After Tian Yuanhai did not reject Takamako Enaiguo's proposal, Takamaka Hyunago was a little down.

"I think it's a good idea~"

Takamako walked in the middle of the school, still worrying about what had just happened.

Become an idol, then make a name for yourself, promote Yin Na Kisaka Academy, and then successfully stop the abolition of the school, what a reasonable script, why can't it be recognized~

So Takamaka Hui Naiguo was a little distressed and didn't know what to do.

"Don't let it dry up, water everyone's dream tree~"

"Come on~ I like you the most~ Long live!"

"Enjoy the moment with the courage not to admit defeat~"

"Long live your favorite ~"

"We will work hard, wave to yesterday, and move forward~"

Inadvertently, a beautiful piano sound came into the ears of Takama Enaiguo, and he unconsciously walked to the front of the music classroom, and through the window, he could see that a red-haired girl was sitting in front of the piano and playing.

"What a beautiful voice~"

Gao Ban Hui Naiguo listened to the other party playing the piano and singing, unconsciously indulged in it, and praised it from the bottom of his heart, the other party's voice was so clear~

"I'm dripping mom, is this random person a fairy singing skill?!"

"I bet this red-haired girl will definitely be pulled into the idol group by Hui Naiguo!"

"233~Don't say that I Hui Naiguo is like a pyramid scheme leader~"

"I'm Gan, you didn't say that I didn't remember it upstairs, as soon as you reminded me, I saw it, Hui Naiguo is pulling people everywhere, isn't this a pyramid scheme leader~"

"No, no, no, I'd rather call her a missionary than a pyramid scheme!"

"Missionary?, I don't know if I can join the church?!"

Fans watched Maki Nishikino play the piano and improvised a cappella song, and they admired this singing skill from the bottom of their hearts.

It is often said that if a singer is not up to standard, whether he sings well or not, turn off the music and sing a cappella to know.

At the moment, Nishikino Mahime is undoubtedly qualified, and this cappella is simply nice to make fans goosebumps.

On the other hand, after rejecting Takamachi Enaiguo, Tian Yuanhai came to the school's archery club for daily routine training.

Changing into clothes, holding a longbow, bending the bow and arrows, staring at the target in the distance without blinking, and his face was full of seriousness.

Seeing Tian Yuan Haiwei like this, fans feel a little experienced.

Serious boys are the most likeable, and serious girls are not like this~

"This is the so-called straight shot~"

"Seeing Hai Wei's dress, I inexplicably went to the ship's mother Kaga hahaha~"

"Upstairs, you're not alone, I feel the same way, it's so similar!"

"I said, are you stupid?"

"The serious Haiwei is so handsome, with a longbow in his hand, his eyes are like an eagle falcon, he is really handsome!"

"Wow~ I'm going to learn this!"

Fans couldn't help but admire Yuan Yuanhai's appearance of not seriously training himself in archery.

If nothing else, let's just say that the handsome posture of the bow and the serious expression can make the fans excited.

Tian Yuanhai's posture was very standard, and his eyes stared at the shooting range in the distance without blinking, adjusting his breathing.

As long as you don't make a mistake, you will never miss the target!

Just when the fans were staring intently at the idyllic sea and not shooting arrows, the anime screen suddenly changed.

I saw that Tian Yuanhai, who was still full of seriousness just now, suddenly wore an idol costume, stood on the stage, and posed in a shameful posture.

"Let me shoot through the heart of the blow~"


Listening to the thunderous applause from the audience, the shouts and screams were mixed together, and the fans burst into laughter.


After no doubt, Tian Yuanhai didn't think of something that shouldn't be thought of, and the arrow shot out didn't deviate from the target and stuck to the side.

"What the hell am I thinking~!"

Tian Yuanhai did not maintain the posture of taking the arrow out of his hand, and his face was flushed.

Thinking of the shameful picture he had just drawn in his mind, Tian Yuan Haiwei felt a sense of self-esteem.

"What a rarity!"

Even, even the classmates who trained with Tian Yuanhai were surprised, as if they were shocked that Tian Yuanhai did not miss the target.

Hearing the other party say this, Tian Yuanhai was even more embarrassed.

"Oh?!no! It's just an accident!"

As he spoke, Tian Yuanhai drew out an arrow again and bent his bow and arrow.

But the moment the arrow was fired, she thought about herself as an idol standing on the stage.



There is no doubt that several times in a row, Tian Yuanhai has missed the target, and the aim of the arrow has been seriously offset.

"Ah~! No, there can't be distracting thoughts!"

Tian Yuanhai lay on the ground, ashamed of her unwarranted fantasies, and if she could, she would like to find a crack in the ground to get into.

It must be because of Hui Naiguo, otherwise how could he fantasize about becoming an idol sought after by fans for no reason~

Thinking of the lines of shame that exploded in his mind just now, Tian Yuan Haiwei was not good.

"666 ~ Master of Human Strokes!"

"I feel embarrassed just by looking at it, not to mention Hai Wei, who is the protagonist, it's so pitiful~"

"Don't be too ashamed~ I say I don't want to be an idol, but my body is very honest~"

"233~~ Haiwei, your heart is upset!"

"Isn't this what the bigwigs say, but isn't it~"

Fans were made to laugh by the fantasy of Tian Haiwei, and to be honest, across the screen, fans were ashamed of Haiwei.

If you are upset, you will naturally not be able to continue training, especially archery, which is a sport that most needs to stabilize your mentality.

It just so happened that Nan Xiaoniao came to look for her, so the two left the activity department and strolled around the campus.

With Nan Xiaoniao's narration, Tian Yuanhai didn't think of himself, Nan Xiaoniao, and Hui Naiguo when they were children.

Climb trees!

That's right, it's tree climbing!

According to Nan Xiaoniao, it is Hui Naiguo who has always had this temperament, always pulling them when they are hesitating.

Although they are always in trouble because of Hui Naiguo, it is undeniable that they have seen a lot of different scenery because of Hui Naiguo.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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