In the reluctance of fans, the latest work of A Society, "Catalogue of Forbidden Books of Magic", has come to an end.

Kamijo Danma, Intix, Mikoto Misaka and others can be described as a big hit, especially Intix, who has captured the hearts of a large number of fans with her loli appearance and cute and simple personality.

And the supporting characters in the play with different personalities and characteristics have also gained their respective fans, the arrogant Mikoto Misaka, the weak Himejin Qiusha...

Needless to say, the voting on the CP Party on Weibo is still ongoing, and many fans are still in a difficult choice.

I want Shangyin, Shangyu or something, it's really sad.

And a few days after the end of this anime, a long review titled "The Most Good One Who Can't Do It, Doing the Things of a Saint with a Mortal Body" circulated in the two-dimensional circle.


Needless to say, the anime "Catalogue of Forbidden Books of Magic" is a wonderful and hot-blooded anime, and apart from the wonderful pictures and excellent plot, what can we learn from it?

First of all, let's start with the character of the main character, Uejo Dangma.

Because of the ability of fantasy killers, Kamijo has experienced all kinds of misfortunes since he was a child, and there will always be bad luck happening to him.

As a result, he was called the "Plague God" by his playmates, and his young playmates gradually distanced themselves from him, and not only that, but even the adults around him began to hate him and isolate him.

However, even Dangma, who grew up in this environment, still did not give up the kindness in his heart, and did not complain about this society because of his misfortune.

He is friendly to everyone and is willing to help anyone, even if he is scarred.

Just imagine, in the society we live in, in this era of decay of etiquette and the supremacy of money, even the grandmother who fell on the side of the road does not dare to help, let alone help others voluntarily and without compensation?

If we are in our time, it is really a big "outlier"!

And in the play, the biggest contrast with the misfortune of the previous article is the god crack fire weaving, this magician is haunted by the god of luck, and wants to experience misfortune but has never experienced it, and is troubled by it.

After getting acquainted with the god of the broken fire weaving and slowly getting acquainted with it, he didn't complain about this huge injustice of fate, and turned into an angry youth, he still maintained the kindness in his heart.

Uejo Dangma, who has long understood the warmth and coldness of this world because of misfortune, understands that in some cases, mild people become violent villains in the blink of an eye, whether it is realistic or non-comedic two-dimensional, this is the case in the human world.

But Uejo Danma still declares that "I don't regret it", although he is always unfortunately forced to fight and be injured, and he is frequently born and died, but he has no hesitation to save Intix, Himejin Qiusa, Mikoto Misaka, and Misaka's sister........

He refuses to live a comfortable life where he can ignore the misfortunes of others, for a kind person, life is unfortunate but never regrets, [I don't regret it] There are too many sad things behind a simple sentence.

However, the kindness to ordinary people alone is not enough to summarize the kind character of the previous one.

Not only ordinary people, even if they were opponents a moment ago, but also enemies who fought inexorably and even fought to the death, he had great kindness, conveyed his kindness to them, and tried to influence them.

From Steele, who had a dispute over a misunderstanding at the beginning, to the party who killed 10,031 Misaka sisters, to the magician who pretended to be Mitsuki Umihara and wanted to kill him, he had good intentions towards him.

Use your powerful mouth cannon to attack and influence the other party, make the other party lose their way, and even promise the other party's wish before death.

All he did was just not want to have any misfortune for the people he came into contact with!

He understands the feeling of misfortune!

Uejo experienced these misfortunes too early, but instead enabled him to accept the injustice and misfortune of the world.

He understands the pain of these injustices and misfortunes, and he can't change his own misfortunes, so let me start by changing the people around me!

He didn't want to save the dark city and save the world, he didn't have such a grand wish.

He just wanted to do his best to save others from misfortune.

And one side passes, this teenager who has been treated as an alternative since childhood, expelled by his peers, who did not have a complete and happy childhood, and was forced to participate in experiments and used as scientific research materials.

He himself is not black, but he has been persecuted too much, and he has fallen into darkness that he cannot redeem himself.

But he can't express his true feelings, he can only pretend to be strong on the surface, and use a special way to make others hate and hate himself.

Even after killing 10,031 Misaka sisters, Umijo Danma still forgave him and saved him.

Finally, after Fang Tong was defeated by Dangma, he understood that he was not the strongest, and a trace of loneliness in his heart was broken.

Prepare for redemption after encountering the last work and being reformed, and protect her safety.

Although the fact that he killed his sisters cannot be changed, it is undeniable that he can change himself in time, and even if he can't cover up this fact, he will continue to protect others with this crime.

Everyone has their own misfortunes, but who will spend so much effort to understand and rescue them?

Perhaps in the imagination of the last Dangma, the world should be like this, an ordinary world.

What is a regular high school student?

Look at the two of them! Look at the girls who are at the mercy of unnecessary sacrifices and are going to take the path of boredom tragedy!

If you still have a little heart for the sake of others, come with me.

Listen up, rookie.

The so-called "ordinary high school students everywhere" refers to the kind of people who can turn into heroes at any time just by seeing others really in trouble——!

And rightfully so.

Anyone will naturally have the idea of helping.

If you don't have this kind of thought, you don't want to do this kind of thing, it's not even ordinary.

Just a lost dog.

Guy who didn't plant.

If you don't want to be called that, you can only stand up.

Even if you are scared in your heart, even if your feet are shaking, even if your teeth are chattering, even if your mind is blank.

Being "ordinary".

Being "ordinary".

It's not that simple. It's not easy. The state of doing nothing is not called "ordinary". Just to maintain it, you need to make efforts that you are not usually aware of. As long as there is the slightest slackness, people will go astray and easily deviate from the "ordinary" day. 』


A long comment came out, starting from the character of the last one, and analyzed the characters in the play vividly, exposing the ugliness of this world, and of course, the positive white lotus-like people who don't want to fall into the mud!

Happy people are similar, and unhappy people have their own misfortunes.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!

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