"Thank you very much, Master..."

Looking at the conspicuous wound scar on her chest, Lin's brows trembled slightly. She could conclude that the person who gave her this blow was definitely not the Quan who confronted her that day. After all, the other party had already secured victory at that time, and there was no need to use such a vicious method again. Last-hit method. Therefore, it can only be regarded as the behavior of someone intending to shut up at that time.

"There's no need to thank you. You and I, master and disciple, are just trying to save each other's lives. What I want to know is how much you know about the 'mercury lamp'. Was the reason why Xiaochun and others were killed when they moved to bed in the first place, the mercury lamp and the others?" What deal did you make?”

Turning her head, Tsunade's brows twitched slightly with anger. The reason why Lin was treated was to ask this question that was driving her crazy. She is also a Hokage, so she naturally understands the importance of reinforcements to a ninja operation. Based on her private investigations over the past few days, she quickly figured out some of the facts, that is, the group of elders at that time indeed failed to receive reinforcements, so they all died together in the Konoha quarry.

"...Yes, not entirely..."

After a few seconds of silence, Lin slowly raised her head, and then looked at Tsunade's face calmly. The latter immediately gritted her teeth because of this answer, and took a few hard breaths before Tsunade squeezed out a few breaths from her teeth. One word: "Keep talking!"

"Yes, it was indeed me who activated the spies based in Konoha's outpost that day, so I ignored the call for help coming from the direction of the quarry. The reason for this is simple: they blocked the way."

Lin's tone was so simple and without any fluctuations, as if she was saying something that was not worth adding emotion at all. But such an answer made Tsunade on the side almost breathless, even if she was one of the three ninjas. Yi has indeed seen too much darkness, but this kind of betrayal and conspiracy happening around her is still almost unacceptable to her.

"Blocking the road?! Whose way is it blocking? Yours? Or Hinata's?"

"No, not the two of us, but the road of this Konoha Village."

Completely ignoring Tsunade's almost substantive anger, Lin gently turned her head and looked out the window on one side. The pink-haired girl's pale lips continued to open slightly, and continued to pour in words that Tsunade was unwilling to hear but could not refuse. in her mind.

"The development of Konoha Village to this day no longer requires the cold and rigid semi-closed policy of the past, nor the militaristic semi-fortress structure. The only thing these two models can lead to is stagnation and decline. The evidence is that from the beginning of the Shodaime to three years ago, the overall population growth and economic development of Konoha Village failed to exceed these three years. The times of this world have changed, and it continues to hold on to the old-fashioned The ninja village system will only make all the efforts of Konoha Village over the past three years in vain."

As Lin said, the prosperity of a group always depends on its population and economic power. Since the first generation, these two important data of Konoha Village have remained almost unchanged. Even during the war, these two data have experienced a substantial attenuation.

On the one hand, it is true that frequent fights have led to stagnation, but on the other hand, it may not be the result of the fact that the village's administrative philosophy and the structure of the residents have not changed.

But since three years ago, the economy and population of Konoha Village have suddenly begun to grow significantly. It even experienced the impact of the 'Konoha Collapse' during the Chunin Examination period, but it is no longer what it used to be. Falling into recession.

The reason is also very simple, it is because of the benefits brought by an emerging economic organization within Konoha Village. This organization called the Hinata-gumi first came out with some simple film and television works, and then began to recruit labor from the village by building printing plants. Then it quickly expanded its influence with figures and other peripheral products. The number of foreign residents hoping to come to Konoha for a better life began to increase significantly.

Then, there was the construction of the affiliated city Akihabara, which made reasonable use of the geographical advantages of Konoha Village. This place not only provided the best tourist platform, but also shouldered the responsibility of turning over land goods from the Land of Fire, making the entire region Economic gains have begun to rise.

But with the continued growth and development of economic projects, an unavoidable threshold has also emerged: few families in Konoha Village openly support it, or 'dare' to support it. Even investment and support are only done very privately through the younger members of their respective families, mostly members of the Hinata group.

Such constrained capital turnover has undoubtedly affected the development of the entire Konoha Village economy. The reason why Konoha's families dare not openly support it is simple. They don't have the guts to conduct these large-scale transactions and friendships in front of Konoha's senior officials. After all, the previous purpose of Konoha's top management was not to let these different families get too close. Otherwise, what would happen if these families secretly communicated with each other or even caused rebellion?

