After Bai Mo’s expected journey to Teyvat turned into a survival in the new world of Monster Hunter World, he immediately looked for the system to find out what was going on.

However, the system explained that the [Different World Hunting] function module was indeed random.

You can fix the world if you want!

However, you have to pay more~

Looking at the world coordinates worth one thousand delicious points in the mall, Bai Mo couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

In addition to this, there are also world anchors worth one hundred thousand points, which can be traveled through at any time after purchase.

Well, you won’t tell me if I don’t ask, right?

Looking at my current delicious value of more than 17,000, I can’t take out one hundred thousand, but I can still afford this thousand!

You should give me a hint!

But since I’m here, I can’t waste this hunting opportunity.

Moreover, in Monster Hunter World, those dragon species can all be turned into delicious ingredients, and there are all kinds of valuable collections. Maybe I’ve come to a food paradise!

I just don’t know what time period I’m in now, whether the fifth group has arrived in the new world, and whether the invincible Blue Star has boarded the Molten Mountain Dragon!

As a player with thousands of hours of Monster Hunter World experience, Bai Mo remembered that the Star Survey was at the seaside, and there was a cliff where he could see the Star Ship.

It was on the coast of the Ancient Tree Forest, and it was very likely that he would find it by searching along the coastline.

In order to determine the current timeline, the Star Survey Base had to be visited!

After Bai Mo randomly chose a direction and set off, he also began to collect some berries and materials along the way.

However, because it was not clear whether these plants had any viruses or contained any value, Bai Mo almost only picked some mushrooms that looked edible.

As for the poisonous mushrooms and nitrate mushrooms mixed in, it was still easy to distinguish them with the ability to listen to the voices of all things!

While Bai Mo was collecting and looking for the survey base, an uninvited guest had already followed him!

On a tree not far from Bai Mo, a dark swift dragon was looking at Bai Mo with his golden eyes.

Two-legged beast, it looks delicious~ and there are no annoying weapons and armor, the advantage is mine!

The Swift Dragon has a high IQ, so when it saw that Bai Mo was not wearing armor and had no weapons in his hands, it immediately set its sights on him. The

Swift Dragon is very intelligent. It can destroy traps set by hunters, and can also observe the hunting time of powerful local predators, and hunt in their territories when the other party is resting. The

Swift Dragon usually forages at night. If it changes its previous overly cautious style and moves during the day, it is only possible that the old master of this hunting ground has evacuated or died.

After observing Bai Mo’s actions, the light and swift Swift Dragon has approached Bai Mo from the shadows. After judging the distance, the Swift Dragon directly launched an attack.

The blade wing on its right side, with a cold light like a blade, chopped straight towards Bai Mo’s waist.

However, in the face of such a sudden attack, Bai Mo dodged the attack with a low waist, and the long knife he had prepared before appeared in his hand, and he chopped at the right wing of the Swift Dragon with his backhand.

“I’ve been on guard against you for a long time!”


Seeing that his sneak attack failed, Xunlong changed his sneak attack and launched a strong attack.

The blade wings on both arms were fully unfolded, and after several consecutive forward jumps, his left and right arms began to make continuous blade wing slashes. After these consecutive attacks were blocked by Bai Mo with a long sword, Xunlong immediately pounced forward, trying to bite Bai Mo with his mouth.

Unfortunately, he did not succeed~

However, in addition to the two blade wings, Xunlong’s most powerful weapon is his tail that occupies nearly half of his body length.

This freely retractable tail is like a steel whip. Xunlong can use its body to turn around, pull away close enemies, or use all its strength to knock the tail down from a high place.

Facing Xunlong’s steel tail, the three-finger-thick steel knife in Bai Mo’s hand can’t stop it. No match.

Because it was not thick enough, it bent directly into an arc under the impact of the Swift Dragon’s steel tail.

Looking at the weapon that turned into a hook knife, Bai Mo reluctantly put it back into the space.

This long sword was already unsuitable for him with his growing strength, and now it was damaged in the attack with a strong enemy, which can be regarded as the fulfillment of his weapon’s fate.

Next time I should use a heavier weapon~

Although Bai Mo’s mind was already considering whether he should use a big sword or a mace, but facing the Swift Dragon’s attack, he still stretched out his hands and firmly grasped the Swift Dragon’s tail!

As the Eye of God on his neck flashed, Bai Mo’s hands began to appear in heavy rock element gloves.

After grabbing the Swift Dragon’s tail, Bai Mo’s body also began to become active.

“Electric current push! 450,000 volts! Turn for me!”

The cells in the whole body began to rub against each other constantly, and the bioelectricity generated made Bai Mo’s strength rise to another level.

After being nourished by Teyvat’s ingredients and delicacies, Bai Mo’s magnetic field martial arts has now reached 450,000 picovolts, and only the last 50,000 are needed to reach the peak of electric current push.

After that, it is to break through the electric current push and enter the realm of magnetic field rotation, and then it can be called a true magnetic field martial arts (crazy) god (lao)!

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