Kamisato Ayaka: Actually, strictly speaking, not yet.

Nashida: But that's all for the future.

Mockingbird: I believe that one day in the future, Pinocchio will be able to move towards a bright future.

Star: Yes, I hope it will be like this in the future.

Star: In a sense, it is still a happy ending.

March Seven: Yes, it is indeed like this.

Firefly: I hope that not only in Pinocchio, but everywhere in the future, everyone can be happy.


On the exposure screen.

At this time.

The whole perspective also began to change.

From the Huichang Stone.

In the blink of an eye, it has landed below.

This time it was in a dream.

To be precise, it was at the golden hour. To be more precise, it was the Clark Film and Television Park Base.

This is definitely a place with commemorative value.

For Pinoconi, many good art films were produced here.

And for those who have appeared here, this place has also left a deep impression in their memories.

At this moment.

There is a person sitting here.

He has short golden hair.

The clothes on his body are also extremely gorgeous, like peacock feathers.

He wears sunglasses.

There is also a top hat in his right hand.

It looks like he is going to put the top hat on his head.

But not far away.

There is a huge movie curtain.

Looking closely at the movie curtain, it is not difficult to find some strange places in it.

This strange place is the deep marks on it.

That obvious and extremely terrifying blood mark.

The scarlet posture is obviously going to tear everything apart.


This scarlet mark has been spreading out, pointing to the distance.

In the sky in the distance.

Now"503" can also see obvious scarlet blood marks.

In this dream, this mark has not been able to fade.

The reason why it has not faded is that it comes from a powerful existence.

This powerful existence... is the messenger of nothingness... Huang Quan who once pretended to be a patrol ranger and came to Pinoconi.

In this Clark Film and Television Park base.

Huang Quan cut out the two knives as Sha Jin wished.

That is, after cutting out these two knives, the terrifying power showed new signs of change.

The whole dream was left with traces because of this knife.

Moreover, it also broke the shackles that Sunday had added to Sha Jin.

It can be said that such power is absolutely terrifying to the extreme.


Sha Jin came here and revisited the old place.

He reappeared here and seemed to be feeling it here.

Sha Jin raised his head slightly.

He could feel the nostalgia and sadness emanating from him.

Xing: Gold Dust... This is...

March 7: Tinkering with the Krok Movie Park again!

Firefly: Ah... What are you doing?

Black Swan: It should be a revisit to the old place! By the way, experience new feelings here.

Huangquan: It should be here that he found his past.

Huangquan: His past seems to have been perfected and ended here.

Portio: My dear! He was stabbed twice, no matter how you look at it, he will be fine, right?

Silver Branch: If he is fine, I believe he will appear on the Hibiscus.

Doctor Truth: He is absolutely unable to completely resist the power of nothingness.

Black Swan: I believe this trip to Pinocchio has also brought him a lot of feelings.

Huangquan: If so, it couldn't be better.

Gold Dust: Hahaha! It feels like a dream! It's like having a big dream.

Topa: Oh! It's really hard for you, but can you not gamble like this next time?

Gold Dust: Isn't this fun? No one knows what the outcome will be until the last moment.

Emerald: This is the child's own problem.

Emerald: There is no need to interfere, because there is no need to interfere.

Star: You guys are quite relaxed.

March 7: I didn't feel any tension at all. To be honest, this is quite unexpected.

Firefly: However, the feeling of revisiting an old place should be very special, right?

Silver Wolf: Well, maybe there are some memories of the past or something.

Kafka: Memory is a good thing.

Kafka: Not to mention, Gold Dust is an Evikin, which is the only one in itself.

Poteo: Hahaha! It's interesting to think about settling accounts with the cuties in the market development department together.

Gold Dust: Yes, this is indeed the most fun.


On the exposed screen, there were new changes.

On the screen, at this time, it had already landed in another place.

To be more precise, it landed in the crowd in the dream.

In the crowd, there was still a figure.

