In addition to the fact that fans are arguing about the issue of being prepared for danger in times of peace, there is another issue that is the focus of their discussion.

This reminded them of Tanjiro's question.

This question made them sigh again.

At the end of the first episode of "Attack on Titan", the scene of the listener being sad and the listener crying.

Eren witnessed his mother, the weak mother, being grabbed by the giant, thrown into his mouth and bitten to pieces.

This image must have become a nightmare for his life.

But because of his weakness and incompetence, he could only watch.

Even Uncle Hannes, who is seen as a savior, can't do anything.

Having been at peace for a long time, they don't even have the courage to face the giants head-on.

In front of giants, they are simply ants.

Maybe it's really like we usually look at ants and those little bugs, ants.

The power of life and death is in hand, life and death are just a matter of thought, and you won't even look at it with the right eyes.

When they saw this scene, fans immediately remembered Tanjiro, who was destroyed by demons.

This scene is very similar to what happened to Tanjiro.

The same family member was killed, and there was nothing he could do but cry bitterly.

When others want to hurt their families, they can only cry powerlessly and break down and beg for mercy.

The weak deserve only the mercy of the strong.

"Encountering this kind of image again reminds me of the past. "

"I think of Tanjiro, who knelt down and begged for mercy for his sister, but unfortunately, this time Alan didn't even have a chance to beg. "

"If it is useful to beg for mercy, then there will be no tragedy in this world. "

"It's useful to beg for mercy, so what do you need strength for?"

"That is, you still have to be strong and dominate yourself at all times. "

"Correct understanding, strengthen yourself, control yourself, master the enemy. "

"Alas, the weak can only always wag their tails like dogs and beg for mercy. "

Allen's tragic experience suddenly reminded fans of their former selves, although he is no longer the weak person, no longer a rookie who was bullied and calculated by his colleagues and bosses.

But how can we forget this kind of lesson that is hidden deep in the bottom of my heart and deep in my memory.

Don't eat a trench, don't grow a wisdom. These lessons are life's most precious things.

Tomioka's words about Tanjiro also came to the minds of fans.

"Don't let anyone else have the power to kill and take it! Don't lie on the ground miserably! If that kind of thing works, your family won't be killed!"

"When taken away or plundered, the weak who can't even grasp the dominance, can heal his sister, and can he find the enemy?"

"It's ridiculous!"

"The weak have no rights or choices, and all will succumb to the power of the strong!"

"The ghost may know how to cure your sister, but don't think that the ghost will respect your will and wishes! Of course, I won't respect you!"

"That's the reality!"

Yes, that's the reality.

No one is born strong, they all come step by step.

The reality is so cruel, not to mention the human world, the entire universe is shrouded in the laws of the dark jungle.

Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp,. Level by level.

The strong rule over the weak, the weak submit to the strong, and the weak depend on the strong.

It's all about survival.

It's always been that way.

Thinking of this, fans are full of emotion.

Fans who can remember Tomioka's words must have already entered society and have been through ups and downs for a long time, and there may be some fans who have just come into contact with social beatings.

Compared with those younger fans who are still under the protection of their parents, still in the ivory tower, for some childish love and grades, they are more touched by Allen's experience.

Who hasn't had a dream, who hasn't been a high-spirited teenager, who has ever fantasized about being able to change all that, who hasn't thought of themselves as a unique being?

However, when it came to reality, it was all shattered.

Reality will not take care of you who are not familiar with the world, he will only give you a heavier blow.

He will only use the most direct, cruel and effective way to let you know what reality is and what is mediocrity!

When you are hurt by society, when you become smooth, when you understand the sophistication of human feelings, when you learn to see people, talk about people, and talk nonsense, and even when you finally live the appearance that you once hated the most.

You know how naïve you were in the past.

Feel like you're unique?

Sorry, this world will run the same way without anyone, time will not stop flowing because of one person, the sun will rise in the east and set in the west every day.

When you are doing a humble job but your colleagues are laughing at you and hiding a sword, do you still feel that you are unique?

Recognize your mediocrity, admit your mediocrity, understand that you are an ordinary person after all, and will eventually spend this ordinary life in this ordinary world.

That's the reality!

Allen's encounter once nakedly tore apart the essence of the world in front of fans, especially some fans who came from the wind and rain, and at the same time sighed in their hearts, their eyes were also red.

Therefore, no matter when, we need to learn and strengthen ourselves.

The realization of one's own mediocrity is something that takes a lot of experience and time.

Unfortunately, when we realize that we are mediocre people, we don't have much time and energy to arm ourselves, and we are likely to drown in the mundane and trivial of life.

It's not that it's bad to be ordinary, it's that it's not good to live a life you don't like.

It's actually nice to decide what you want and then work on it.

I would also like to tell you young people here that if you are not a rich second generation, then relying on learning to increase your value is the fastest way to get close to the goddess.

Find your strengths, or rather find your passions, and then study a thousand hours in this professional vertical, and you're sure to do well.

When the time comes, the goddess will naturally favor you, even if you are not handsome enough, you are not a rich second generation.

You must understand that time is a very precious thing, and it will be very happy to squander it, but it is a higher level of happiness to work hard to improve yourself and find happiness in self-investment and self-planning.

PS: Kneel down and beg the bigwigs for a lot of support, please!!!

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