"Huh..." The cat curled up between Yukinoshita's thighs. Under Yukinoshita's superb massage skills, it couldn't help but roll over gently, revealing its soft belly.

Yukinoshita looked at Kitagawa's adorable appearance, and her eyes suddenly lit up. She couldn't help but reach out her hand again...

Suddenly, Yukinoshita's body trembled violently.

It turned out that the cat's head was rubbing against Yukinoshita's thighs.

Because Yukinoshita was wearing a light nightgown with a short hem, the cat happened to be perched between Yukinoshita's thighs. The place where it rubbed was exactly the soft skin on the inside of Yukinoshita's thighs...

Yukinoshita's face flushed, and the cat's rubbing made her feel an inexplicable throbbing.

She patted the cat's head lightly, "Don't rub it!"

"???" Yukinoshita's words scared the originally coquettish cat out of time, and its whole body froze, as if the pause button was pressed.

Kitagawa the cat widened his crystal clear eyes and looked at Yukinoshita. He had a question mark on his face and an extremely innocent look.

"Yukino is so scary! It's obviously your method that's so scary. I subconsciously..."

"Ahem, ahem, no need to say... I'll be careful next time." Yukinoshita was a little embarrassed, and she interrupted Kitagawa hastily.

"Also, Yukino."


"Remember to wear safety pants next time. I saw all your panties. Yukino really has no sense of defense at all. However, the cat pattern on the panties is very cute."

After hearing this, Yukinoshita couldn't help but squeeze her thighs, and her cheeks were once again stained with a faint blush.

She glared at Kitagawa.



The man and the cat in the room didn't talk anymore. They were all immersed in this tranquility and harmony.

For a long time.

Dong, dong, dong.

It was a knock on the door.

"Ms. Yukino, breakfast is ready." Asukai's voice came from outside the door.

"Ah... OK, I got it, Miss Muji, thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, Miss Yukino, I'll go call Mr. Kitagawa."

"Wait... wait!"

"What's wrong, Miss Yukino."

"Well, you don't have to call Kitagawa, he's in my room..." Yukinoshita was a little shy.

"Yes, yes! I'm in Yukino's room."

"You two finally... Sorry, Miss Yukino, remember to be safe, it seems that I disturbed you, it's okay to get up later." An ambiguous and relieved chuckle came from outside the door, Asukai seemed to understand something, and then turned and left.

"Miss Muji, it's not what you think..."


"Okay, you go out first, I'm going to change clothes." Yukinoshita touched the cat's head reluctantly, and said to Kitagawa gently, with a hint of subtle shyness in her voice.

This is not to say that Yukinoshita is wary of Kitagawa. After all, they slept in the same bed with Kitagawa, the cat, and Yukinoshita was not opposed to physical contact between them.

But she still felt a little ashamed and embarrassed to change clothes in front of Kitagawa.

When she thought about Kitagawa sleeping with her twice and rubbing against her twice...

And she was misunderstood by Ms. Muji as having already made a fait accompli with the innocent Kitagawa.

Yukinoshita couldn't help feeling shy.

"I know, Yukino." Kitagawa answered obediently,

Then he looked at Yukinoshita with some confusion, "But Yukino, were you shy just now? Why are you shy?"

"Mr. Kitagawa, please don't ask so many questions. There is no reason to be shy."

"Are you shy because of what Xiao Muji said just now? But what she said doesn't seem to have any special meaning."

Yukinoshita was silent,

"Or are you shy because you have to change clothes? Well... It doesn't make sense. Those women didn't feel shy at all when they took off their clothes in front of me before."

"Mr. Kitagawa... Have you seen many women's bodies?" Yukinoshita's face changed slightly, and a cold breath emanated from her.

Because Kitagawa was still in cat form, Yukinoshita was looking down at Kitagawa at this time.

"Yes." After hearing Kitagawa's affirmative answer, Yukinoshita's heart sank.

Then came Kitagawa's explanation.

"I couldn't kill those female enemies before. In order to survive, they would take off their clothes, pose in some positions I didn't know, and say some inexplicable words. I really didn't understand, so I killed them without saying a word."

Yukinoshita was silent for a long time after hearing this,

Kitagawa's eyes were dirty...


"Ah... That's good, those women should be killed."

"Really, I think so tooWell, you are planning to kill me, and you think you can survive by taking off all your clothes. How can such a good thing happen in this world? So, Yukino, you don’t need to be shy about just changing clothes. "

"Whether I am shy or not has nothing to do with this. And, you idiot, you can go out now. It is common sense that boys should avoid girls when they are changing clothes." Yukinoshita replied unhappily.



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