That figure was now wearing a purple gauze skirt.

She was holding a wine glass and slowly walked through the crowd.

Compared with those busy people, she looked extremely elegant and very comfortable.

Black Swan.

She walked through the crowd and disappeared in the crowd.

It was as if she had never existed.

Her departure seemed to be like this every time.

Very calm and very ordinary.

But it seemed that every time she left, she would leave a deep memory.

March 7: Black Swan just left like that.

Xing: Yes! Just like before.

Liuying: It seems that the rememberer is the most relaxed and comfortable one, right? It seems that there is nothing he cares about.

Black Swan: Everyone has got the memories they should have, right?

Black Swan: Maybe there will be new memories next.

Shajin: Haha! That’s right...

Portio: My treasure! Actually, if you put it this way, it feels like everything is the same now.

Kamisato Ayaka: Really, no one took the bomb seriously.

Fernina: This is all true.

Nashida: So this was planned long ago.

Xing: So everyone is waiting to see our show, right?

Firefly: Hahaha! Actually it's okay!

Firefly: To be honest, I was also quite surprised. I didn't expect that there would be fireworks in the end.

Firefly: Hehehe! The final ending, of course, has to be a happy ending.

Firefly: If not, wouldn't it be too boring.

Firefly: So, you have to create more fun for me in the future, so that it will be more interesting.


And in this last exposure, more pictures are now given.

"So, why do people choose to sleep?"

Liu Ying's voice rang in everyone's ears.

To be honest, such a voice was unexpected.

And above that scene.

At this time, Liu Ying and Xing.

The two people had already fallen from the sky.

The two of them had just flown to a very high altitude.

But now, the two people seemed to have begun to fall mercilessly.

The speed of the fall was very fast.

But both of them seemed very happy.

Liu Ying also answered the watchmaker's answer again at this time.

"I think, just like you said.……"

The two held hands.

The firefly's body emitted a burst of fluorescence again.

This fluorescence streaked across the sky, like a shooting star.

Steadily leaving a string of bright traces in the dark night.

And the final destination was the night sky that led to nowhere.

In the last blooming fireworks. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The firefly's voice gradually came out.

At this moment.

She then said

"Because in the end, we all have to wake up from the dream."

This is the answer that Xing gave when facing the Lord's Day.

Now this is the best omen for everyone.

Because we look forward to tomorrow and are full of hope for the future.

That's why we want to wake up from the dream.

And that sleep is just for a better tomorrow.

Only for a better tomorrow can we have the best result.

In the last fireworks. There is a ray of sunshine in the distant sky

, rising slowly.

The Orbirite continues to rush forward.[]

To be able to see the rising sun and hope.

Xing: Because we all have to wake up from dreams, waking up is necessary, and reality must be faced.

March 7: Yes, it is not okay to always sleep in dreams.

Robin: Otherwise, no matter how beautiful the dream is, it is just a dream. Robin

: Although reality may be full of cruelty and pain, the future is destined to be beautiful

Robin: Don't give up your hope for reality no matter what.

Firefly: Yes, we believe that we must look at efforts and we will definitely be able to achieve a better future.

Firefly: That's right, I hope the future will be better.

Black Swan: I also hope to see better memories in the future.

Jizi: The pioneering journey will never stop, and the future is also full of hope.

Walter: In this way, the trip to Pinocchio is completely complete.

March 7: All crises have been resolved, so the next step is to say goodbye, right?

Xing: To be honest, it feels like the farewell is almost done.

Huangquan: That's right, in the end, there are probably only a few people worth remembering.


In the exposed screen,

Liuying's third death has been completely declared over.

That is, after it ended.

In the subsequent timeline, some subtle changes seem to have occurred.

This is obviously recording what happened later.

At this time, the camera was given to Liumeng Reef.

A place with the real meaning of Pinocchio.

Now here, there is also a figure here.

That figure has long blue-purple hair.

Her long hair just covers her left eye.

