wanted to see what type of work this work, and most likely the last work of the year, was.

As the saying goes, seeing the old from the beginning, there is a high probability that just by looking at the beginning, you will know what type of drama this work is.

Of course,It is not excluded that dramas like "School Island" are reversed and reversed, but this type of anime is only a minority after all.

I have to say that Fangwen Society will always drop gods!

At the beginning of the anime, it is another season of falling cherry blossoms, and the pink petals dot everything on campus, and everything looks so elegant and beautiful.

There was a burst of melodious singing, no accompaniment, no chorus, just a cappella singing by a young girl standing at the school gate.

The crisp voice is like a lark in spring, soft, tactful, without a trace of noise, which makes people unconsciously close their eyes and slowly indulge in it.

"Because... I felt the possibility~"

"So, let's move forward..."

"I don't want to regret it, there must be a way for us in front of us~"

“Let’sgo! Do! Do! Ilive!"


At the end of the cappella, the cheerful BGM suddenly sounded, and the fans in front of the screen couldn't help but shudder.

Looking at the energetic girl on the screen, watching this season of falling cherry blossoms, listening to this somewhat beautiful music and pure singing, fans suddenly have a familiar feeling.

Why does it feel so familiar?

Fans subconsciously remembered the songs in "Light Girl", although the style of music is different, but inexplicably, fans just associate the two together.

Looking at the works of A Society, there is no shortage of good OP, ED, etc., and there is no shortage of good songs.

But as soon as "Lovelive" opened, this cappella really amazed everyone!

The moment the girl opened her mouth in the anime, almost all the fans fell into it, completely addicted to it, and couldn't extricate themselves for a long time.

PS: Thank you for the support of the monthly pass of "Moon Shadow" and "Bow to Cute", thank you guys!!

(Vigorously 'thank' for the large amount of urging of "full of yarn and fog sauce", I knelt down for you, please be a person~)

Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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