In the evening, at the Gojo family.

Gojo Satoru was lying on the sofa, looking at the headline of the news report that said"Astronomical phenomena, rare in a century", and he yawned out of boredom.

This was a smokescreen released by the authorities to conceal the existence of the world in the other world, all in order to fool ordinary people as much as possible.

However, the scope of this incident was too wide.

The Internet was full of rumors about the changes in the amusement park, such as the"tent" that suddenly fell from the sky, demons, ghosts, etc.

The authorities couldn't delete it all, and the complete video of the whole incident is still circulating in the dark web.

"So, let’s delete it quickly."

Gojo Satoru turned over like a salted fish and said weakly:

"I still want my peaceful daily life."

The salty teacher's daily life, he doesn't want to be disturbed


At this time, the door was opened.

A tired-looking Kanano Hongxu returned with yellow powder in her arms and changed into indoor shoes.

"Going to the trouble again?"

Seeing his student like this, Gojo Satoru raised his eyebrows and asked softly��

"Well, Huangfen sensed that there was filth gathering, so I went."

After pouring a glass of water from the water dispenser, Huaye Hongxu spoke.

The whole petite body was trembling.

This was caused by excessive exertion and exhaustion.


Gojo Satoru was helpless.

He wanted to tell the other party not to fight so hard, but he knew why his student was so obsessed with eradicating the filth.

Both of his parents died at the hands of the filth, and even his brother, well~ it can't be considered a fake death.

She wanted to become stronger and then find the filth to take revenge.

In fact, as a teacher, Gojo Satoru can completely help Kanano Hongxu find the filth, which is now Vasara Kamui.

But if he helped the other party to take revenge, what about Kanano Hongxu's motivation in the future?

Gojo Satoru didn't want to fix his thoughts and actions on Kanano Hongxu or even anyone else.

When he was in the world of spells, he tried to change the entire corrupt spell world. The ending was obvious. He succeeded, and those powerful old men were naturally beaten up.

Sitting on the sofa, Kanano Hongxu drank fresh water in small sips.

And Huangfen also became a"traveler" after returning home. Obviously, it was also very tired.

After returning to a sitting position from a salted fish lying position, Gojo Satoru silently raised his right hand and patted Kanano Hongxu on the shoulder.


A warm current flowed into the body of Kanono Hongxu. His tired body, aching head, and depleted spell power were instantly restored to their original state.

"Gojo-sensei, this is it."

Somewhat amazed at the changes in her body, Kanano Hongxu turned around and looked at Gojo Satoru who had withdrawn his hand.

"It's okay, just think of it as a teacher's consideration for his students, Xiao Hongxu."

After doing this, Gojo Satoru resumed his salted fish lying posture.

Hua Ye Hongxu pursed his lips.

It would be a lie to say that she was not moved. For so many years, in addition to her mother-in-law taking care of herself, this was also the first time she felt warmth.

Her big blue eyes looked at the dark night view outside the balcony, and she couldn't help thinking

"I don't know how my mother-in-law is doing."

After arriving in Tokyo, Kanano Hongxu stayed at Gojo Satoru's house, and went to a place called 'Xinghuoluo' with her mother-in-law who had always taken care of her. I heard that there were also several Onmyojis there.


Soon, the weekend passed.

The past two days were very peaceful, and no major incidents occurred.

Gojo Satoru's peaceful daily life finally returned to normal.

Today, Gojo Satoru rode his electric scooter to Sobu High School.

He could have just teleported there, but for some reason he wanted to ride his electric scooter.

When he was about to arrive at the school gate, he found that a lot of people had gathered in front of him, forming a wide circle.

Stopping his electric scooter, Gojo Satoru walked over with an excited look.

Patting the shoulder of a student outside, he asked

"Brother, what are you looking at?"

"I don't know either. I saw them surrounding me, so I followed suit."

He said subconsciously.


Gojo Satoru rolled his eyes speechlessly, raised his long legs, pushed the crowd, and shouted

""Make way, make way, the city management is on patrol."

Hearing the city management patrol, the students around subconsciously made way.

When they reached the open space, Gojo Satoru saw several naked men among them.

He took out a baton from somewhere and poked the skinny man who was only in his shorts, and shouted:

"Hello, hello, urban management patrol, get up quickly"


The man also got up in a daze, and when he opened his eyes he saw the white hair magnified countless times.

""Ghost!" he cried out in fear.

"What the hell, calling me handsome."

Gojo Satoru said dissatisfiedly.

Blinking, the man was stunned for a second, then quickly turned his head to look around, and found that there were flashes and shooting sounds all around.

At the same time, he felt a chill on his body, and he lowered his head suddenly.

Wow, except for a pair of shorts, he had no clothes on.

Then he turned his head to the side and saw two extremely strong men sleeping soundly.

""Fuck me."

Covering his aching head, the man finally thought of something.

It was these two people who took him to drink yesterday, saying that he didn't need to worry about being late tomorrow, and they would carry him here.

Well, they did carry him here, but why the hell was he only wearing his underpants? And you two too!

""Okay, classmate, I'm a policeman, please come with me."

Gojo Satoru took out an ID card expressionlessly, opened it for less than half a second, and took out a silver bracelet handcuff from his waist with his right hand.

"Aren't you a city management officer?"

Looking at the bracelets that had handcuffed his hands, the man asked with a twitching face.

"What's wrong? I have a part-time job, so it's not okay."

Gojo Satoru said in a reasonable manner.

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