This is the same reason that leaders don't want their subordinates to have too good feelings, and the lessons learned from the past are not far away. It was the Uchiha clan that was wiped out overnight. With such a powerful 'chicken' to kill for the other families, the persuasiveness is naturally at the MAX level. The other families clearly understand that these high-level officials of Konoha are indeed bastards who can commit genocide. In private, of course If you can't communicate, you won't communicate.

"But now, communication and common progress between families are precisely the necessary conditions for Konoha Village to embark on a new era. Therefore, everyone who has planned the Uchiha genocide must be eliminated. The negative consequences they have caused The impact is too great, to the point where as long as they are alive, the families of Konoha will not be able to develop with peace of mind."

Lin's voice was so calm that it was almost indifferent, but this answer obviously explained the main reason why the deaths of Xiaochun and others who went to bed that day were calmed down in a very short period of time.

Doing evil will eventually have to pay a price, no matter how much time passes, or even whether it is they or their descendants who pay the price.


Tsunade covered her forehead hard. Her anger had disappeared without a trace in Lin's words. Instead, only waves of dizziness and complicated emotions remained. She didn't even know what she should do next. You should be happy or sad.

Yes, judging from what they have done, it is not a bad idea to say that Koharu, Mito Monohan and others who moved to bed deserved their death. Even though the Uchiha clan was apparently succeeded by Uchiha Itachi, one fact that cannot be changed is that it was these high-level officials of Konoha who forced this Uchiha clan member to personally massacre the entire clan, including his own parents.

If killing a whole family is already a heinous crime, how should we judge the behavior of forcing others to kill their own family?

Regardless of the reason or excuse, this kind of behavior completely marks the person who made such a decision as worthy of death.

Therefore, Koharu and Mito Kaden died worthless, and there was not even a large-scale memorial. The entire Konoha Village seemed to have forgotten that these two high-level officials existed. All their impressions were rolled together and buried quickly and impatiently in the grave.

The only thing that made Tsunade heartbroken was that the idiot named Jiraiya became a lonely victim in this wave.

"So...you, no...you and Hinata have already been in contact with that member of the Akatsuki organization called Mercury Lamp?!"

Almost with all her strength, Tsunade gritted her teeth and asked: "And that assassination in the quarry was also a deal between you and her? Nanao, is this the reward you gave her by default?!"

After a few seconds of silence, Lin nodded slightly, her tone finally filled with a hint of guilt: "I'm sorry...Master, Jiraiya-sama shouldn't have appeared there that day..."

Such an answer gave Tsunade the urge to cry. Yes, the possibility that Jiraiya had told him before had indeed been confirmed: there was an insider in Konoha Village, and he tried his best to track down the possibility. , that is, who is the mole? Now the answer has come out, but it makes Tsunade unable to face it at all, because the inner ghost is actually two of the three elders!

One is the leader of the Hinata group who leads the overall economic development of Konoha Village, and the other is the second-generation leader of the Roots who leads the entire Root ninja. These two are basically the current high-level civil and military system of Konoha Village. It can be said that this is no longer a battle between separate individuals, but an inevitable elimination and upgrade between the new generation system and the old generation system in Konoha Village! Jiraiya, on the other hand, was just a victim who foolishly got involved in this dispute.

(PS1: So, none of the poor Sannin are suitable for politics. From this point of view, they are indeed from the same school.)

(PS2: In the past few days, the city has issued notices that if this line is required, there may be continuous power outages...so I am really worried~~)

The veil of ‘this life’

"It is said that in a very strange stone forest, there is a very strange big bird. Their name is 'Jin Shi'. They are a kind of raptor that looks very beautiful. Its cry sounds like a human roar. Same. If the people living there want to reach the higher stone forest from the stone forest where they are, they must use the help of these big birds. Therefore, parents will give their children a 'this life' after they remember the story. The cub, let it grow up with its own child. In this way, when the child grows up, he can use this 'this life' to go to other places he wants to go.

However, there is a very strange taboo when using 'this world'. That is, from the time they are adopted, their faces must be covered with a face covering. It is best not to remove this face covering for a lifetime. Generation after generation, the people there have followed this code, controlling their own 'this world', and wandering above this stone forest that they depend on for survival.

It's just... there are always some naughty children who can't suppress their curiosity, so they take off the face covering of 'This Life' when it's not paying attention. So, they saw what this life is like. It turns out that although they are beautiful in appearance, their faces are extremely ugly and ferocious, and they look like man-eating monsters. Some of the children who took off their face coverings were immediately eaten alive by the 'this world' that changed their faces, while the luckier ones barely escaped, but their 'this world' just flew away and they were gone again. It is also impossible to use the flying ability of 'this life' to go to other areas, and can only be trapped in one place until death of old age.

