"I'm back. "

"I'm back. "

Pushing open the door, Alan's mother was cooking with an apron, and his father was writing with a quill.

Seeing the two go home, both smiled.

What a warm scene.

The audience couldn't help but worry about them at this time, and when the opening scene appeared, this heartwarming scene would become fragmented, and the family didn't know what the ending would be.

But no matter how worried they are, they can't change their fate, so they can only pray.

Inside the house, the family had a conversation.

Allen's father, who is a doctor, is about to go out for two or three days to treat patients in the mainland.

Mikasa also tells his parents that Eren wants to join the Survey Corps.

Naturally, his mother was strongly opposed, and his father asked Alan why he wanted to join.

"I want to know what the outside world is like. "

"I don't want to stay in the wall for the rest of my life in the unknown. "

"And if no one continues this job, aren't those who died before in vain?"

After hearing this, my father was noncommittal, but said lightly,

"That's right. "

After that, my father was going out too, and it was time to sail.

"Alan, when I get back, I'll show you the secret basement. "

The father raised the key that he had put in the inner pocket of his coat and left.

"All mothers in the world are the same. "

"Yes, most mothers want their children to grow up safely and live a stable life. "

Fathers want their children to chase their dreams. "

But this can't say who is right and who is wrong, it can only be said that the way of love is different. "

"What parent doesn't love their child? "

"This basement is definitely not simple!"

Alan's father left, and his mother tried to persuade Eren to change his mind, and Eren ran away impatiently.

Mikasa was the only one left by her side, and her mother grabbed Mikasa's shoulder with a look of hope.

"Mikasa, that child's personality is too easy to incur danger, if you encounter any danger, you have to take care of each other. "

On the other side, in an alley, three teenagers are bullying a yellow-haired teenager.

"What's the matter, heretics, if you don't want to fight back. "

If these three teenagers beat people, they will also damage others.

"I'm not going to do that, isn't that just like you?"

The yellow-haired boy is also unwilling to be lonely, he was beaten when he was beaten, and I want to take advantage of my mouth.

"What did you say!"

These three teenagers dared to refute when they saw the yellow-haired boy, and there was some truth in the refutation, and they were all angry!

"It's right to agree with me, and you can't refute it, so you have to beat me. Isn't that exactly that, admitting defeat to me?"

The three teenagers who heard these words looked embarrassed, and then anger surged into their hearts, and they swung their fists like yellow-haired teenagers.

"I have to say that this yellow-haired boy is right. "

"At first glance, it's unremarkable, but it's terrifying when you think about it. "

"Yes, if you can't talk about it, you can use force, isn't that what this world is?"

"Sadly, force is the backing of everything. "

Just as the fist was about to land on the yellow-haired boy's face, Eren arrived.

A "stop" stopped them.

But why was the expression on the faces of the three teenagers who saw Allen arrive a little strange?

There was no horror on their faces, but a smile and disdain.

"What, Alan, are you here to get beaten again?"

Just as they were ecstatic and ready to teach Allen, who had been sent to the door, a look of horror on their faces.

The speed of this face change is comparable to that of Sichuan opera.

It turned out that Mikasa had come with Eren behind him.

They are afraid of Mikasa.

The three teenagers had no choice but to flee, and the yellow-haired teenager was rescued.

The rescued yellow-haired boy is named Armin, and he is a friend of Allen and Mikasa in the same block.

Because Armin, like Allen, looks forward to the outside world and always wants to see the outside world.

That's why they are often bullied when they are regarded as heretics by other children.

And this disagreement is not just between the child's mere thoughts.

There was also such a divide among the upper echelons of rulers.

Humans have been inside the walls for 100 years, and if they have to go outside, they may be provoked.

As a policy of the ruling class, it is taboo to be interested in the outside world.

Almin, looking lonely, sat on the steps by the river and spoke to Alan.

"Indeed, I also find problematic with the ideas of those who firmly believe that it is always safe within the walls. "

"Even if the walls haven't been destroyed for 100 years, who can guarantee that they won't be destroyed today?"

At this time, the fallen leaves on the ground shook.

"Holy, this kid has a crow's mouth. "

"The atmosphere is extremely unusual. "

"My ears feel like I'm going to be deaf again. "

"I already have a premonition of what's going to happen. "

"Son, you're right. "

Fans already have a hunch that the opening scene will follow.

Everything was silent, and for a moment, the whole world seemed to be quiet, and even the sheets drying on the roof stopped swaying in the wind.

Only two black swans flew through the sky.

Suddenly, a yellow lightning bolt fell from the sky, and the ground shook with it.

The three people sitting by the river embankment were directly shaken, and the whole ground shook with it.

I saw a burst of gunsmoke outside the wall.

The panicked crowd ran to ask what was going on.

But for a moment, they all fell silent.

With their glazed gaze.

On the city wall, 50 meters high, a red hand appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the owner of this hand appeared, and he showed his head, which was even higher than the city walls.

Immediately afterward, the giant stepped back slightly and slowly raised his right foot.


With a loud bang, the city gate was kicked by a giant!

The wind was blowing, and the fragments of the gate flew with other buildings and smashed into the streets behind.

The city wall was opened with a big hole!

Hordes of giants are pouring towards this big hole!

The giants are in!

The people were in a mess and fled backwards.

But Alan can't, his house is in the direction of the big hole, and his mother is still at home!

Eren and Mikasa hurried home, praying for their mother's safety as they ran.

Creation makes people!

Allen's house was crushed by the debris of the city walls, and his mother was buried in the rubble, while her legs were crushed by the fallen beams!

Eren and Mikasa tried their best to lift the beams and rescue their mother, but with their weak strength, they could only do nothing.

At this time, the giant behind is getting closer and closer, and it looks like it is about to come to the two of them!

Mother has been persuading Alan and the others to give up and leave quickly!

If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave!

But how could Alan give up?!!

At the critical moment, Hannes appeared in the uniform of the garrison!

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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