"Ghost, no matter how my crazy third wife looks, it's so beautiful and attractive~"

"Sansan, I can~!"

"I'm as beautiful as a fairy in a painting~"

"Draw your sword, everyone!"

"I couldn't go to the scene, and I left tears of remorse~"

In the live broadcast room, the sailors looked at Kurumi Shizaki who was close at hand, and they were all amazed by the beauty of the other party.

Kurumi Tokizaki in the anime is beautiful enough, and Kurumi who applied a virtual imaging system to reality is even more beautiful and moving, making people reluctant to look away at a glance.

Shen Mengyao saw Shi Qi Kurumi turn her head to look at herself, her smile was full of thrilling beauty, she was a little uncontrollable for a girl, let alone a man.


Hearing this, Shen Mengyao was stunned for a moment, and there was some disbelief in her eyes.

Although she knew that the beautiful excessive figure in front of her was fake, just a light and shadow effect, but when the other party's voice really echoed in her ears, Shen Mengyao still felt too real.

Seeing Shi Qi Crazy Thirty cooperating in a very tempting pose, Shen Mengyao was very reluctant to move a trace of undesirable thoughts.

With a slightly red face, Shen Mengyao faced the charismatic Shizaki Kurumi, in addition to a feeling of self-shame from the heart, there was also an urge to run away.

Although there are not many people here, standing with Kurumi Shizaki, Shen Mengyao still has the illusion of being regarded as a clown.

"You... Hello, my name is Yaoyao, and I am... A streamer~"

Shen Mengyao couldn't hold back the feeling in her heart, and was instructed by Fang Zheng that she had to broadcast this place live.

Just as men don't like to talk and laugh with people who are richer and more beautiful than themselves, women don't want to go shopping with people who are better looking and better than themselves.

However, the work needs, Shen Mengyao can only bite the bullet.


Shi Qi Kurumi's ear-piercing voice sounded, and Shen Mengyao's heart beat a little faster.

This discovery shocked Shen Mengyao, just one sentence was so lifeless, terrifying, this is really terrifying~

"So... Are you going to be my shadow?"

Shizaki Kurumi's deep eyes looked at Shen Mengyao with a smile, and the expression on his face was also like a spring breeze, but the words he said made people shudder.

The shadow of Kurumi Tokizaki, Shen Mengyao, who has watched "Dating Wars", is naturally no stranger.

The kind of miserable white palm like a demon struggling in hell, when she thought of this scene, Shen Mengyao suddenly felt a chill down her spine.

Knowing that the Kurumi Shizaki in front of him was fake, and what he said was also fake, but when he thought of that kind of scene, Shen Mengyao still couldn't help but have two back legs.

Without him, it's really that the Kurumi Shizaki in front of him is too realistic.

Saying the most chilling words in the most seductive tone, this is Kurumi Tokizaki, a beautiful girl who is extremely seductive but is also known as the 'worst elf'.

"No... No need~"

Shen Mengyao's face was a little stiff, she almost forgot that in addition to being beautiful and seductive, Kurumi Shizaki had a very strange personality.

At this time, hearing Shi Qi Kurumi's words, Shen Mengyao suddenly woke up, the elf in front of her was not the naïve kind of Night Sword God Shika, but a very difficult character.

At the same time, the fans in the live broadcast room, hearing that Shen Mengyao could communicate with Shi Qi Kurumi normally, had bloodshot eyes and a wolf-like gaze.

"Go to Nima's overtime, the old man will go to the magic capital!"

"Let's go, I have to go without concert tickets, just to take a look at my crazy third wife!"

"Big brother upstairs, your wife eats people!"

"Get out! Believe it or not, I'm looking for you to PK!"

"I have a hunch that after this anime carnival, the price of wolfberries and other big supplements may be going to rise~"

"Young people, you have to be temperate, don't be confused by the pink skeleton~"

"If the pink skeletons are like my crazy third wife, then the old man is willing to fall into hell!"

Through the lens of the live broadcast room, fans felt the charm of Kurumi Shizaki from the bones, and there were peach blossoms in their eyes, except for the beautiful and thrilling figure, there was no room for anything else in their eyes.

So much so that Shen Mengyao left Shizaki Kurumi in fear, and the fans were still immersed in the boundless beauty, but they still didn't react.

"It's terrible, you know, standing in front of Kurumi, I feel like I'm going to be killed at any moment!"

After walking a distance, Shen Mengyao patted her chest, looked at the camera, and said with palpitations.

"Although I know it's fake, it's a virtual imaging system, but it's too realistic!"

Shen Mengyao didn't notice that something was wrong with the sailors in the live broadcast room, and said to herself what she felt just now, and it could be vaguely seen from her face how much pressure she was under just now.

"Miss Shen, this is our company's latest upgraded virtual imaging system, although it is very realistic, but after all, it is a set program and light and shadow effects, so you don't have to worry. "

The staff may have seen that Shen Mengyao's face was not very good, so they stepped forward to explain a few words.

At the same time, he pointed to the other two-dimensional characters in the hall.

Shen Mengyao heard the staff's explanation, took a deep breath, and had a little cry and smile on her face.

She naturally knew that it was fake, but in the face of the realistic effect that was indistinguishable from the real person, she couldn't help but be nervous.

After adjusting her mentality, Shen Mengyao walked around the hall again, and according to the requirements of the fans, she photographed a lot of two-dimensional characters that appeared in the hall.

There are Kurumi Shizaki who are very popular with the audience, You Bean, Evil King True Eye, Slime, Tanya and so on~

Among them, the most impressive thing for fans is You Douzi, the communication with Shen Mengyao was 'um-ah' tone throughout the whole process, which made the sailors shout cute.

Of course, there are also two-dimensional characters such as Kang Na and Xiao Hinata, all of whom are also cute and bloody on the faces of the sailors in the live broadcast room.

"666, the True Eye of the Evil King joins hands with the Pitch-Black Flame Envoy to interpret what is called the second disease on the spot!"

"And Tanya, come up with a sentence Do you believe in the gods? Yaoyao's face turned white with fright~"

"Ma Dan, say in front of Tanya that you believe in God, will your head be opened at the next moment~"

"Am I the only one who thinks the old bone classmate is very domineering??"

"Domineering is domineering, it's just a little too explicit~"

"There are also one flower, two nai, three jiu... Quintuplets, the dream of my generation~!"

"Woo woo woo ~ As a ship C player, it's so kind to see King Kong Si silly~"

"Don't say it, don't say it, the old man is going to the magic capital, can't you go here!"

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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