Mito Kabuto raised his hand and slowly pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose, but this time he could clearly see the elder's fingers trembling slightly: "Before, Jiraiya has mentioned many doubtful points. ..But, we really don’t want to believe...that these are actually true.”

The opening remarks of the two elders had obviously explained all the details of the trap: Jiraiya had indeed told the elders meeting about his plan to kill the Seven-Tailed Jinchurifu, and he had indeed sent out various documents in a pretentious manner. However, except for one document, the information recorded in all the other documents was just to let the Nanao Jinchuurifu open another power plant in the quarry. That's why Hizu, Hagoromo and others think this is a good thing.

But the words before the mercury lamp, that sentence "If Konoha doesn't need it, it would be better to give it to us instead of destroying it in vain", clearly revealed the fact that what she knew was the only one. The contents of documents that have been specially falsified.

And the only person who read the document that was forged was only one person in Konoha.

The eldest lady of the Hyuga clan, the founder and leader of the Hinata group, the contemporary rising star who became the ruling elder at the youngest age and is considered by everyone to be the best candidate for Hokage - Hyuga Hinata.

"What a surprise, isn't it?"

Finally, she had figured out all the possibilities. She stood in the middle of the quarry and laughed at the mercury lamp. She even nodded in admiration. However, what was different from her demeanor was her tone, which did not contain any appreciation or praise. There is only a clear sense of ridicule and cruelty.

"But... reality is what it is."

(PS1: No more words...just code words.)

(PS2: After the Naruto chapter is over, it’s time for the Pirates chapter~)


Mercury Lamp looked around. The previous anger or uneasiness on her face was completely gone, replaced by only deep ridicule and determination.

"Even if I make the best decisions and choices, I have already imagined that a day like this might come."

Slowly raising her fingers to comb her temple hair, Mercury Lamp's eyes glanced at the surrounding ninjas, and finally settled on Koharu and Mito Kadoyan, who were the last to move to bed. Her eyes slowly became sharp: "You Do you know? For the world, some people are always leaders, and the world is destined to cater to their ideas and thinking before it can truly progress and develop. However, the sad thing is that there are always other people who stick to They are trying their best to extinguish the flames of progress that represent progress. Are they really worried about the world? No, they are only concerned about whether their interests will be redistributed under the new rules."

Disdainful and arrogant words slowly filled the air over the entire quarry. Even though the people present were all elite Anbu who had experienced hundreds of battles, there was still a slight sense of turmoil under such words that reached deep into their hearts.

"Maintaining the status quo is at least better than leaving the world to those ambitious people. You mocked us for sticking to the old rules for our own benefit, but what about you? What about you? Aren't you using new rules to divide your so-called interests?"

After turning to bed, Xiaochun's tone became stern again. No matter what she had done, her attitude and words did refute Mercury Lamp's words at this moment.

"Group, this is the result of our ancestors bringing together scattered hearts after countless sacrifices and efforts. Human beings are weak, and only the gathering of groups can bring peace and stability. You keep saying that we have hindered You represent progress, but in the eyes of us older generations who have spent our lives maintaining stability, you are the pests who wantonly ravage stability at the expense of this peace and stability to water your own ambitions!"

Mito Kadoyan also rarely showed a ruthless side, and his clenched fists clearly showed the anger in his voice. The words of these two elders calmed down the commotion among the surrounding Anbu once again. As they said, the reason for their existence here is to ensure that the peace of Konoha can continue, because as people who have been on the battlefield, they can You will know how terrible the pain caused by turmoil and war is.

"Huh, it seems like everyone has their own reasons. However, this is just right. Since we don't have the ability to convince each other, let's let God's laws decide. Whoever can survive will be right."

Mercury Lamp didn't waver at all. Anyway, she had never considered defeating the enemy with so-called words. So, let's act in accordance with the natural laws of human society!

"You won't get another chance, catch her!"

With a low drink, Koharu obviously didn't have any psychological burden when he went to bed. The ANBU elites lurking around were not ordinary ninjas, but existed who were qualified to serve as the elder guard. The group of Konoha ninjas that Jiraiya had recruited before It is also a collection of veteran elites, including Shiranui Genma, who was qualified to become the Fourth Hokage Guards back then. The number of people has reached close to a hundred people. With such power, let alone capture a ninja, even if It is enough to cope with the war of breaking up the country.

In the eyes of everyone, Mercury Lamp, even if she is strong enough to defeat Jiraiya, is still just a ninja after all, and she can be killed here even if she is exhausted.

"This is what I want to add, why it is not advisable to remain conservative. The most ridiculous thing is that you can't even know how far you have been left behind."

Looking at the Konoha ninjas who were surrounding them from all directions, the corners of Mercury Lamp's mouth raised a sharp arc, and in response to her words, there were frightening explosions from the ground around her, like the burst of some invisible and unimaginably huge power. Several Konoha Anbu who had already jumped into the air and tried to attack first were knocked away like leaves. The huge black humanoid roared and appeared around the mercury lamp, and the strong chakra turned into muscle veins and steel armor. When the spear finally stood on the ground of the entire quarry, even this area seemed to be instantly smaller!