In her left hand, she now holds a long knife.

That long knife is really terrifying0........

It looks extremely scary.

However, one can feel that this person is very calm.

Her name is Huang Quan.

And she is now in front of three monuments.

Unfortunately, these three monuments are empty.

But now there is a white flower in front of each of the three monuments.

It is obvious that Huang Quan is here to pay tribute.

Xing: It turns out that Huang Quan has come here when we didn't know.

March Seven: This is really unexpected.

Black Swan: That's true, but it seems that she has fulfilled her promise.

Funina: Returning to Pinoconi can be regarded as making up for Tiernan's regret.

Kamisato Ayaka: That's right, this can be regarded as a result.

Nashida: I really didn't expect that the reason why Huang Quan didn't participate was to come to pay tribute.

Shajin: It seems that everyone who came to Pinoconi has completed their own business.

Botio: That's right, it's really interesting.

Botio: In this way, it can be regarded as a relatively perfect farewell.

Huang Quan: In this way, my business will also be completed.

Huang Quan: I will also embark on a new journey.

Xing: This is really... a bit emotional.

Sanyueqi: After all, we are all leaving, so let's have a good farewell.

Xing: That's great! But we also have to say goodbye, right?

Sanyueqi: Yes, that's true, we do need to say goodbye to our predecessors.


On the exposure screen.

At this time, Huang Quan was also saying

"When I came here, I happened to see a child holding it.

Huang Quan was talking about the white flower.

"He said that the flowers were prepared by Aunt Trish"

"For the watch shop, for the comrade he missed all his life."

Huang Quan said softly.

But everyone could feel the deep comradeship between them.

Mikhail and Tiernan, as well as Lazarina... these three people who got off the planet train and stayed in Pinoconi.

They experienced many things together.

Although Mikhail was the only one left later.

But it is obvious that Mikhail often came to pay tribute to his companions.

Xing: This... Didn't you expect Mikhail to prepare it alone?

March 7: Wasn't it prepared by Aunt Tris?

Gallagher: When Mikhail was still there, he did come here often.

Gallagher: After all, this is the only place where you can see your companions.

Kamisato Ayaka: So that's the case. I can feel a sense of sadness.

Black Swan: It is indeed a bit It's so sad. After going through so many things, I am the only one left here.

Black Swan: As close companions, the one who leaves last is the most painful.

Bluebird: That's right. A person can only watch his companions leave one by one.

Bluebird: But in the end, there is nothing I can do.

Bluebird: This feeling is just too painful.

Star: Alas! Now there is finally a relatively happy ending.

Star 5.0: It's a pity that if I had come earlier, maybe everything would have changed.

March 7: That's right. If I had come earlier, maybe everything would have changed.

Himeko: But since things have turned out like this, we have no choice but to accept it.

Himeko: After all, in a sense, we have done our best.


But on that exposed screen.

Huang Quan also said more at this time

"Mikhail places two bouquets of flowers here every year."

"After he left, it became three."

These calm words can feel the changes of time and realm.

Obviously, after Mikhail's death, the people who presented flowers changed directly.

But what is certain is that there are still people who remember their existence.

However... this is a bit sad after all.

Huang Quan looked at the three monuments and said so at this time.

To be precise, he was looking at the monument of Tieran.

"Your wish has always been remembered by someone."

The one who remembered it was Huang Quan. Or it could be said that there were many people in

Liumeng Reef. They all remembered the people who had contributed to Pinoconi. Huang Quan said. Then he looked up at the sky garden.

"Now, Pinocchio is just as you would expect."

"After a long night, dawn has arrived.

Huang Quan couldn't help but sigh.

"The road ahead may not be smooth, but people are ready to move towards freedom." Everyone can feel the will behind these words. Pinocchio is destined to move towards the future. As for how to move forward in the future, this matter will be left to others. After saying this, Huang Quan looked at the monument of Tiernan again.

"Tiernan, you can go home now."

She said softly.

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