The cruel blow was accompanied by the sound of the building breaking almost at the same time. Sanji, who was knocked away by the blow, drew a long groove on the floor, and was even hit by the inertial force unabated. It bounced up and crashed into the wall at the corner of the corridor. The mask used to cover his face also fell apart under the brute force.


Keya, who was caught by Arrita, screamed, and the blond girl couldn't help but suddenly closed her eyes and turned her head. Arrita, who witnessed this scene, raised a beautiful and cruel arc at the corner of her mouth, squinting at Keya in front of her, and said maliciously: "Take a good look, Your Highness Princess. . This is Her Majesty the Queen's Guard, a true professional combat tool, with a hundred times the strength of ordinary humans, plus Bellemere's most sophisticated rubber-metal armor! Without targeted heavy weapons, even the army can't do anything to them. ! I don’t know what purpose your country friends have in wanting to save you, but I’m afraid that after this, you will have no choice but to hold funerals for them!”

Arrita's pride is not unreasonable. As she said, these big men who can be named the Queen's Guards are all 'created' by Nami. Their predecessors were Bellemare from The royal mercenaries obtained through official channels were then forcibly filled with the attributes of a hundred people by Nami using the power of the Blood Fruit. Because Nami did not retain the physical strength of the pirates who came before, the extra blood was used on these queen's guards.

Of course, these people don't need to pursue good looks and figure. Put on the rubber metal armor that can only be made by Bellemeier, and cooperate with these people's already tacit understanding and proficiency in combat skills, they become the fierce things they are now.

"Cough...cough~~Damn it, I really underestimated the enemy..."

After coughing up a large mouthful of blood, Sanji also struggled to stand up from the ground. A terrible horizontal wound suddenly appeared on his chest. This was exactly what was caused by the sweep just now. If it weren't for Sanji tried his best to kick the ax blade at the critical moment. If he had used the force to actively move his body backward, he would have been broken into two pieces by now.

"Huh? You, this face! Are you the chef at the sea restaurant?!"

After taking a closer look, Arrita's pupils suddenly shrank: "I didn't expect that you chefs would actually dare to participate in this attack! Does it seem like you are the masterminds behind it?"

He raised his hand to wipe the bloody cut on his face caused by the broken glass. Sanji obviously knew that this was the serious consequence of underestimating his enemy. Compared with being discovered, the greater threat came from the implicated Sea Restaurant. And any excuses are absolutely useless. So... now it is obviously impossible to keep it.

The two hill-like Queen's Guards also silently took up their positions again. The cooperation just now has demonstrated their professionalism in combat. Naturally, there is no possibility of any carelessness or pity. The only way to execute orders is to ruthlessly execute them. its style.

"Professional combatants...I don't know why, now that I hear this statement, I feel very angry..."

Raising his hand to loosen the tie around his neck, Sanji also slowly lit a cigarette for himself. A trace of long-lost fighting spirit appeared in the eyes of the curly-browed chef: "But, it doesn't look like he's the same as that green-haired one." You’re the type who can dodge like a bastard!”

With the falling words, Sanji's figure also rushed forward. Since he had been forced into a desperate situation from the beginning, there was no reason to hide his secrets any more. He used his maximum moves to defeat the two so-called professional fighters in front of him. People are the reason!

Feeling Sanji's determination this time, the Queen's Guards, who bore the brunt of the attack, also cautiously assumed a defensive posture. The division of labor between the two was obviously clear, that is, one was responsible for attracting enemy attacks, and the other was waiting for opportunities to attack. A one-on-one professional fighting technique, so even Sanji almost capsized in the first place.

"Leg meat!"

A sharp sweeping kick hit the left knee of the Queen's Guard. Sanji undoubtedly adopted a completely different idea this time. Since he knew that the force of his attack on the opponent would be rebounded, this was actually an effective method. Utilization method.

Although the Queen's Guard is indeed powerful, its heavy armor and large size limit its agility. When it was still trying to lower its head to attack Sanji, the blond chef had already jumped up with the force of the armor's rebound. , and once again kicked his waist with a sweeping blow: "Loin!!"

Even with rubber-metal armor that is almost 90% resistant to blunt blows, the huge queen's guard still took a step back involuntarily. Even after being absorbed by the armor, the attack on his fragile waist and eyes still made him feel... Part of the imbalance is eliminated, and there is no doubt that this is the real attack launched by Sanji in anger!

Sanji, who jumped up high again, also saw the moment when the queen's guard was unable to block when he retreated. He spun with power in the air and kicked the temple of his helmet hard: "Shourou SHOOT." !!”

There is no doubt that since rubber metal has its advantages of deformation, it also bears corresponding weaknesses. If it is ordinary armor, when it withstands an attack, it will disperse the force around the body due to its insufficient deformation force. However, rubber alloy armor cannot do this. Although it can also have the hardness of metal and render sharp strikes ineffective, they After all, it will be too late to spread the force too much, so Sanji's blow to the temple also poured part of the force into the head of the guard without reservation!

Like a mountain collapsing suddenly, this guard, whose physical strength was a hundred times stronger than that of ordinary people, fell straight to the ground under this attack that targeted his weak points. This shocking scene undoubtedly affected the guard who was waiting for an opportunity, and he launched an attack with a sense of panic. However, Sanji, who was quite vindictive, obviously did not forget about this guy, the blond chef. The figure cleverly spun again in the air, dodging the opponent's hasty swings with dangerous distances, and then used the opponent's arms as a springboard to jump up again!

"Down with me too, you bastard! Skewers!!"