Susanoo! This Uchiha pupil technique, known as the power of God, finally stood tall again decades after Madara's death in the Konoha village that the Uchiha clan had also worked hard to build. However, ironically Yes, both Uchiha Madara, who was once the most powerful in the ninja world, and the Uchiha clan who once made great contributions to Konoha Village, have all perished under the policies of Konoha Village.

In fact, this time Susanoo did not appear in the body of a member of the Uchiha clan at all, but as a tool that was stolen and used, appearing in the body of an enemy that had nothing to do with the Uchiha clan.

"This! Is this a trick that Uchiha Madara once used in the records?"

The pupils of Mito Kadoyan and Kaden Koharu subconsciously dilated due to surprise and trembling. As elders who manipulate power, they have long been accustomed to relying on numbers and groups to measure the balance of power, because for humans, numbers are in the vast majority. In any case, the advantages are undeniable. However, there was indeed an existence in this world that was able to look down on the three armies on its own. It was not that Koharu and Mito Kaden were not aware of it, but that they deliberately chose to forget and ignore it.

"Psychic! The art of reincarnation from dirty soil!"

However, the mercury lamp standing in the black Susanoo did not end. As she clasped her hands together and shouted, three coffins emerged from the ground in front of Susanoo with a loud roar. As the coffin lid opened, three figures appeared in front of everyone. It was none other than the second-generation Tsuchikage Mu, the second-generation Mizukage Kito Kanazuki, and the third-generation Raikage!

"Hey, what kind of battle is this? A battlefield to declare war on the Leaf Village?"

The second-generation Mizukage, who maintained his own consciousness, spoke first. His joking tone and slightly narrowed eyes clearly showed an eagerness to fight.

"I still remember the despair of witnessing Uchiha Madara's unrivaled power on the battlefield. But now it seems that this time's despair belongs to you, Konoha."

The second generation Tsuchikage Mu still had a cold tone, but his words had revealed a desire for revenge that was difficult to conceal.

"Although I don't want to say anything more, it seems like I can't hold back this time."

Although the tone of the Third Raikage was not so strong, his attitude was much clearer than when he was fighting Jiraiya. After all, when he was dealing with Jiraiya, he might have let his love for talent slip, but now this is clearly weakening him. If there is a good opportunity for the strength of Konoha Village, even if it is to create an advantage for his son's Hidden Cloud Village, he will go all out.

In the early war years, as the leader of the five great ninja villages, the hatred value attracted by Konoha Village was unquestionable. Therefore, even though they are dead, the three ninja shadows who are not from the Leaf Village still have a deep-seated persistence in challenging and weakening the village.

"You all seem to be satisfied with this battlefield, so I will issue an order."

Smiling cruelly, Mercury Lamp slowly raised his right arm, and then swung it down like a sharp blade: "Here and now! Everyone who exists! Leave no one behind!"

"Even if you learn some so-called truths, but... as long as you all die, the dead will still not reveal the secrets!"


Kakashi sat quietly on the soft cushion. On the coffee table in front of him, a cup of tea was exuding a delicate heat. On the surface of the tea, there is half a bright strawberry, floating leisurely on the surface of the tea.

This is a hut with quite good terrain. Although the surrounding environment has changed a lot due to Konoha's economic construction in recent years, the architectural style of this hut has remained unchanged from decades ago. . And the owner of the house is none other than the current Konoha Gennin leader—Shimura Lin.

"Is the tea not to your liking?"

Lin was sitting opposite Kakashi, and apparently noticed that Kakashi was not drinking tea. The pink-haired girl asked quietly after putting down her tea cup.

"No...I'm just, a little bit weird..."

Being asked like this, Kakashi hesitated for a moment, and then slowly picked up the tea cup, but still didn't drink it, and just hid his eyes in the rising mist of the tea.

"Strange why I asked you to come for tea today, right?"

Lin was not unhappy with Kakashi's obvious hesitation. Instead, she turned her head slightly and cast her gaze in the distance. Her tone remained calm: "For no other reason than that, I want you to Don’t run around, that’s all.”

The tea cup in Kakashi's hand shook slightly, causing a ripple on the originally calm tea surface. No matter how deep his feelings for Lin in front of him were, hearing such words from the other person's mouth still made him feel vaguely creepy.

"Oh, I'm not a child, so I won't run away."

Putting down the tea cup in his hand, Kakashi looked tentatively into Lin's eyes. However, what disappointed him was that the girl's eyes were calm and indifferent. There was almost no difference from the eyes in his memory. The only thing added was a certain Indiscernible persistence.

"No, in my eyes, Kakashi is still a child. That's why he persists in memories and cannot get out."

The faint denial made Kakashi's heart shrink suddenly. Yes, he could not refute the other party's statement, so he could only remain silent.

"But it doesn't matter that Kakashi is a child, it's enough as long as I'm here."

Lin seemed to have expected Kakashi's silence, so at the next moment, she spoke the next sentence calmly.

"After today, it's almost time to re-establish the candidate for the Sixth Hokage."

(PS1: Ha~~ Don’t panic, everyone, I mean, after finishing the Naruto chapter, it will be the turn of the Pirates chapter. In other words, after writing the Naruto part until the end, it will be the Pirates chapter, so Book friends who want to read Naruto need not panic. Indeed, The Fourth Daughter is an infinite flow, but my writing style tends to write all the events in one world at once, as if it were a chapter and a world, but this chapter is more complicated than the others. The infinite flow world has grown too much~~)

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