Booked the venue and set up the tent, Shen Mengyao was busy while interacting with the sailors in the live broadcast room, and it would be 11 o'clock at noon when everything was done.

I just took this opportunity to enjoy a barbecue by myself.

After eating, Shen Mengyao chatted with the sailors again, and then went around the camping site and broadcast the beautiful scenery that everyone was looking forward to live to the sailors.

Then, after packing up her things, Shen Mengyao left the campsite and rushed straight to the west of the campsite.

"Hehe, I'll surprise you guys later!"

Shen Mengyao smiled at the camera as she walked, and said quite mysteriously.

That expression made the sailors in the live broadcast room stunned, and they didn't understand what medicine was sold in Shen Mengyao's gourd.

"What kind of surprise, so mysterious?"

"It's not going to be a new activity for Pipi Shrimp~"

"That's not right, the carnival activities given by the official website of A before, except for the cross-dimensional singing of Hu, the others are similar to the previous anime carnival~"

"emmm~ I think Pipi Shrimp must have a back hand!"

"The old man is like going to experience the chariot arena in his life, but unfortunately he hasn't been able to do so!"

"That's a man's dream, although it can't be compared with the real thing!"

Hearing Shen Mengyao's words, the sailors in the live broadcast room were a little curious, what kind of surprise made Shen Mengyao so mysterious and tightly hidden.

If you want to talk about this anime carnival, in fact, except for the cross-dimensional concert, most of the activities are not much different from the previous anime carnivals.

After all, it is impossible for Founder to build a venue every time an event is held, which is simply unrealistic.

Therefore, fans are still more familiar with the anime carnival, unlike the first time they came, and their eyes were black.

Seeing that the sailors in the live broadcast room were discussing this matter, Shen Mengyao smiled again, but did not say the answer.

Shen Mengyao's expression made fans itch in their hearts, just like a cat's claw.

However, no matter how fans asked, begged, or even threatened to take them down, Shen Mengyao was unmoved, just said it.

There is no way, although the fans are very curious, but Shen Mengyao just doesn't say it, they can only wait patiently.

Stop-and-go, Shen Mengyao walked towards the destination while broadcasting the grand occasion of the animation carnival live.

Those fun activities along the way, the feasting coser, although attracted the attention of fans to a certain extent, everyone was still very concerned about what the surprise Shen Mengyao said.

Finally, Shen Mengyao came to a two-dimensional theme supermarket, this supermarket is the largest two-dimensional supermarket in Zhuyuan area that sold figures, posters and other homo peripherals at the previous animation carnival.

"This is it, don't blame me for not reminding you, this supermarket supports online pre-order~"

After speaking, Shen Mengyao didn't care whether the fans were confused or not, and walked in directly.

As soon as she entered the supermarket, Shen Mengyao didn't go to see the dazzling array of figures and posters and other fan-like goods, but went straight to the second floor.

"Queue up, everybody queue!"

"Don't squeeze, there are still a lot of stocks~"

"Fans who have purchased can go to the giveaway area on the first floor with the invoice and choose a fandom merchandise!"


As soon as I came to the second floor, the atmosphere instantly became hot, and the sound was a little noisy.

The mall's radio was repeated over and over again, about paying attention to safety and so on.

Seeing that the second floor and the first floor are simply two worlds, the sailors in Shen Mengyao's live broadcast room were a little stunned.

What is it that allows these fans to abandon the figure and other people and wait in line here?

Isn't it fragrant to have this time to go to the first floor to snap up out-of-print figures and out-of-print posters?!

I don't understand, I don't understand, I don't know why these people are so crazy.

Shen Mengyao came to the back of the line and slowly moved forward with the flow of people.

Not long after, Shen Mengyao entered the shopping mall on the second floor.

"Now is the time to find out!"

As she spoke, Shen Mengyao pointed the live broadcast equipment that she had blocked all the way at the things on the shelves, and her tone was full of excitement.

As soon as the camera turned, fans saw the goods on the shelves.

An album with μ's printed on it!

That's right, the entire shelf is full of albums with μ's posters printed on them!

"I'm Gan, album?!"

"666, Fang Da Niu Pi, great love μ's!"

"Support online pre-order, right, the old man will buy it right away!"

"Everyone, slow down, be merciful~!"

"Yaoyao, you didn't say such a good thing earlier, but you still hid it, it's too uninteresting!"

"Get out of the way, the old man wants to buy ten copies!"

"Collection, this must be collected!"

Although everyone now likes to listen to music on music platforms, the role of albums is not as influential as before.

But albums are the most suitable for collections, so fans are a little crazy when they see the dazzling array of albums on these shelves.

If you don't buy one and collect it, I'm afraid you'll regret it for a lifetime!

"Don't worry, everyone, it's not just μ's, but also a few people, as well as albums of various anime works!"

Saying that, Shen Mengyao frantically bought different albums while broadcasting live to water friends.

In the shopping mall, the most are the albums of μ's and "Light Girl", followed by the OP of each anime, ED, and the album formed by the fusion of theme songs, interludes, etc.

Obviously, these albums are for fans to buy and collect.

At this point, there is no need to remind at all, fans thought of this at the first time.

After all, it is very convenient to listen to songs on online music platforms now, and you can start and stop at any time, compared with it, the form of albums does not have an advantage.

Therefore, collection is the biggest value that fans think of!

"Ghosts, how many are there~"

"Chop your hands, you must chop your hands this time!"

"Although my wallet is suffocated, I am full of a sense of accomplishment in my heart~"

"Don't get excited, listen to me, in order to reduce the pressure of competition, everyone quietly entered the village~"

"Yes, yes, yes, don't make a noise, pre-order first!"

"You guys are so bad, but I like hehe~"

Walking around the mall, Shen Mengyao looked at the full albums in her cart with satisfaction, breathed a sigh of relief, and then walked towards the cash register.

When she saw the barrage of sailors, she couldn't laugh or cry.

Since Company A dares to openly sell album works here, it must be that the inventory is enough, and the worries of sailors are completely unnecessary.

This is also the reason why she has always refused to say it before, and she has to be at the scene to announce the truth.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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