It turns out that there is a very ancient rule for raising 'this world'. As a reward for the breeders of 'This Life', the breeders will use their own corpses to become food for 'This Life' at the end of their lifespan. It is also at that time that 'This Life' will take the initiative to take off its face covering and start This banquet has been booked long ago. And when those naughty children lifted the veil of 'this world' early, they made this raptor mistakenly think that the time has come, thus causing the tragedies of the past.

Therefore, what the story wants to tell viewers is a very simple truth: Don’t take off the veil of this world easily, as it may bring extremely terrible consequences. The present life that wears the veil is the one who is willing to carry you around when you travel, but the present life that takes off the veil will turn into a terrifying and terrifying man-eating monster, and the first thing it wants to prey on is the person who has been sitting on it all this time. You on its back. "

The girl's voice is quite pleasant. The sound line is both crisp and powerful. It can express the plot contained in the story most accurately. It sounds really beautiful. However, at the end of the story, she is very unhappy. The good intentions brought a little danger, so that the story, which was already scary enough, completely turned into an existence similar to a ghost story.

"Hey...Is this, this, this...real?"

Hanabi, who was nestling next to Hinata, already had a trembling tone in her voice. There was no doubt that even though she had indeed had more advanced training now, Hinata's horror story still hit her hard. Some of the most vulnerable areas in her heart have made the second daughter of the Hyuga family, who has always been strong on the outside, shrink into a little yellow cat with fried hair.

"Da da da~ I...I'm not...scared..."

Sitting across from Hinata were a few rather rare children, who were on the same level as Sparks in terms of age. At this moment, the one with teeth chattering but still holding his neck while talking was the little toothless kid wearing a forehead protector in the center, and the two friends next to him, one boy and one girl, had shrunk in fear. , I almost cried.

"Well, you are so brave. You are worthy of being a child of our Konoha Village. Then, let me reward you with a few pieces of cream cake. Xiang Phosphorus, go get the dessert."

Smiling and waving her hands slightly, Hinata signaled the waiter to get the dessert. After all, only delicious snacks can eliminate fear the fastest at this time.

With Hinata's status, there are naturally not many little devils who can let her tell stories in person. Except for her sister Hinata Hanabi, the other three are the "grandson party members" in the original work. This is not entirely about their identities, but their positions. The one being held in the middle was Konohamaru, the grandson of the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, and the two people next to him were his little friends, Moehuang and Udon.

If it were the original work, these 'princelings' should have gotten together with Naruto, the 'princeling', early on. Unfortunately, this time Naruto was dragged into the crew by Hinata early to 'be good' , and as a result, missed the opportunity to get to know Konohamaru. It is only now that these grandsons have been considered by Hinata in the cultivation plan, intending to 'optimize' them in advance.

"Hey~ One piece per person, this is a very delicious chocolate sundae, don't grab one cup per person~"

Soon, Xiang Phosphorus, dressed as a maid, walked in with a smile and a food tray. As a woman who is quite good at acting, her temperament at the moment was exactly that of a gentle and kind big sister, used to comfort a few people who had just been married. The scary little ghost head of the horror story is just right.

This is no other place, but the mansion of the Hyuga clan. Next to it is a large playground for practicing soft fist techniques. Obviously, Konohamaru's opportunity to come here to be taught is one of the symbols of the current thaw in family relations in Konoha Village. Without the shadows of the old high-ranking officials who exterminated the clan at every disagreement, various families in Konoha have launched positive actions, including but not limited to personnel movements or ninjutsu exchanges between families. More directly, the entire family has The investment market in Konoha Village has risen significantly in this very short period of time.

Obviously, the current Konoha family has temporarily stopped secretly saving money and saving people for disaster prevention plans. The family heads have believed that the current high-level officials really hope that they can let go and participate in the construction of a new era. As for sincerity, a large part of it is reflected in the sudden death of all the old senior officials.

The changes brought about by this trend are quite noticeable. For example, the reconstruction plan of Akihabara went quite smoothly.

The Akihabara foundation that had turned into a huge pit was definitely useless, so this time Hinata planned to use a more extravagant method, which was to divert water to directly turn the pit area into a small inland lake. Then build the construction area directly onto the water. The advantage of this is that the new building complex will inevitably be of higher quality and have a higher safety factor with its own moat, which will naturally increase its attractiveness to external visitors.

The only disadvantage is that it is very expensive!

Therefore, the timely investment of funds by these Konoha families is indeed a necessary condition to support the reconstruction plan.

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