Anomalous Collector

Chapter 297: Crazy head

Sucha was very happy to send those abnormally infected items to Lunwei.

This has been doing this for a while, and now he is completely embracing Director Renwei's thigh.

Speaking of which, although his uncle is a councillor, his uncle has five sons himself, and he has no turn to do anything with his nephew.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be reduced to a department like the Anatomy Department. On weekdays, he would be regarded as an uncle's congressman at best.

But once he climbed into the Renwei relationship, it was different.

Lunwei is not only the deputy director of the Royal Exorcism Bureau, but also a prince prince. With this status, he is already a figure of Siam.

In the future, he can also follow Feihuang Tengda...

Sucha felt refreshed, and soon came to a bar he frequented, went in and ordered a glass of wine, greedily looking at the women who were twisting their bodies under the sound of music, preparing to look for prey tonight.

At this moment, a gentleman in a suit and leather shoes suddenly came to him and said with a smile:

"Young man, alone?"

Su Cha froze for a moment, showing disgusting eyes, and said:

"Go away, I don't like ass!"

The man in the suit laughed and said:

"Misunderstood, I just think that you shouldn't be so decadent when you are so young. At your age, I can't even sleep well. If I want to get ahead, how can I indulge myself so much..."

His voice was impassioned and seemed to have a certain unique rhythm. Su Cha, who was about to find a girl to have a good day, suddenly felt a sense of shame in his heart.

He felt that the other party was right!

It is not right to indulge himself in this way, he is still young, he wants to fight, he wants to get ahead!

"You mean..." Su Cha looked at the other party and said with a trembling voice.

The man in the suit nodded solemnly and said:

"Yes, you should go to work! Only work can make you progress and keep you alive!"

Sucha trembled all over, struggling clearly in his eyes.

After a few seconds, his body stopped trembling instantly, as if his whole body had become powerful, he looked at the man in the suit and said solemnly:

"Yes, I should go to work!"

He wants to work, he wants to get ahead, and he wants to improve himself!

Can't indulge, can't indulge!

While thinking about it, Su Cha put down his wine glass, turned and left.

He is going back to work!

In his eyes, there was a figure of a pale child faintly at this moment.

Seeing Sucha leaving from the back, the man in the suit smiled slightly and sipped the whiskey in his glass...

Li Fan returned to the villa dormitory only after six o'clock.

There was no one in the two dormitory villas.

The investigators of Xia State's Anomaly Bureau, none of them came back at this time.

Originally, a group of investigators were very cautious. Li Fan took the initiative to launch a heart-to-heart conversation with them two days ago, so that everyone should not be too restrictive and relax after get off work, so everyone started to have a good night life.

Let the maid of the villa casually get some dinner to eat, and Li Fan went back to his room and closed the door.

He also explained that Bi Xian continued to help him summarize and find relevant information on the Internet. The power of the key to the prison in Li Fan's palm was activated, opened the bathroom door, and stepped in.

If it hadn't been for this time to awaken the ability to control the skull, he would have forgotten that there were more than a hundred shrunken heads waiting for him in the prison.

Originally because of the powerful power of the abyss lords and supreme masters that they controlled, the knowledge that these heads themselves mastered was just like that, and they had become tasteless.

Now it seems that it can still be used as waste, and play tricks.

No matter what, this cranial control technique is his own ability, this is the power that truly belongs to Li Fan himself!

And through this ability, various abilities can be extended, which must be mastered well.

In many moments when it is inconvenient for those who are strong in the abyss to show up, you still have to rely on yourself!

The musty and **** smell that belonged to the prison alone hit his face, and the pale ghost wearing a black fire crown stepped into the prison and walked to the study room where the heads were placed.

It seems that a long time has passed since I saw those heads last time.

But the exact time has been forgotten.

Just thinking about it, he has come outside the study.

Before I opened the door and entered, I heard a crazily eager cry from the study room:

"Footsteps! I heard footsteps!"

"Great demon, is it you? Is it you?"

"Oh my God, I haven't seen the light for too long. I hate the darkness to death. Under the crown of the great demon, please, let me see a ray of light!"

"Woo, great devil, you are finally back, I want to kill you!"

Since the last time the pale demon appeared and asked them something about Taoyuan Township, it has never returned and never appeared again.

Those heads on the bookshelf didn't feel anything at first, but were faintly glad that at least they would no longer be tortured and teased by the moody demon, and they could tell stories and chat with each other.

