didn't wait long for fans to wonder, Misaka Mei said what she thought.

There are two reasons why Misaka had this idea.

One is that in their cognition, if there is no passage of one party, without this plan, the Misaka sisters will not appear.

At its root, it was the passage of one party that brought life to Misaka.

In addition, it was Misaka who discovered the heart of a party.

In the later stages of the experiment, Misaka Mei was surprised to find through some details that the heart of one party was resisting the experiment.

His mouth cannon before each experiment was not because he was a talker, but because he tried to make Misaka doubt the rationality of the experiment, and then deny him and prevent him from conducting the experiment.

"I see, I'm just saying, how can one side always be verbose. "

"That's the right solution, I thought it was the law that the villain dies from talking too much is in effect. "

"Wow, one side of the passage turned out to be such a man, strong and handsome, and kind. "

"From now on, black to pink, okay!"

Through Misaka Misaka's narration, fans have gradually learned about the real one.

He was just a lonely child.

Since childhood, he has been isolated because of his powerful superpowers, and his superpowers can only be used to destroy.

This made him disgusted with himself, so he gave up on himself and presented himself as a bad person.

This tsundere teenager hides his heart with an indifferent appearance.

In the end, he is just a teenager, and he also wants to use his ability to save others.

He also wanted to do good deeds and make most people worship.

But how can this damned power go from destruction to salvation?

All he could think of was to become stronger, to become stronger.

Perhaps, this is the only way to save!

After the meal, the party who wanted to completely solve Misaka's physical problems returned to the research institute and wanted to get the relevant materials and equipment to treat Misaka.

But before the instrument arrived, the worse news reached his ears.

"Misaka Network" was implanted with a virus by Aoio Amai, and it is about to break out!

In a hurry, he grabbed his things and immediately returned to the restaurant to meet Misaka, who had been left there.

Worryingly, Misaka has been taken away by Amoi Amoi, and he can only search for it in the city like a headless fly.

The hard work pays off.

With the help of the research institute, Amoi Aki is in hand.

The found Amoi Ao is naturally not a common opponent, but he knows that he will be defeated, and he has made a move on Misaka.

Misaka's virus outbreak has been brought forward, and Patio wants to let this group of people see how powerful he is.

But what he didn't expect was that the passage of one side was so terrifying.

It's worthy of being the strongest in the school city.,One side passes with its own super computing power and ability to fight against the virus.,Delete this virus program little by little.。

But this also reached his limits.

In the process of deletion, the unkilled Amoi Oak woke up again, and the angry man shot him in the head of the party!

Misaka's virus program deletion is the last moment.,Give up will be a failure.,One party can only carry it!

Fortunately, one party did not die, but only suffered brain damage and decreased computing power.

"One side passes, this is too perverted. "

"It's worthy of being the strongest in the academy, so it's no wonder Mikoto Misaka doesn't have the confidence to play. "

"It's really touching, for Misaka he fought so hard. "

"It seems that Misaka Misaka has nothing wrong with him. "

Fans were greatly moved to see the party fighting so hard to save Misaka, and Mikoto Misaka, who was ridiculed by them, also seemed to hear their slander and appeared again.

At this time, Mikoto Misaka was not so happy.

Although she didn't worry about the summer vacation homework that didn't start like Dangma, she had her own troubles.

She was harassed by Mitsuki Kaihara, the grandson of the school president.

The young man had been having a chance encounter with her at the intersection in front of her dormitory for a week, and she had no valid reason to refuse him out of concern about his identity.

Today, the same picture is repeated.

The difference is that it seems that God heard her call, or when Ma heard her call.

It is worthy of being a sister's hand, and I understand the voice of the majority of female friends very well~

Just when she couldn't find an excuse to leave, the three of Ma, the yellow-haired boy and the blue-haired earrings came from a distance talking and laughing.

When Meiqin saw Dangma, it was like Bai Jingjing seeing the supreme treasure that came on the colorful auspicious clouds.

The excitement in my heart.

And she also thought of a solution once and for all, that is, to pretend to be a couple with Shangjo Dangma!

With this thought, Mikoto Misaka's face turned red, after all, she was only a teenage girl, and the boy's hand had never touched it.

But shyness is shyness, and what is done is always done.

After this village, there is no such shop!

So, Mikoto Misaka turned around and ran sweetly towards Dangma and his party, and beckoned along the way.

Fans were all in disbelief when they saw this, but before they could finish their surprise, they all burst into laughter.

It turned out that Mai Trin, who was running towards Dangma with a smile, was ignored!

When Ma avoided her.

This is really unbearable and unbearable!

She turned around and jumped up and punched Dangma!

But after going around and around, her goal was achieved.

She exploded and threw both of them to the ground, and she just threw herself into Dangma's arms!


At this time, Mai Trin couldn't care about the shyness on her face, and took the opportunity to whisper in Dangma's ear and ask him to help pretend to be a couple.

This scene is really like a couple in love whispering in bed.

But beware, this is not in bed at this moment, but at the intersection outside Mai Trin's dormitory!

It's no wonder what is happening here can be hidden!

In an instant, countless students saw this scene through the window and discussed it one after another.

That's a shame!

Mai Tamin had no choice but to pull Dangma and fled quickly.

"Enhahahaha, I didn't expect you to be such a Mikoto Misaka. "

"No matter how strong you are, you're just a teenage girl!"

"Love is a cup of wine, and anyone who drinks it has to get drunk. "

"I finally understand how those queens were attacked, I see. "

"There's one more reason to support Mikoto Misaka, I didn't expect her to be so cute. "

"The first in the world in the Shangyu Party!"

Fans looked at Mikoto who showed the side of a little woman, and their love for her increased by another point.

PS: Kneel and beg all the big guys for a lot of support, please!!

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