The impact of Founder's live broadcast last night was really too great for fans, and the successive surprises simply made fans wonder if they were dreaming.

Amid the heated discussions among fans about the new anime and the enthusiastic anticipation of the virtual streamers, the time is finally coming to seven o'clock.

Fans gathered in the live broadcast area of Company A, waiting anxiously here, waiting for the cat attack Hinata and other unknown virtual anchors who they just met last night.

I don't know what surprises these virtual anchors will bring them.

"Hey, what do you say, what will the cat attack Hinata broadcast today?"

"She mentioned that she's a voice actor, voice changer, right?"

"Just looking at the cute appearance of the cat attacking Hinata and listening to her soft and glutinous voice is enough!"

"It's just that, for us and us, that's enough, don't expect too much. "

"Still, I'm looking forward to more surprises from her. "

"Definitely, my wife is so cute, there must be a big trick that hasn't been released. "

While fans were discussing, the live broadcast suddenly started, and it was only 6:57.

Hello everyone, I'm Cat Attack Hinata, welcome to my live broadcast room to watch my live broadcast.

I saw a figure appear on the screen, it was the pink-haired cat ears, and the cat with two long braids hanging down next to the ears attacked Hinata.

As soon as she appeared, she waved her cute hands to the fans and said hello.

"Good evening wife, it's our obligation to watch my wife's live broadcast on time. "

"It's really a conscientious anchor, and he came before 7 o'clock. "

"This is much more conscientious than a certain anchor surnamed Pi, who is not late but early!"

"Wife, you're finally here, we're waiting for you to thank you for waiting for the flowers. "

"What my wife has prepared for us, we are looking forward to it. "

Okay, I didn't expect everyone to be so enthusiastic.

However, it's still a shame to be called a "wife" or something.

With that, a flush appeared on Hinata's face.

Today's live broadcast is mainly divided into two parts.

The first part is from seven to nine o'clock.

It's just to chat with everyone, and if you want to know anything, you can ask me, but don't go too far.

The second part is to play the game with everyone, and then we will do a barrage poll to see what game to play, and then select a few viewers to do it together.

Now, let's move on to the first part.

First of all, let me introduce myself, I believe that many of my friends have met me in last night's live broadcast, but there may be some new friends who are meeting for the first time.

My name is Cat Attack Hinata, and I'll meet you on time every night from seven to eleven o'clock, well, except for Monday and Tuesday, after all, people also have to rest.

"Mm-hmm, wife, I understand, I will come to see you on time every day in the future. "

"Wife, you are so insincere, you only say your name when you introduce yourself, what about the rest. "

"Wife, what's your favorite thing to do?"

"Wife, wife, look at me, what is your favorite thing to eat, I will buy it for you in the future!"

"What to buy, wife, what you like to eat, I will open a restaurant for you. "

"Is this the legendary boss?"

"Big guy is awesome!"

"Big guy hurry up, I'm going to take my wife to eat when it's ready!"

"I'm peeing yellow, let me wake upstairs. "

Well, your favorite thing to do? is whatever you do with you...

Hey, just kidding.

My favorite thing to do is to sleep and play games! Anyone who dares to stop or hinder my sleep will be sent to Africa to open up the wilderness!

Speaking of which, the face of the cat attacking Hyuga has a fierce face, which is really cute!

It's the same if you don't let me play games! Life is precious, love is more expensive, if it's for the sake of games, both can be thrown.

Well, it's Mu Tianli and Pudding, and I would like to thank the fan who said he was going to open a restaurant for me, all I can say is that you are a good person.

"Haha, my wife is so humorous, and the earthy love stories are all out. "

"Is my wife's expression the legendary cute? "

"Shouldn't it be scared, really, people are about to be scared to death, scared to death by cuteness, and my reputation will be ruined when this is spread. "

"I didn't expect my wife's favorite thing to be the same as me, sleeping, eating, and playing games!"

"Wife, we are really a natural pair. "

"Woo woo, I didn't expect to be sent a good person card by my wife on the first day. "

"It's okay upstairs, I can only comfort you by saying that you are a good person!"


In the warm and harmonious interaction between Cat Attack Hinata and the fans, time passed quickly and came to nine o'clock.

Next, it's the next part, playing the game!

I'm sure you're in a hurry. I'm in a hurry, I haven't even played the game today.

Now, let's start the barrage voting, and fans will type the game you want to watch on the public screen, and then I will choose according to the number of barrages, and the time is 3 minutes.

Okay, let's get started!

For a while, a dense barrage floated by.

"League of Legends. "PUBG. "“CS. GO。 "......

All kinds of game names occupy the public screen.

Finally, the three minutes were up.

Now, I'll announce the results of the vote, and the final choice is - PUBG!

PUBG, also known as eating chicken, is a game that Founder was very obsessed with some time ago.

"I've got to eat chicken!"

"Isn't this game called Voldemort's League?"

"Upstairs, aren't you afraid of being beaten to death by Pipi Shrimp?!"

"Senior Voldemort asks to fight!"

"emm~I have a little bit of a suspicion of the level of the cat~!"

"Tonight, no more low-key!"

Cat attack Hyuga glanced at the voting results, obviously, the current fire of eating chicken

The voting results are out, we will play the game on the game platform, please type your ID on the public screen, and I will screenshot four players to play together.


For a time, countless fans logged in to their own chicken accounts.

Some of them have been fighting for many years and are still active on the island, while others have graduated for many years and can only play a few games with old friends on weekends to reminisce.

And some of them haven't been in the game for a long time.

After all, how can there be so much time in the adult world to throw away games, work and family burdens, parental alimony, daughter-in-law's cosmetics money, children's milk powder money, which one is not to struggle?

For a while, the PUBG server was crowded, and there was a long queue.

This also made the PUBG officials wonder, this is not an anniversary and not during the World Championship, how can the server squeeze so many players together?

PS: Kneel down and ask for a lot of support from the big guys, please!!

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