It's just that I can't stand it over time.

After all, they are just some heads on the bookshelf, unable to leave at all.

Belongs to the eternal prisoner.

No matter how many stories and secrets other people around you can tell, you will feel bored and bored after listening to more.

Because after all, it is a story from the past.

It belongs to the past, the time that has died.

To feel that they are still alive, they need what is happening now, they need to perceive the "now"!

At this time they finally felt deeply that the only thing that could connect them with "now" was that terrible demon!

Without the presence of each other, they are also similar to those heads that are confined in a box alone, except that they are collectively locked in this dark room.

Hearing the footsteps coming from outside the door, these heads, which had been tortured by the long-term darkness and emptiness, started screaming frantically, calling for the arrival of the devil.

The door of the study opened slowly, and the pale demon's shadow appeared in the looming red light outside.

Originally, this figure should make the heads feel terrified, but now there is only joy and gratitude.

If it hadn't been for them to have all dried heads and no water, they would have already burst into tears.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the pale demon stepping to the desk, lightly lighting the lighter, and lighting the candle that was as pale as corpse oil.

The long-lost light once again filled the entire room, driving away the frightening darkness.

The heads on the bookshelf immediately groaned like an aria, and one after another praised:

"Ah, great demon, you are finally back..."

"You are the light in the darkness and our endless hope, thank you for the great devil..."

"Please never abandon us again, ooh, we are lost lambs and need your guidance..."

"If God exists, if God exists, then he must be the devil you look like..."

The pale ghost wearing a black fire crown looked at the hundreds of heads on the bookshelf with a stern smile on his face.

These old pickles are already deeply PUA by him.

Originally, in Li Fan's eyes, these heads were basically useless except for being a memory of knowledge and information.

The effect is not as great as a mobile hard drive.

But now that the ability to control the skull is awakened, these heads have become naked arms.

Basically every head is considered a mobile hard drive turret.

However, although the PUA of these heads has been deep, it is still not enough, and they have to add fire to completely subdue their souls...

Thinking of this, Li Fan said:

"Humble human heads, you have tired me..."

Hearing the pale demon in front of him suddenly say this, all the heads were frightened, and even their souls trembled, not knowing what the demon in front of them meant.

They deeply understand that for the demon in front of them, they are nothing more than a bunch of toys, and they can't provide any benefit to the other party at all.

Now the other party is tired of playing, is it necessary to deal with them?

Directly thwart the bones and raise the ash?

Or throw it into a more terrifying place?

In this study, they occasionally heard a scream from unknown place. The cry made them frightened. Many people guessed that it might be the scream of purgatory in the legend.

No one dared to speak, and the whole study became silent for a while, and the heads looked at the pale demon in front of them, waiting for his hair to fall.

Just listen to the demon in front of them with a playful expression slowly saying the second sentence that shocked them:

"This is not a hell, and I am not a demon. Everything is just a lie for recreation."

Then the third sentence:

"This is the abyss!"

As soon as the voice fell, the power of the prison was activated, and the walls of the entire study became transparent in an instant, revealing the surrounding scenes.

In other words, it was Li Fan who used the power of the prison to project the entire scene of the prison together with the image of the abyss outside.

In the sky, there are dense blood-red eyes staring at the earth.

On the ground, there are weird human faces, like dense lumps growing on the ground.

The rooms in the distance around seem to be cells. In these cells, all kinds of weird and powerful mysterious creatures are held. Just looking at it makes people almost confused, as if endless sounds are ringing in the ears. Whispered.

Under the ground, there was a terrifying purgatory, and there seemed to be some miserable creatures, suffering endless punishments in it, and when I glanced at it, I immediately felt endless pain and fear.

The heads on the bookshelf desperately rolled their eyes to look at everything around them, but they felt that their spirits were on the verge of collapse.

They were afraid of all this in their hearts, but couldn't help but look at it. The endless whispers in their ears made them crazy.

All of a sudden, the heads on the bookshelf screamed crazy and chaotic. It was an instinctive reaction that the human spirit could not bear the shock of this horror!

In front of them, the pale ghost wearing a crown of black fire laughed wildly:

"Humble heads, welcome you to the prison town, standing in front of you is the great master of the prison town!"


(Thanks to the leader of the big brother reader 1242422539860848640 for the reward! It is still the leader to add updates, and the day after tomorrow, squeeze time to add updates~~Good night everyone~~~)

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