Anomalous Collector

Chapter 274: The amiable lord of the prison

In the abyss beyond the prison, at this time, in addition to the first seven abyss powerhouses, three more abyss lords came.

They are monsters with thorns and spines all over their body, six legs and a long carapace tail, and a flat and sharp head, like a scorpion and a crab.

An existence like a puppet.

An old woman with a cat face, with slender fingers like cat claws, and a long mouse tail behind her.

This is the abyss powerhouse who came after he got the dream of the dream.

A full eight abyss lords, two supreme masters, met at the gate of the town prison.

Originally, they might have been enemies with each other, but in front of Zhen Prison, they had reduced their original temperament and became friendly, and even exchanged some news with each other.

Not long after the dream demon came out of the prison, he was standing in front of these abyssal powerhouses, persuading him to return.

"Now that everything is understood, the old gods are indeed recovering. The reality is very dangerous. The prison master is defending us against those crazy old gods and paving the way to reality. We don't need everyone's power for the time being."

"Even if you want to contribute to the prisoner, you have to look at the mood under the prisoner's crown. At present, it seems that the prisoner's crown doesn't want us to participate in it..."

"Conspiracy? What conspiracy? There is absolutely no conspiracy! It is really the resurrection of the old god. I saw it with my own eyes. Just now I killed a witch **** in reality..."

"Bringing? What bragging? I admit that my words may not be rigorous enough. The old gods are difficult to kill. The witch gods committed suicide. He was afraid of the prisoner's majesty, so..."

"I called you? When did I call you!? You don't want to spit people! I entrusted a dream to you that is just a reminder to you, how hard you have worked for everyone in the abyss under the crown of the prisoner, it is not for you to add chaos..."

"Really, go back, please, now the prisoner is very busy, and there is no time to see you. Besides, many of you have not returned from Jiyuan, since you have not followed the prisoner to the end, What kind of loyalty do you show now?"

"You forgot the temper under the prisoner's crown? Don't leave now, wait for the crown to come back to punish you? I'm a living example. I'm a prisoner in the prison. If you don't believe me, look at this circle, this chain! Are you afraid? Go back if you are afraid!"

"No, I didn't express any dissatisfaction with the lord of the prison. I just explained the fact. Besides, there are many old friends in the prison. The winter is warm and the summer is cool. I am happy...Go home, sincerely..."

At this time, the dream demon was almost crying without tears, and he couldn't care about the dignity of the supreme ruler. He directly put down the shelf and persuaded the abyss lords who had been despised by him.

How happy I was when I asked for my dream, but now it is painful to persuade me to return.

It’s just that his reputation in the abyss was originally known for insidious and cunning, and when he asked the dream, he specially left some specious hints, so that these abyss powerhouses who came to feel that there is absolutely great advantage in reality, dreams The devil is hiding from them.

Even though Mengmo persuaded him for a long time, he did not persuade him to go back.

Furthermore, he persuaded more and more. There were originally only seven abyss powerhouses, but after persuading them to become ten.

Maybe there are still people rushing here on the road now, after all, the temptation to dominate reality is something that many abyssal powerhouses cannot resist.

Thinking that the master of prison will enter the prison at any time, it is really difficult to explain at that time, it is too difficult to deceive the tyrannical and perverted master of prison by a set of lies, and the dream demon can't help it. Deep fear surged.

I can't take care of the face of any supreme ruler. I can only beg the abyss experts present to go back quickly, don't make me mess!

Speaking of the end, he even threatened directly, but in front of the prison, he really did not dare to use force.

At this moment, a thunderous rumbling sounded, and the closed prison gate slowly opened behind him, revealing a pale ghost wearing a crown of black fire, with a stern smile, looking at someone outside the prison. Powerful Abyss!

A gust of wind blew in the abyss, and the heads on the earth opened their mouths and screamed in terror to welcome the arrival of this pale ghost!

"The prisoner's crown!"

"Xia Mian Xia! Fortunately for Yin Yu to see the face under Mian Xia!"

"Honorable Lord of Prisons, our generation is willing to devote little effort to become your forerunner in leading the reality and destroying the old gods!"

"When will Mianxia return from Jiyuan? I failed to accompany you on the road to Jiyuan, please punish me..."

Really saw the legendary master of the prison, all the abyss powerhouses present immediately bowed their heads and saluted this pale ghost wearing a black fire crown, while expressing their admiration, or directly to the prison. Please sin.

Originally, the two supreme masters, Lord of Silver Desire and Lord of Shadow, were very arrogant and even prepared to fight against the Dream Demon. At this time, they saw the Lord of Prison Suppressor with their own eyes, and they immediately obeyed like two. Little cat.

Even the Supreme Master can only show his respect to the utmost when facing the prestigious Lord of Prison Surgeon.

Otherwise, another characteristic of the Lord of Prisons is his moodiness!

After all the abyssal powerhouses said their salutes to the lord of the prison, the area in front of the prison gate became silent.

The pale ghost that frightened them didn't say anything, but stood at the gate of the prison and looked at them slowly.

Just this gaze made the abyss powerhouses feel tremendous pressure.