Like a spiral awl, he spun his body in the air and lunged forward. The part Sanji chose to attack this time was the chin of the guard. Like the temple, the chin is an almost insurmountable weakness of the human body. This guard hurriedly attacked because his companion fell. Wei, undoubtedly completely lost the chance to block, and was kicked up high in the head. His brain was undoubtedly violently vibrated by the strong force, and he fell on his back in a stiff posture after a few seconds. .


Looking at the two Queen's Guards who fell one after another in front of her in disbelief, Arrita was almost stunned. As the commander of the Guards, she knew very well how terrifying the power of these big men was, but she was actually killed. The guy in front of me who looked just like a normal person was defeated?


Pushing Keya at hand towards Sanji, Arrita rushed into the corridor on one side without looking back. The golden-haired chef in front of her could even knock down the Queen's guards, let alone her. . Now is not the time to complete your duties, but to try to save your life!

", are you okay..."

Keya was pushed and staggered, and it took him a while to react. Keya instinctively ran to Sanji and tried to pull the bloody rescuer up. He shook his head with difficulty. Sanji was obviously a serial offender now. There is no time for madness: "It doesn't matter to me, Your Highness Keya, please come with me to the dock, Usopp will be waiting for you there."

"I will definitely protect you and leave safely..."

(PS1: Well~~Sanji’s battle is over~~)

(PS2: It’s raining and cooling down again~~It’s most comfortable to get into the quilt and slumber~)

Extremely desperate

Clovel's expression was strangely frozen for a moment. It was like an angry feline beast that suddenly noticed something. She temporarily released her sharp claws on the prey under her feet, and then looked at him with a cold and dangerous look. Take the intersection on your left.

A young man with a green crew-cut hair was leaning against the wall at the intersection. He looked like a lazy street gangster and was picking out his ears with the little finger of his left hand. He was wearing three knives around his waist like a juggler. Saber, logically speaking, such a style of painting would not attract Clovel's attention at all in normal times, just like she would not care about the dust on the ground now that she is in a high position.

But that's obviously not the case now, because Clowell has been keenly aware of the green algae head's lock and fighting intention against her. It feels like being targeted by another beast. If Clovel was a cunning and ferocious black panther, then what she felt now was the challenging sight of a tiger.

"Who is it? I am Clovel, the finance minister of this country. What do you want?"

Calmly retracting the soles of her feet from Usopp's back, Clovel stood cautiously on the ground. Although she had full confidence in her own strength, she would never take the enemy lightly.

"Ah? Oh... Well, I am a pirate, and I am now obeying the captain's request... So, okay, stop talking nonsense, how about giving me the long nose at your feet?"

Sauron was obviously not interested in Clovel's self-registered number, and his slightly frivolous and scornful words clearly revealed his mood at the moment. It should be a little helpless, but he doesn't hate his actions at the moment.


Usopp, who was tortured to the point of dying, turned his head with difficulty to look at Zoro not far away, his eyes undoubtedly showed a sense of consternation, but he did not forget that when he begged the Straw Hat Pirate for help, The other party should have refused directly, but why did the swordsman who was with the other party appear here again at this time?

"Huh, pirate?"

The corners of Clovel's rosy mouth raised a sharp arc, and the beauty in black also raised her feet slightly, and then kicked off the high heels on her feet in a rather seductive gesture. Obviously, such shoes It's more than enough to chase down a weakling like Usopp, but if you really want to fight wearing it, it will still limit your own movement.

"I don't know what you are thinking, but the conclusion I can give you is... you!"

She raised her hands to push up her glasses frames, and there was a particularly violent look in Clovel's eyes: "It is impossible to leave this country alive!"


Sighing slightly, Zoro's eyes became cautious. The green algae-headed swordsman took off the black hooded cloth from his left shoulder and put it on. His tone was crisp and stern: "Roronoa Zoro!"

This act of showing her name was like the drum beat for the beginning of the battle. Clovel smiled slightly, but then she flew up with a kick and kicked Usopp, who was unable to resist, directly into the corner. Obviously , she has not forgotten Nami's order. What the other party asked for is to bring the long nose back alive, and she does not want to go against the other party's will again.


Looking at Clovel walking towards him slowly, Zoro couldn't help but feel his heart tightening: he seemed to have seen this pace not long ago!

As if to confirm Sauron's guess, Clovel, with a sinister smile on her lips, disappeared into the air the next moment, or to be more precise, the other party broke away from Sauron in an instant under her own high speed. His eyes were locked, and then he launched an attack that was so fast that it was almost impossible to see clearly!


The fierce and rapid sound of metal collision instantly broke the silence of the air. Zoro, who had almost no time to look back, had already pulled out Wado Ichimonji and Yukizai with his hands, and relied on the swordsman's instinct to cross upward to block the heavy blow from the cat's claw! Clover's figure has suddenly appeared behind Sauron, and her arms are in a posture like a pair of peaks piercing the ears. However, if someone else's double peaks hit the ears, the most likely would be to break the person's skull. , but if her cat claws with long sharp blades hit her hard, it is conservatively estimated that Zoro's head could be sent directly to the specimen room of the hospital for cranial sectioning.

"Silent step?!"

Feeling the chill on Clovel's cat's paws behind him, Zoro felt that the skin on the back of his neck was also covered with dense goosebumps. Normally, Clover's blow would not have caused him to react like this. However, not long ago, Sauron was crushed by another opponent who used the same method to crush him from behind. Pass. What I feel at this moment is simply like the resurrection of a psychological shadow.


Clovel didn't care about the failure of her first attack. It was just her test attack. Before Sauron could launch a counterattack, her elastic and slim body pulled her back again with a neat leap. After opening up a distance from Zoro, as someone who is good at movement speed, she obviously also needs some distance to launch faster attacks.

"Tch~! I should have thought of it earlier. Since that woman can do it, it's not surprising that you guys can do this."

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