Unknowingly, more than half of the "Catalogue of Forbidden Books of Magic" has been released, and fans have also experienced several joyful and irritable but touching stories along with the previous article.

Of course, after the story, comments on the story also poured in.

"Brothers, I have a question, aren't all Pipi shrimp married?

"I guess he's got a big picture. "

"I guess too.,I'm afraid I'm not the only one who wants to have a sister's hand~"

"Not to mention anything else, this sister hand is really powerful!"

"Yes, let me count, first Intix, then Mikoto Misaka, then Himejin Qiusha, and then one pass, uh, bah, bah, it's Misaka Mei. "

"To sum it up, it's already four, and it's only halfway through the plot. "

"emm~ That being said, there are indeed a lot of female companions, but the exploding head hasn't even hit a home run so far?"

"Upstairs, you're true, but you don't have a home run, but the eyes of the exploding head are no longer pure, and you forgot to shatter the action church?!"


Since the sister's hand was mentioned by Fangzheng, fans have speculated about it.

Now, the fans who have seen the truth are no longer satisfied with the self-congratulatory pleasure in the forum of the A Society, and have run to the Weibo of the official Bo Niang and Fang Zheng of the A Society to leave messages.

Want Pi Phi Shrimp to stand up and explain, this sister is really a little sister in one episode?

Is this a harem or not!

And the new one is in the show.,Except for occasionally going to the Xiuzhiyuan School Park.,See the training progress of the students.,Temporary teaching,Founder can be said to be living a paradise-like life on earth.。

Well, work paddling, beauty on the side, hehehehe...

As the saying goes, there is no harm if there is no contrast, and some people sit idle, and some people are busier.

As the person in charge of the official blog, Liu Mingming immediately went to Founder Weibo to take a look when the fans left a message on the official blog, and the fans were still so hot.

Although this time is not the same as before, it is not an emergency situation for fans to ask Fang Zheng to explain in anger, maybe this matter can be an opportunity for publicity?

You see, in order to correct the name of the official Bo Niang, Liu Mingming has become more and more intelligent.

So, on the one hand, she instructed her employees to reply to the comments of fans and comfort them, and on the other hand, she went to Founder to discuss countermeasures.

Only then did Fang Zheng learn about this.

Oh, this seems like an opportunity.

In the previous life, there was a "Catalogue of Forbidden Books of Magic" The heroine problem harem problem has been criticized.,Although this time Fangzheng has made an improvement to the plot and picture.,But he never felt that the harem problem was a big deal.。

So I didn't change that.

There is nothing new under the sun. The new round of viewers still found this problem.

It is clear that in the "Catalogue of Forbidden Books of Magic", Intix is a well-deserved heroine.

As for Dangma's emotional problems, this anime does not explicitly state it.

Although in the follow-up series of the anime "A Scientific Super Electromagnetic Cannon", when Ma and Misaka Mikoto have a great relationship, and even became Mikoto Misaka's "As long as you cry, you will come to save my hero".

But how can the audience know at this time.

Faced with this problem, Fang Zheng suddenly had an idea and came up with a good idea.

Aren't you fans discussing the harem, then I'll give you a choice, and see who is more compatible with you when Ma is in your heart.

Anyway, the Demon Forbidden is also going to develop as a series, and you can also take this opportunity to make a promotion.

announced to fans that the emotional trend of the follow-up series of Dangma will be based on the voting results of fans, which can also make fans feel involved.

It's a one-size-fits-all solution.

Hehe, it's a good place.

So, Fang Zheng gave an order to Liu Mingming, who was waiting.

So and so and so and so and

Liu Mingming, who heard the countermeasures, couldn't help but sigh, Fang Dong is still Fang Dong, and he still has to work hard.

After Liu Mingming left, Fang Zheng opened his Weibo and posted a news.

"I've heard that you're very concerned about the harem of dangma, so now I'll give you a choice, please move to Guan Bo Niang for details. "

As soon as the news was released, fans were puzzled.

"Give us a choice, what choice can we have. "

"Yes also, exploding the feelings of the head how we intervene. "

"Could it be that we can still decide who the exploding head will marry?"

"I extremely suspect that Pipi Shrimp has been stolen, when did Pi Phi Shrimp pass by like this. "

Fans are still discussing, and Founder posted another update.

"But I advise you to pay more attention to your life's affairs. "

Pipi Shrimp still can't hold back his skin.

"Damn, I knew that Pipi Shrimp couldn't be so serious. "

"It's not because we're single because we've dedicated our lives to our two-dimensional wives. "

"That's it, how can a woman have a two-dimensional wife fragrance~"

"Pipi Shrimp, don't forget that you betrayed the second generation wife first, don't think that our fans will be as ruthless and shameless as you!"


Fans were fiercely facing each other under Founder Weibo, and suddenly someone came with a message.

"Don't match the line, something big happens, the choice is really in our hands!

It turned out that at this time, Guan Bo Niang had released the latest developments.

"Thank you for your warm care for the harem problem of Shangjo Dangma, in order to give feedback to the fans' love, Fang Da specially came up with this event.

Now, the choice is yours, and each of you has one vote for your favorite combination.

The combination with the highest number of votes is likely to appear in the follow-up series~

Here are the options:

A. Shang Yin Party

B. Upper Imperial Party

C. Kamihime Party

D. Kami-Osaka Sister Party

E. Black Royal Party

F. Yin Yu Party

G. Misaka Sisterhood"

Fans who saw this Weibo were thrilled in their hearts!

"I didn't expect that one day I could decide the fate of the protagonist. "

"Love, love, Fang Da eternal God!"

"No, I can understand the one in front of this, what the hell are the Black Go, Yin Yu, and Misaka sisters in the back?"

"Pipi shrimp is still so skinny!"

"But as the saying goes, men and women are boring, and Lily Dafa is good... Hey, hey, hey."

"That's right, support upstairs! The opposite sex only solves physiological problems, and the same sex is true love!"

"Okay, okay, don't be skinny, I'm going to cast my vote, who will you vote for?"

For a while, fans seemed to be suffering from difficulty in choosing, and it was difficult to choose one by one.

Although some fans voted for themselves, it was only a small part, and more people still found it difficult to make up their minds, after all, every character is lovely, and the votes in their hands will determine their fate.

Each of us has been faced with such a choice.

In our academic career, we have to choose our junior high school, high school, and even the important juncture of our lives, university.

After graduation, we have to choose a job and a partner.

We are always in the midst of a choice.

Choice, decide fate.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support! Please!!

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