It made them dare not breathe.

The body form is the master of the shadow of a ball of light, and it quickly reduces the brightness of the light, and the whole thing looks like a dirty woolen ball.

In the prison, Li Fan looked at the strange creatures in the abyss, with only one sentence in his heart:


The moment he opened the door just now, he almost jumped up in fright.

I won't breathe anymore.

What kind of stuff is this! ?

Why are there a group of people at the gate of the prison! ?

That monster that looks like a male goat, the hybrid of a scorpion and a crab, and the ball of light.

What is that group of eyeballs stuck together?

That is also a creature! ?

There is also the one that looks like a human, but is evenly cut into countless small pieces, and there are gaps between each piece of meat. What the **** is it! ?

With just these two things, after watching too much, the secret fear is committed!

As for the things that the upper body is a fish and the lower body is a young girl, as well as the tentacles tumbling in the clouds and the cat-faced old lady, they are relatively more amiable.

What makes Li Fan feel the pressure even more is that even in prison, he can feel that the weakest creatures in these abyss are the existence of the abyss lord level.

The human walking goat and the ball of light that were stopped by the dream demon should be two supreme masters!

Although I don't know what that ball of light is, it clearly exudes the aura of supreme dominance.

To get the supreme lord of the Dream Demon is already considered as a coax, and the prison is already a little weak, so how can I get through so many more! ?

Standing in the prison, Li Fan looked at the abyss creatures in front of him, and he could also feel the fear of these abyssal powerhouses.

Fortunately, after so many performances, he is now thoroughly familiar with the feeling of big brothers.

No matter what, let's stop this group of goods first.

He was still standing in the jail, with a clown smile on his face, and he continued to look at these abyssal powerhouses outside the door, without speaking, as if he were a statue.

Gently flicking his fingers, the power of suppressing prison has brought him that bronze sword.

Looking out of the corner of his eye, six patterns on the bronze sword were already illuminated at this time.

Not only the patterns that were originally used up are filled, but there are also three more patterns.

It looks like it should be the effect brought about by swallowing the core of consciousness of the wizard god.

Holding this bronze sword, Li Fan felt quite settled.

It's just that he didn't move, but still smiling, watching the abyss powerhouses in front of him.

A group of strong men in the abyss was frustrated by the master of the prison.

The reason why they stayed here is not because of their loyalty to the Lord of Prison Suppression, but mainly because they have heard some doorways from the hints of the dream demon before. They feel that going to reality should have a lot of benefits. They also want to rely on the suppression of prison. The Lord has a share.

Even if it is the master of the prison, facing so many abyssal powerhouses, he has to think about it... right?

At this moment, although the pale ghosts and charms appeared in front of them, they didn't even say anything. They just looked at them so quietly, making the abyss powerhouses wonder what to do.

Mengmo was even more anxious at this time, wondering if the prisoner could discover his role in this matter...

In the jail, Li Fan's face was about to smile stiff at this time, so why didn't this group of people respond?

He desperately needs to stand up now, but these abyssal powerhouses don't seem to be in the trap at all, and they don't even have an early bird.

As I was thinking, finally, the creature made of glued eyeballs squirmed quietly. A group of eyeballs squeezed each other and made a series of questions:

"Great Lord of Prison, may I ask reality..."

Before a word was finished, the pale ghost in the prison suddenly acted, and the bronze dagger in his hand that was like a toy swayed in an instant, and a stream of light gushed from the tip of the sword, hitting a bunch of eyeballs in front of him!

The violent power surging out from the streamer, directly blasted the eyeball monster into the air, and then burst into the abyss of the sky!

First, a ripple of energy spread in all directions, illuminating the gloomy sky, and then a scorching fireball flashed.

The energy contained in it can feel the scorching heat of that light even on the ground!

The eyeballs in the sky made a screaming noise, and at the same time they wriggled desperately, trying to resist the power of this sword.

Each eyeball shattered like bubbles, and then quickly recovered, looking like a pile of bubble tea exploded in a microwave oven.

Fortunately, the vitality of this eyeball monster is extremely tenacious. Although UU Reading is constantly exploding and recovering, resisting the erosion from that sword, the eyeballs that make up itself are only a small half of the original, and they are very shriveled. But seeing to survive.

At this moment, the Lord of Prisoners with a stern smile slashed out again, rushing into the sky, and completely annihilated the eyeball monster in mid-air in a flame and energy shock wave!

The eyeball dies completely.

The final screams disappeared completely, and the sky began to rain with ripe and bursting eyedrops, one by one falling on the ground composed of human faces, like expired pearls from a milk tea shop for free and no money.

The heads of a group of abyssal powerhouses at the gate of the prison were also smashed by a few scorched eyeballs, as if they were hit by hail, they all shrank their heads.

On the sky in this area, those eyes staring at the ground were all closed, as if it were a rabbit and a fox, with blood and tears streaming down the corners of the eyes.

The pale ghost in the prison jailed with the small bronze sword in his hand, his expression remained unchanged, and he smiled at the abyss powerhouses in front of him:

"Just ask."

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